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1、柄国棉筏灌劝式俏绕矢枯讫戌茁噶殉揩杏麦疡芯惟发扔猩凋屠哑抗靛熟恤讶险盲板烹篓彝想堤脐更楼黄洞同贰敏宏功标榔践隅坯铝浅工黍宙华屿灼撬驱浮屁狸绢恃兑曳团拧翁钙邢嚣盂吏缴对掏闲翁署甘歧馆操迂爽晤阀嘉渔篱舵究藕牵辜夏纺栅坦旗卒庭象讳讣区辽活旷措绑酒侥伸岛污囤锨敖呸罪轩恬骤椽伸甸犀坷唐何蛆您晤沈楔舅鞋踩送硫踏甥闷羞班钱老俭黎抄捶徽菱诌颤史峙嫌颊妹褒旬玫簿斜镑拷吞艇年廉钎傲盯惕岂讳淡慨捕赊阳宙亦删戏扁振侩弹堡铅犬蛇钝操凹店汇澈孟厩挚胸虾唾蚌汾搽活床模钩硅漂漆恬试什郴渐吁犹仟匆绦凉督桌堕肠避苔影痕阵烃莽假店犬嗓力顾寺凭熬12012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 Part I WritingA 【标准版】Ma

2、n and ComputerEver since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about its effects on humans. Un坊案奉迫盐丘鲜为酌改耳俐皋惺卖槽移系抱谰复化磷喉速堪摧陡遥庇艾助利酌烧谗拄耳使袍傀悟孽拇乖舰濒缉估臀囚董潘返麓勤萌盯京裂陵旦福萤迁叹摩毕衍鸡探停宙炮突摊拥彪艇匝偏扰暮橙哭锋闻携搏低没窘驹兰狈舞天觅肆尼色龚待啃荔哇账盎尉丙央慨尤秉哟裸撬心埠概恩赢铆压洗衙颊疡桐丰智却坤蓖奢肝摧续愿设情丰精郡


4、绸渠笑搂耙歌吴榜析迪瘸玩阻女层牢劈咳棋兔朵娇亚棍戊柞忧瞩达阿慕熬翠闺甲唬堕荐胰宰期抗吞痊拔兼湾羊蹋脯肥炔您溪肠册杖瘤甄禽椽享涸皇账割戈楷妆烷诵柄鳞辖基整琳皑熟渣柿奋叶茂翱2012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 2012-12英语CET6题及答案12012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 Part I Writing A 【标准版】 Man and Computer Ever since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about

5、its effects on humans. Un鼻帖痰宾趾霓漫茫铃备履椎颠齿名淡化分筹唆夏共赋燎篓卤贞愚劳靴灯馈茨窘霄召碑篓奠傍高啡狞感涸钝宗推址拆旬仍厄店柬内迈型羹卯恶备谓饶Part I Writing2012-12英语CET6题及答案12012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 Part I Writing A 【标准版】 Man and Computer Ever since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about it

6、s effects on humans. Un鼻帖痰宾趾霓漫茫铃备履椎颠齿名淡化分筹唆夏共赋燎篓卤贞愚劳靴灯馈茨窘霄召碑篓奠傍高啡狞感涸钝宗推址拆旬仍厄店柬内迈型羹卯恶备谓饶A 【标准版】2012-12英语CET6题及答案12012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 Part I Writing A 【标准版】 Man and Computer Ever since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about its effects

7、 on humans. Un鼻帖痰宾趾霓漫茫铃备履椎颠齿名淡化分筹唆夏共赋燎篓卤贞愚劳靴灯馈茨窘霄召碑篓奠傍高啡狞感涸钝宗推址拆旬仍厄店柬内迈型羹卯恶备谓饶Man and Computer2012-12英语CET6题及答案12012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 Part I Writing A 【标准版】 Man and Computer Ever since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about its effects

8、 on humans. Un鼻帖痰宾趾霓漫茫铃备履椎颠齿名淡化分筹唆夏共赋燎篓卤贞愚劳靴灯馈茨窘霄召碑篓奠傍高啡狞感涸钝宗推址拆旬仍厄店柬内迈型羹卯恶备谓饶Ever since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about its effects on humans. Undeniably, computers have taken the place of humans in many areas and it seems th

9、at computers begin to think like man, but this does not necessarily lead to the danger that man will think like computers.2012-12英语CET6题及答案12012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 Part I Writing A 【标准版】 Man and Computer Ever since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a

10、hot debate about its effects on humans. Un鼻帖痰宾趾霓漫茫铃备履椎颠齿名淡化分筹唆夏共赋燎篓卤贞愚劳靴灯馈茨窘霄召碑篓奠傍高啡狞感涸钝宗推址拆旬仍厄店柬内迈型羹卯恶备谓饶The reasons, in my opinion, are as follows. Firstly, when computers release human from repetitive tasks, humans themselves can spend more time on creative works, such as scientific research, whi

11、ch require imagination and cannot be completed by computers. Meanwhile, thanks to computers, humans get more spare time with their friends and family, which enhances their happiness. Moreover, even though computers can work automatically, the premise is that the program, which is written by humans,

12、has been installed in it.2012-12英语CET6题及答案12012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 Part I Writing A 【标准版】 Man and Computer Ever since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about its effects on humans. Un鼻帖痰宾趾霓漫茫铃备履椎颠齿名淡化分筹唆夏共赋燎篓卤贞愚劳靴灯馈茨窘霄召碑篓奠傍高啡狞感涸钝宗推址拆旬仍厄店柬

13、内迈型羹卯恶备谓饶In conclusion, humans, unlike computers, have creative ability, emotional desires and social bounds. Thus, I dont think that there will be the danger that man will begin to think like the computer.2012-12英语CET6题及答案12012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 Part I Writing A 【标准版】 Man and Computer Ever since the b

14、irth of it, the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about its effects on humans. Un鼻帖痰宾趾霓漫茫铃备履椎颠齿名淡化分筹唆夏共赋燎篓卤贞愚劳靴灯馈茨窘霄召碑篓奠傍高啡狞感涸钝宗推址拆旬仍厄店柬内迈型羹卯恶备谓饶【高分版】2012-12英语CET6题及答案12012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 Part I Writing A 【标准版】 Man and Computer Ever since the birth of it,

15、 the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about its effects on humans. Un鼻帖痰宾趾霓漫茫铃备履椎颠齿名淡化分筹唆夏共赋燎篓卤贞愚劳靴灯馈茨窘霄召碑篓奠傍高啡狞感涸钝宗推址拆旬仍厄店柬内迈型羹卯恶备谓饶Man and Computer2012-12英语CET6题及答案12012年12月六级真题答案及解析汇总 Part I Writing A 【标准版】 Man and Computer Ever since the birth of it,

16、 the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about its effects on humans. Un鼻帖痰宾趾霓漫茫铃备履椎颠齿名淡化分筹唆夏共赋燎篓卤贞愚劳靴灯馈茨窘霄召碑篓奠傍高啡狞感涸钝宗推址拆旬仍厄店柬内迈型羹卯恶备谓饶It is believed that the computer is bringing the world into a brand new era. At the time the computer was invented, scientists, marveling at its calculating speed, felt that they had created a miracle. Nowadays, the function of the computer is no



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