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1、初级汉语口语语法总结(第一册) 第五课你在几班?1, “早上好!” “早!”A greeting is usually used in early morning before 10 am;早晨好 or 你(您)早 are used sometimes. The answer is also早上还,早晨好or你(您)早。2, “你多大? ”多大 is used to ask someones age, but not those older than you. 多大了 is also frequently used.3, “你在几班? ”几 is an interrogative word,

2、used to ask about the small amount, usually about a amount within ten.第六课现在几点?1. 时间表示法:1: 00 一点1:05 一点零五分 一点过五分1:15 一点一刻一点十五分1: 30 一点半一点三十分1:45 一点三刻一点四十五分1:55 一点五十五两点差五分差五分两点2. “今天星期几? ”There are seven days in a week: 星期天,星期日3. “上午从八点到九点五十分上口语课”:“从到”可以表示时间段,如:“从八点到九点”“从昨天到今天”“从十岁到十五岁”;也 可以表示距离,如:“从北

3、京到上海”“从这儿到那儿”等。The expression “从 至U” can be used to express a duration of time, for example, “从八点到九 点”“从昨天到今天”“从十岁到十五岁”;it can also be used to express a distance, for example, “从 北京到上海”“从这儿到那儿”,and so on.4. “二”和“两”“二”和“两”都表示“2”,说数目时用“二”,如:“一、二、三、四”;量词前面用“两”, 如:“两个人”“两点” “两天”;十以上百以内的“2” 一般用“二”,如:“十二个

4、人”“二十二 点”“三十二天”,不用“两”。The words 二 and “两” both mean two”. “二 ” is used in counting numbers: one two three four; while 两” must be followed by a measure word, such as “两个人” “两点” “两天”.For number between ten to a hundred, “二” is often used instead of 两”,for example: “十二个人” “二十 二点”“三十二天”.5. “该上课了”:“该了”表示

5、按照时间或常理应该这样。比如:The expression “该了means it is expected”; most likely; probably. For example:“该起床了”“我该走了”“今年他该毕业了”。第七课食堂在哪儿?1. “请问”:询问时的客气语,如:Used to inquire something politely, for example:“请问,教室在哪儿? ” “请问,现在几点?”2. “不用谢”:“不用谢”是对“谢谢”的回答,“不用”表示不需要。比如:“不用谢” is used in response to “谢谢。“不用 ” means it is n

6、ot necessary, for example:“我知道了,你不用说了。”“你不用担心。”3. 简单的方位词:旁边、左边、右边:常用在名词的后面表示方位,比如:“银行的旁边、教室的左边、杰夫的右边”。常见的简单方 位词还有:“上边、下边、前边、后边、里边、外边”等。在这些方位词中,“边”一般可以换 成“面”。直接连接在有些名词的后边时,常常省略“边”或“面。比如:“家里、桌(子)旁、 椅子上、房间外、门前”等。注意,不能说:“桌子的旁”,只能说“桌子的旁边”或者“桌子 旁(边)”。Often to indicate location after a noun, for example, “

7、银行的旁边、教室的左边、杰夫的右边”.The simple nouns of location are as follows: “上边、下边、前边、后边、里边、夕卜边” and so on, in which, “边” can be replaced by “面” .However, when some nouns precede them directly,“边” and “面” are often omitted. For example, “家里、桌(子)旁、椅子上、房间外、门前” and so on. Attention: you can only say桌子的旁边” or “桌子旁(

8、边)”,“桌子的旁” is not correct.4. 指示代词:这、那、哪指示代词“这、那”分别表示近指、远指,“哪”表示疑问或者虚指、任指。“这、那、哪”用 在量词或者数量词的前边时,口语里常常说成“zh仓i、nei. nei,比如:“这本书”“那两个人”“哪辆自行车?”The demonstrative pronouns “这、那” refer to near and far respectively. “哪” indicates interrogative tone, nonspecific or indefinite. When 这、那、哪” are used before cla

9、ssifiers or measure words, theu are often pronounced as “zhei、 nei nei in spoken Chinese. For example:“这本书”“那两个人”“哪辆自行车?”第八课一共多少钱?1. 人民币的单位和读法:10.55十元五角五分 在口语里读成:十块五毛五(分)0.12 一角二分 In oral Chinese: 一毛二(分)2.05两元零五分两块零五分2.10两元一角两块一(毛)3.50三元五角三块五(毛)150.00 一百五十元一百五十块2. “黑的、蓝的都有”:“黑的、蓝的”在课文中分别表示“黑的自行车、蓝的自

10、行车” “的”后面省略了谈话双方共知 的或已出现过的名词成分。“的”用在形容词、名词、代词、动词等后面,可以代替上文所说的人 或物。比如:“black ones, blue ones ” represent the black and blue bikes. The noun after the word“的” is omittedbecause it is understood by both parties or it is being mentioned above. The word 的” following an adj., a noun, a pronoun, or a verb

11、represents someone or something mentioned above. For example:“这两支笔一支是我的,一支是他的。” “我买点儿吃的。”3 量词:个、辆、种:汉语的数量和名词之间一般需要一个量词。比如:There is often a measure word between a numeral and a noun. For example:“一个人”“两辆车”“三种自行车”4 “我买了一辆蓝的”:这里的“了”用在动词的后面,表示动作的完成。比如:The word 了” is placed after a verb, which indicates

12、the accomplishment of the action. For example:“昨天我去了北京。” “明天下了课一起去吃饭吧!”第九课你有什么事?1. 号码的读法:读号码直接读每个数字就行了,要注意的是,“1”在号码中常读作“yaol”,为的是清楚滴 区别“1”和“7”。比如:Read each number directly, but 1 is ofen read as yao, in order to distinguish 1 and 7:103房间 311路公共汽车675211112. “看看”“玩玩”动词可以重叠,表示动作的时间很短或者表示动作比较轻松、随意,有时候也表

13、示尝试。 单音节动词重叠的形式是AA,如:看看,说说,听听,问问;双音节动词的重叠形式是 ABAB,如:休息休息,介绍介绍;还有一类双音节动词的重叠形式是AAB,如:散散步, 睡睡觉。重叠的动词一般不能做定于或状语。Verbs can be reduplicated to indicate the briefness of the action, or the relaxed or casual nature of the action, sometimes it indicates a trial. One-syllable verbs are reduplicated in the for

14、m of AA, for example:看看,说说,听听,问问;two-syllable verbs are reduplicated in the form of ABAB, for example: 休息休息, 介绍介绍;another type of two-syllable verbs are reduplicated in the form of AAB, for example: 散散步,睡睡觉.Generally speaking, the reduplicated verbs cant be used as attributes or adverbs.3. “我就是”:这里的

15、“就”表示情况是这样,不是别的情况,有强调的作用,用在动词前面。如:The word 就” means exactly or precisely. It precedes a verb for emphasis. For example:“二班的教室就在这儿。” “这个人就是他哥哥。”4. “祝他生日快乐!”别人过生日时常说的祝福的话,如:“祝你生日快乐!”“祝”也常用在别的祝福的话前面, 比如:The expression is often used to celebrate ones birthday. For example, “祝你生日快乐! ” the word “祝” can also precede other blessing, for example:“祝您身体健康!” “祝你学习进步!” “祝新年好!”第十课她病了1. “怎么了?”“怎么”在这里是询问状况,也常用来询问性质、方式或某种情况发生的原因。如:Used to inquire the situation, can also be used to ask about the features, ways, or cause. For example:“你怎么来的? ”- “坐飞机来的。”“他怎么了?” - “他病了。”“他怎么没来? ”- “他今天有事。”2.


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