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1、新概念英语一册期末考试试卷o 一、单选 (本题共2分,每题分)从四个选项中选出一种最佳答案。 ( )1. wma_ f_ ould yolik?A. bote ;milkB. bottles; milkC. botes; mis D bottl; milks ( ) he studet go tote prk _ Day. . in ile B. o Children C. Cirens D.on Chire () Ther ant_ boks n th dsk.oeB. muh C. eD any ( )4.- Arn yu a student? _. A Ys, Im notB o,I C

2、. No, Im D No, Ido ( )5. Dont talk. or rothr _ hishomewk. A. doB. doing C.i ding Does ()6._ Lily n Lucy ke Beijn duk? .DoeB.D C. Are D. is ( )7. - I doike fis_ ccen.- dont like fsh,_ I lie hicen A.d; nd B. and; butC. ;butD or;and( ). Tere is _aer iny ga. ilyou plse gveme _?littl; ome B few; anyC.fe;

3、 omeD lile;an ( )9Lindaoften _ er hmwor ithe even,bu iseninshe_T . A. does ; watches B.s doing; watches C.oes ; is atchin D. isdoin; s waching()10- _oesyourfather ? - e i a work A. WhatB. C. hich D ( )11.Isti for Meiei n_ to wk. goig BI to goC. m gongD. meto go ( )12.Here is your coat Pleas _ .p n i

4、 B. wertC.put onD. t awayt( )3 I_kte.Its to _.A. ca; hard B can; har C.a ; easy . anot; hrd ()14We go scoo_Monday _ rida, so we can ave ago teekends. A.fro; tB o; o at; oD. ; on( )15. -Ae ou stng or wing? _ .Yes, Im writng BI otwitin C. m listenng D No, m no( )16 -Canou _hinese,M.Sith? - es, ut oly

5、littleA. tlk B. spa . telD. sy ()17-Howmany _ hee in t x? - Teresonly on A.tt B.potatoes C. tomaosD. raios()8.Jill s from_ , she is Amerin. A. Torono B. Paris C.LondonD.Nw Yk ( )19. T hneseeople _ grat and _. .i; friend B is ;riendlyC. e; friend D. are;findl ()20. I ant _ home.A to oB goi C. to go t

6、o go 二、句子翻译(15分)(局部翻译1分,整句翻译分) 1你能帮我找自行车吗? _ f mybike?2.谁教你们英语? _you Eglh? 2星期天商店这时关门了。 hesop_ a ths time of day onunday4.她没有铅笔。 He_peni. 25. 周杰伦是我最喜欢的歌星。Jay how m_. 26.步行有益于健康。 _ 2别这样传球。 _ 8妈妈正在整顿床铺。_ 29.她非常喜欢游泳。 _ 3.这辆自行车的价格是多少? _ 三、补全对话(本题共15分,每空1分 在对话的空白处填入合适的话语(也许是句子、词组、词),使对话意思完整。 ilogue 1: C

7、I helyo? :(3) _ I wnome s. : Certan (2) _ par oyouwat? B: I wnt wo kils.: Hre u are. (33)_?B: N. Adsomepls,please.: Ho manyapple? : Three ilo,ease. A: Here you a.B:(4) _? A: They re20yu 98 en. B: (35)_. : Taks.Goody Dialogue Zhang Hua: Hello! (6) _? il:y name is Bill. mfrom ondon. (7) _? hangu: I m

8、rom Shanhi.Bll:o y peak (38)_. Zha H: es. Tats ight.(39) _? Bi:I lik vey mu. Itsgret hangHua: (4)_?Bil: Oh, thpeopland the fo. ialogue3 Ann: Tereis a kit over tee.Bety:(41) _?An:Ovrte,in th ree. etty:Lts g aee. Oh, ts kie. An: Yes, s a newone.ety: (42) _? or? An: Mytesat hme. s broken. ItinkitsMie.

9、e can find hskie. Lesond sk h ty: Mik, i tis yo kte? Mike: (43)_., ye, itsme. Betty: er you are. You mut(44)_i. e: Thkyou vry mh. Betty and An: h rigt. ste! Tats h bell. Mke: (5) _or rEnglish clas 四、完形填空 (本题共10分,每空1分) 阅读短文,根据短文的意思,在每个空白处填入一种合适的词,使短文在构造和意义上完整。 Lucyand te(4)_ od fie Te ar Lucy anKate (47) _AmericsThy spek(48)


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