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1、定语从句专项练习1. The tableis in the corner was made about 500 years ago.A. whichB. whatC. whe nD. who2. Mr. Smith,native Ianguage is English, can speak Chinese fluently.A. whoseB. hisC. whichD. that3.Oh, the wall hung a picture,color is blue.A. whoseB. of whichC .whichD. its4. It is the second timeyou hav

2、e made such a mistake.A whatB thatC whichD. whe n5. The mantalked to you just now is an engin eer of the computer compa ny.A. whoB. whichC. whereD. whe n6. Abraham Li ncol n,was born in Ken turkey ,studied law in his spare time and laterbecame Preside nt of the USA.A. whatB. whoC. whomD. which7. Tho

3、sehave any questi ons please put up your han ds.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. who8. Anyonebreaks the law will be puni shed.A. whoeverB. whomC. whoD. no matter who9. We re drawing the pemsand the dogwere in the book we read last night.A. thatB. whoC. whomD. which10. Susa n likes to keep a record of everyt

4、h ingshe sees on a jour ney.A. whomB. WhichC. whatD. that11. Mr. Joh nson said that Tianj in was the first cityhe had visited in China.A. whichB. whereC. thatD. what12. Who is the pers onis sta nding at the gate of our school?A. whoB. whichC. that13. Mr. Herpi n is one of the foreig n experts whoin

5、Chi na.A. worksB. is work ingC. are work ing14. Tom is the only oneof the students whoto Shanghai.A. have gone B. have bee nC. has bee n15. Air,we breathe every day, is around us all the time.A. thatB./C. which16have bought the same dressshe is weari ng.A. asB. thatC. whichD. whomD. has bee n work i

6、ngD. itD. thanD. had gone17. Yesterday she sold her car,she bought a month ago.A. whomB. whereC. thatD. which18. This girl is familiar to me; maybe she is the girl I met in the streetyesterday.A. whomB. whichC. asD. what19. Im not sure whether this is the book my brother read the year before last.A.

7、 whoseB. asC. whatD. which20. Can you lend me the bookthe other day?A which you talked B. that you talkedC you talked D you talked about用合适的关系代词或关系副词填空2. Peter talked about the books and teachers in flue need him greatly in theschool.3. Where did you meet Mr.Gree n?It was the hotel he stayed.4. Amer

8、ican students take part in a wide variety of after-school activitiesthey develop their social skills.5. The old woma n ofte n looked back on the past daysshe worked hard to make alivi ng.6. The mother tha nked the young man aga in and aga in, without help her sonwould have been killed by the passing

9、 car.7. Life is like an onion, sometimes makes you weep when you try opening it.8. The young driver from that bus company, was quite calm and brave in theface of dan ger, saved all the passe ngers on the bus.9. Am ong the many dan gerssailors have to face, probably the greatest of all isfog.10. Plea

10、se send us all the in formati on you have about the can didate for thepositi on.11. Happ in ess and successofte n come to thoseare good at recog nizing theirown stre ngths.12. I am looking forward to the day my daughter can read this book and knowmy feeli ngs for her.13. The days are gone physical s

11、trength was all you needed to make a living.14. Betwee n the lectures is 20 mi nu tes break, the stude nts can get relaxed.15. Her performances on the stage were perfect, made a lot of people admireher.16. A story I read two years ago, name I can t remember clearly, changed myidea about educatio n.1

12、7. The School Art Festival has set up a stage students can show their talents.18don t know the reasonyou lied to your parents, but you d better exp19.Whe n I looked in to their eyes, I found they did n , to ldame it would beuseless. But whe n I looked into yours, I saw kindn ess.20d skipped nearby G

13、uilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountaintops and dark waters of the Li River are pictured by artists in so manyChin ese paintin gs.三.单句改错(句中均有一处关系词使用错误,请改正)1. There are three people in my family and I m the only one child, who is very commChin ese families.2. Travelling abroa

14、d, you should follow the customs of the country where you are visiting.3. Remember, you can take the con test in China Daily n ewspaper, that is very popular among high school stude nts.4.1 will n ever forget the day on that we went to buy guitars in the guitar store.5.When you read the book, you d

15、better make a mark that you have a question.6.On the third floor there are two rooms, one of them is used as a meeting room.7.The couple will fly to France for their honeymoon on their first stop, which they plan to stay for three days.8.1 gave that boy so difficult a math problem which he coud n t work out.9. What do you think of the reason why he gave at the meeting yesterday10. Between the lectures is 20 minutes break, where the students can get relaxed.



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