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1、2022年考博英语-西北大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Johns evenings out are usually followed by a quick dash back to his own flat to finish his reading for the following days tutorial.问题1选项A.lectureB.reportC.quizD.discussion【答案】A【解析】根据句意可知,tutorial指辅导课,辅导材料。lecture 演讲,讲稿,教训;report 报告,成绩单;quiz恶作剧,随堂测验;discussion

2、讨论。选项A最符合原文语境,所以正确。2. 单选题Every Sunday evening there is a ( )of people around the pavilion in the park since it has become a regular site for an English corner.问题1选项A.congruenceB.congratulationC.congressD.congregation【答案】D【解析】congruence 适合,一致;congratulation祝贺,贺辞;congress 代表大会;congregation 集会,集合。句意:自从

3、这里成为英语角的固定场所后,每个星期天的晚上都会有很多人聚集在公园的亭子周围。选项D符合句意。3. 单选题The study of law, with its great number of cases, statutes, and contracts, can be a tedious process.问题1选项A.a curiousB.an overwhelmingC.a challengingD.a tiresome【答案】D【解析】句意:学习法律,由于它有大量的案例、法规和合同,可能是一个乏味的过程。tedious意为“沉闷的,冗长乏味的”。tiresome烦人的,无聊的,所以选项D与

4、之意思相近。4. 单选题Margaret Meads reputation was established with the publication of her book in 1928 and was enhanced by her many subsequent contributions to anthropology.问题1选项A.obscuredB.entrancedC.heightenedD.restored【答案】C【解析】句意:enhanced意为“提高,增强”。obscured掩盖,遮蔽;entranced着迷的,狂喜的;heightened提高,升高;restored修复

5、,恢复。选项C与之意思相近。5. 翻译题疲劳是人们向医生、朋友和亲人最常抱怨的问题之一。或许你认为在这个拥有各种节省体力的装置和方便的交通设施的时代。很少有人会有理由感到如此疲劳。然而,今天与用手捆干草,用搓衣板洗衣服的昔日相比,抱怨疲劳的人也许更多了。据医生们说,疲倦更可能是由于过少的活动所致,而不是过多的活动所引起的。情绪问题和烦恼,特别是忧郁和焦虑,显然是长期疲劳最常见的原因。【答案】Fatigue is one of the most common problems complained by people to doctors, friends and folks. Perhaps

6、you think that few would have reasons to feel tired in the era of full of all kinds of strength-saving device and convenient transport facilities. However, maybe more people complain about the fatigue nowadays than the old days when baling hay by hand and washing clothes with a washboard. As the doc

7、tor said, fatigue is more likely to result from too little activity, and not to be caused by too many activities. Emotional problems and trouble, especially depression and anxiety, are clearly the most common cause of chronic fatigue.6. 单选题All the off-shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they

8、 read ( )letters from their families.问题1选项A.sentimentalB.affectionateC.intimateD.sensitive【答案】B【解析】sentimental 伤感的,多愁善感的;affectionate 深情的,充满爱的;intimate 亲密的,精通的;sensitive 敏感的,易受伤害的。句意:所有的海上石油探测者读到家人写的充满爱的信时,都会情绪高涨。选项B符合语境。7. 单选题The grooms hand caressed the soft mane of the horse.问题1选项A.provokedB.comb

9、edC.struckD.fondled【答案】D【解析】根据句意可知,caressed指的是“爱抚,抚摸”。provoked激起,挑衅;combed梳理;struck罢工,打击;fondled抚摸,爱抚。选项D与之意思相近。8. 单选题The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only kid, who had been ( )for more pocket money all the time.问题1选项A.impressingB.importuningC.informingD.improvising【答案】B【

10、解析】impress 给人印象;importune强求,一再向某人要求;inform 告诉,通知;improvise 即兴创作。句意:这对夫妇一直试图满足他们唯一的孩子的所有需要,而孩子一直在不断地要求更多的零花钱。选项B符合语境。9. 单选题The use of robots and automated machinery has eliminated certain ( )factory jobs.问题1选项A.thrillingB.timidC.enticingD.tedious【答案】D【解析】thrilling 激动人心的;令人兴奋的;timid 胆 小的,羞怯的;enticing

11、有吸引力的,诱人的;tedious 沉闷的,冗长乏味的。句意:机器人和自动化机器的使用消除了某些单调乏味的工厂工作。选项D符合句意。10. 单选题Americans feel that using someones words in a research paper without referencing them is tantamount to stealing.问题1选项A.necessaryB.unbelievableC.acceptableD.equivalent【答案】D【解析】句意:美国人认为,在研究论文中使用某人的话而不提及他们,就相当于是抄袭。tantamount意为“等于,

12、相当于”。equivalent相等的,同意义的。选项D与之意思相近。11. 单选题I think that I committed a ( )in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.问题1选项A.blunderB.revengeC.reproachD.scandal【答案】A【解析】blunder 大错,愚蠢的错误;revenge报复,复仇;reproach责备,耻辱;scandal丑闻,流言蜚语。句意:我认为我在问她的时候犯了一个大错,因为她似乎被我的问题弄得很心烦。选项A符合语境。12. 单选题Imaginati

13、on and ( )of a manager will help make the business a success.问题1选项A.simplicityB.sophisticationC.innovationD.condescension【答案】C【解析】simplicity朴素,简易,天真;sophistication复杂,老于世故; innovation创新,革新;condescension谦卑,屈尊。句意:经理的想象力和创新将有助于商业的成功。选项C符合语境。13. 单选题His ( )life as a revolutionary made him highly adaptable

14、 to various kinds of hard living conditions.问题1选项A.erraticB.eccentricC.erroneousD.inured【答案】A【解析】erratic不稳定的; eccentric 古怪的,反常的;erroneous 错误的,不正确的;inured 习惯 的。句意:作为革命者,飘忽不定的生活使他能够适应各种艰苦的生活条件。选项A符合句意。14. 单选题He got after you to change your mind, didnt he?问题1选项A.wantedB.urgedC.persuadedD.forced【答案】B【解析】get after攻击,追击,催促。只有选项B有催促的意思,所以正确。15. 单选题Some scientists hypothesized that there are intellectual beings on some ( )bodies.问题1选项A.astronauticB.celestialC.as


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