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1、新概念英语第三册 12 课后作文原则答案NCE -1-19 1:5:12 阅读580 评论1字号:大中小订阅 esson 1 A pua at lagey to CopstonAosible anrMRS Sone spent the whole morig piking laceries in the coutryside nar ehe. Itwas nearly lunch time, so se decided torrn home for lunch. She as justking up her baskethe she har a ose in t bushe. Thenshes

2、 ananima ic loed like a cat. h knew it wano a cat cus wassoae. The animl sudnly tudround o o t her ndshe thugtit wa going ocomtwrds hr nd perhaps tck her. She droped her basketad cramed lodly.earg hesoun, th anima dppaed ito the bushs, aftwhich Ms. Stoe picke up er aetandrn allhethway home.Sh told e

3、r neighbor tha shed seenapumain the untrside,uhey did ot blieve her She als elepned th plic utte din believher ier (148wors)Lson2 Thireen equals oeKey toCopositionA possibleansweA ticy busessWe wereused t herg our hur bell striking the hours i ur ml vae. r slong sany oldremmber,the bell had sruck th

4、ou y an night Hoevr, one night thecurch bll emine snt an thenext onin w saw tat telock had stopped at xactyoe . . Our clo was learlydaaged, but n oncul exlain howthishad hapeed. Ameih a toh, u via limno the church toer t se hat w ging o e heard oud buz s e wet owads t cloc and inheorclight e odit ad

5、 een ivdd bee. was uckythey didnt stinghi! He son hs trc into thegrea bell and saw that it was full of x and ey No woner it wasnt worin! beekepr a cad in todeal wth th siuaon.emdialy removd h quen be oeof hi beevesnd the oher bee olowd. The lo as cleaned and was son wrkn gan. We not onlynjod hearing

6、 trike te ors ayandnight,but e nj etin the hone as wl. (195wors)Lson3 A unknwngddessKy to CmositionA posible aneAfter walkinround the ancit city,he archaeoogist dscoved nncient empl.Tis tele adobvioslyben aplace wrshpbecaus it conied aacdroom neerng th sacoom,te caologits foundhe clyfgments of ten s

7、tte, eachf which wsa ods wih a nce been antd. fter his, orkmn begadiging adsoondscovred the hea of a satemonremain datig fom the fifth century B. . y also found the bod o thissatuamng rmains fr te fiftenth entur was a moen-looig woman. She h her nds onhr ips nd she was wearing a full-legth krt Altho

8、ug the arhaeologits trid verhard to identify her, e re nabletofi u her ae. (14word)Lesson 4Th oubeife flfrde lgsKey t omposionAssib asweNarly aghtnornin lf n three ohr dutn werecolectingrubbish n erto treet and they stopedote rs. Frots houseThought Alf didn knoi, hiswife siing rs frosat th ime Sh an

9、d Mrs. Frowered friends,thouh rs. Fos had ner me lf. Ale wajus getng ot f the duscart to go intoMs rosts bcyard en he saw his ie laving .rohuse. Hequiy retrneto h dutcart ad hidin e drivigcabi Wl he asidin, his elwdusmen hd m by collecngMrs Frostsubish eanwhle,Alfswife n Mrs.Frottaled on thedortp. I

10、t lookd as toughheir conversation ould ernd! t st rs Bogg d goodbetoM rost Sh wav to onef he dmenhom sherecnize nd se went owads the dustcar togrt im.Tedstman wv bak adgaveher abigsmle ashe uscart drov offrs Bloggs stood n t pavmentand wac t dustart disappard the stret. Then she bean o wa hme. ”Is a

11、llht, Alf, ”is fied si.”Se cnt see ou no. ”“Thnks, im,”Alf aid ”Thaw lc escape!”(200ords)Lsn h actsKy tomostionA posibl answerThe journit contdhe numbe of tep a he wearily climbedp to te highwal surouding theresid alae On arriving athe main gae,he sdwnto et hibrathbackHe thn rduced a tpe msur iorder

12、 to masure the wall. Wiehe wasbsyeaurng wall, a policema apprached iandasked him hath was din.hough th orlit exlnd he as rpotr nd his editor d sed him o indouthe exa height ofthe w,thepoicman reuto bleve him. e arresed an nt tprsn beaue thepoic touht tt he ghtbe a syor migt evn want to asasinatetheresin hn e onalst nisedhe w innocn, he made tns wrseforhimlfThi prove h po tat the an craily was gilty and drve ostyn prn indefini


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