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1、陕西旅游出版社小学英语五年级下册教学设计Unit5 Whats the Weather like Today?第一课时教材分析 本节课教授的内容是陕西旅游出版社小学英语五年级下册Unit5 Whats the Weather like Today?第一课时。本单元谈论的话题是天气及其衣着。本节课是在四年级下册Unit3 Is It Snowing?中所学的天气词汇及句型的基础上,结合本册第二单元描述四季天气情况词汇hot, cold, fine, warm, cool之后,进一步学习描述天气的形容词sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, snowy。通过学习,使学生能在相应的

2、语境中灵活运用所学词汇谈论天气,并能在不同的天气里应该注意哪些情况提出合理建议。通过本单元的学习,帮助学生积累与天气有关的词汇与句型,使学生能在日常生活中熟练运用所学语言知识进行简单的交流,并为下一单元My Holiday外出旅行前了解天气情况做好铺垫,在本册教材中起到了承上启下的作用。设计理念 1.以能力为宗旨,层层突破。本节课在自由交谈中创设情境从而自然地引出天气话题,利用课件和歌曲引出单词sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, snowy。以活动形式引出天气情况这一话题,实现由单词教学自然过渡到句型教学的目的。2.联系生活实际,体现语言的交际性。通过引导学生讨论部分城市

3、的具体天气情况,要求学生用所学英语实现由课堂语言向生活语言的转变,提高学生的英语交流能力。3.渗透情感教育,培养人文情怀。增强学生学习英语的兴趣与自信心,体验学习成就感,形成积极的学习态度。引导学生养成良好的学习、生活习惯,树立保护环境的意识,并且付诸行动,把英语教学与情感教育有机结合起来,实现情感的升华。 教学目标: 1.知识目标:(1)能听懂会说、会认读单词sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, snowy, weather report (2)能听懂、会说、会读、会用句型Whats the weather like today? Its 2.技能目标:学会用英语描述不同

4、地区的天气状况及衣服穿着情况。 3.情感目标:(1)增强学生学习英语的兴趣与自信心,体验学习成就感,形成积极的学习态度。 (2)引导学生养成良好的生活习惯,树立环保意识。教学重、难点教学重点:(1)能听懂会说、会认读单词sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, snowy, weather report (2)能听懂、会说、会读、会用句型Whats the weather like today? Its 教学难点:学会用英语描述不同地区的天气状况及衣服穿着情况。教学准备:课件、图片、希沃白板课堂游戏等。教学过程:Step I. Greeting.T:Good afternoon

5、, boys and girls. Im very glad to see you again. Are you happy?Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Chen. Yes, Im happy ,too.T: Im very glad to see you again. Are you happy?Ss: Yes, Im happy ,too.设计说明上课开始,师生进行简单交谈问好,可以拉近师生之间的距离,营造了轻松、和谐的学习氛围,使学生很快进入学习英语的状态。 Step II. Revision. T: Which season is it now? S1:Sprin

6、g.T: How do you feel in spring? S2:Its warm . T:We can use warm, hot, cool and cold to describe the weather. Today we are going to talk about the weather again. Now look out of the window, look at the sky. What can you see in the sky? Ss:There are many clouds in the sky. T:So its cloudy today. 设计说明师

7、生用英语进行了简单地交谈,即创设了自由交谈的情境,又让学生初步了解有关天气的话题。 Step III. Leading in.Sing a song all together. Whats the weather like todayT:What did you hear from this song?S1:Sunny.S2Sn: Whats the weather like today ?(教师板书课题)设计说明通过歌曲给学生创设情境,让学生再次了解有关天气的话题并引出新课。 Step IV. Presentation. 1.Learn new words: (1)weather repor

8、t 借助问题How can we know the weather?让同学们思考并归纳总结出知道天气情况的途径,并引出新词汇weather report。We know different places, different weather. How do you know the weather?(internet, mobile phone, watch TV, watch the weather report.) 渗透语音知识weather ea e sweater th father 设计说明通过观察、体验、实践去帮助学生了解字母组合ea th的正确发音,借助以前所学单词sweater

9、,father让学生正确读出单词weather,从而帮助学生逐步形成有效的语音学习策略。(2)sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, snowy T:(创设情境)Look out of the window,whats the weather like today? Its . What can you see in the picture? We can see the rain, so its rainy today. 其他单词教授方法同上。设计说明创设情境,恰当引出所学新单词,学生记忆深刻,有利于学生理解所学词汇。2.Listen and read. (学生边听录音,边

10、跟读。) 设计说明这一教学环节再一次复习和巩固了本节课的教学内容,跟读磁带,也能使学生接触、模仿地道的英语发音。 3.巩固所学单词 Play a game.(1)Find the right words(2)Find the nouns and verbs(3)Find the adjectives.(4)Look at the pictures, describe the weather as quickly as the students can. 设计说明这种教学方式能促使学生在学中用、用中学,形象直观,生动有趣。Step V. Practice 1.Talk about the wea

11、ther and clothesIts Youd better take/put on/wear2.Students put the clothes picture beside the weather signs.Warm tips T:We have different weather, so youd better take care of yourselves. 设计说明将图片贴在相应的天气符号旁边, 学会用英语描述不同地区的天气状况及衣服穿着情况。3.Pair work Whats the weather like in today? Its4.Dissus the weather

12、report.Goodmorning.Thisistheweatherreport.ItssunnyinBeijing.Youdbetterwearyoursunglasses.5.Discuss and make a weather report in class. (To be a little weather reporter)(1)The teacher gives the model. (2)Some students make a weather report in class. 1) Make the weather reportaboutChinesecities.2)Make

13、 the weather reportabouttheworldcities.设计说明鼓励学生将所学语言运用到实际生活中,训练学生的口语表达能力,让学生体验到学习的乐趣与成就感,让学生讨论世界各地的天气更能激发学生的学习积极性,体现了在“学中用,用中学”的原则。Step VI. Emotionaleducation. The earth is our beautiful hometown. But there is some environmental pollution. What can we do? We can plant trees and grass, we can go to s

14、chool by bus. Environmental protection from me, from you, from all of us. Then we will have a better environment, better weather and a better life. 设计说明通过浏览环境污染的一些图片,引导学生养成良好的生活习惯,树立保护环境的意识,并且付诸行动,把英语教学与德育教育有机结合起来,实现情感的升华Step VII. Summary. (看看哪一组的笑脸最多,评出今天的获胜者。) T:Now lets look at the blackboard .Wh

15、ich team is the winner? Ss: Team T: Congratulations! 设计说明小结小组评价结果,引导学生有一个正确的评价导向。 Step VIII. Homework.1. Drawsomeweathersigns2.Watch the weather report tonight, discuss and write down the weather about five cities. Then make a weather report in class next time. 设计说明开放型作业,为学生在课余时间继续用英语交流创造机会,使课堂知识得以延伸。Blackboard design:Unit 5 Whats the weather like today?Group1 Group2 Group3



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