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1、2022年考博英语-大连理工大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题修剪树木可能是为了确保树木有一个所要求的形状或大小。传统上,电视一直是一种大众转播传媒。我们对电视最熟悉,因为它以一种相似的形式存在近50年了。你可以相信,一个作家付出的努力越大,写作效果就会越好,得到的回报也就越大。一个妇女当她扮演起多重角色的时候,她会感到更加幸福。很明显,在一种体制下,如果每一项决定都只是根据传统习惯来做,那么,社会就会很难进步。【答案】The purpose of pruning trees is to ensure that the trees have a designed shape or

2、 size.Traditionally, TV had been a kind of popular broadcast media. We are most familiar with television, for it is a similar form of existence for nearly 50 years.It is believed that the more effort a writer makes the better effect he would obtain and the greater results he will receive.A woman who

3、 plays many roles would feel happier.Obviously, in a system, if every decision making is based on traditional habits, the society would be very difficult to develop.2. 单选题Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really( ) of the reality that theyrepresent.问题1选项A.reflectionsB.demonstrationsC.

4、illuminationsD.reproductions【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。reflection “反映”;demonstration “示范”;illumination “照明”;reproduction “繁殖”。句意:许多试图向世界反映现实的小说,都反映了他们所代表的现实。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of ( )standards.问题1选项A.equivalentB.alikeC.uniformD.likely【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词

5、义辨析。equivalent “等价的”; alike “相同的”;uniform “统一的,一致的”;likely “很可能的”。句意:虽然他们服务好,但大多数小旅馆要比同等级水准的宾馆便宜。选项A符合题意。4. 单选题It is a curious paradox that we think of the physical sciences as “hard”,the social sciences as “soft”, and the biological sciences as somewhere in between. This is interpreted to mean that

6、 our knowledge of physical system is more certain than our knowledge of biological systems, and these in turn are more certain than our knowledge of social systems. In terms of our capacity of sample the relevant universes, however, and the probability that our images of these universes are at least

7、 approximately correct, one suspects that a reverse order is more reasonable.We are able to sample earths social systems with some degree of confidence that we have a reasonable sample of the total universe being investigated. Our knowledge of social systems, therefore, while it is in many ways extr

8、emely inaccurate, is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries. Even the folk knowledge in social systems on which ordinary life is based in earning, spending, organizing, marrying, taking part in political activities, fighting and so on, is not very dissimilar from the more sophistic

9、ated images of the social system derived from the social sciences, even though it is built upon the very imperfect samples of personal experience. In contrast, our image of the astronomical universe, or even if earths geological history, can easily be subject to revolutionary changes as new data com

10、e in and new theories are worked out. If we define the “security” of our image of various parts of the total system as the probability of their suffering significant changes, then we would reverse the order for hardness and as the most secure, the physical sciences as the least secure, and again the

11、 biological sciences as somewhere in between. Our image of the astronomical universe is the least secure of all simply because we observe such a fantastically small sample of it and its record-keeping is trivial records of biological systems. Records of the astronomical universe, despite the fact th

12、at we learnt things as they were long age, are limited in the extreme.Even in regard to such a close neighbor as the moon, which we have actually visited, theories about its origin and history are extremely different, contradictory, and hard to choose among. Our knowledge of physical evolution is in

13、complete and insecure.1.The word “paradox” (Line 1, Para. 1) means “ ( )”2.According to the author, we should reverse our classification of the physical sciences as “hard” and the social sciences as “soft” because( ).3.The author believes that our knowledge of social systems is more secure than that

14、 of physical systems because( )4.The chances of the physical sciences being subject to great changes are the biggestbecause( ) .5.We know less about the astronomical universe than we do about any social systembecause( ) .问题1选项A.implicationB.contradictionC.interpretationD.confusion问题2选项A.a reverse or

15、dering will help promote the development of the physical sciences.B.our knowledge of physical systems is more reliable than that of social systems.C.our understanding of the social systems is approximately correct.D.we are better able to investigate social phenomena than physical phenomena.问题3选项A.it is not based on personal experience.B.new discoveries are less likely to occur in social sciences.C.it is based on a fairly representative quantity of data.D.the records of social systems are more reliable.问题4选项A.contradictory theories keep emerging



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