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1、典点新课七年级下英语第7单元达测验题配冀教第七单元达标测验题 第卷 听力部分 一、听句子填空,每空一词 1.I like football_. 2.Bob is_basketball_. 3.They_fun watching them paly table tennis. 4.Jenny_Bob how to_table tennis. 5.Jack and Mike help_ _. 答案:听力材料: 1.My favourite sport is football. 2.Bob is on the School basketball team. 3.They watched them p

2、lay table tennis and had a good time 4.Jenpy is good at table tennis,so she helps Bob. 5.Jack helps Mike play basketball and Mike helps Jack play football. 1.bost 2.a;player 3.had 4.teaches;play 5.each other 二、听句子选择正确的应答语 1.A.Id like watching ball games. C.That was my favourite game 2.A.Catch! B.Her

3、e it is! 3.A.Here you are. 4.A.He catches it! B.Here it goes! B.I will watch a football match D.Everyone played well. C.Here it goes! D.OK! C.Catch it! D.Great!Lets take it! D.His team played well D.At four forty C.He is good at it. B.He hurt himself 5.Forty to forty B.Its four forty C.Forty 答案:1.Wh

4、at will you do this evening,Jenny? 2.Throw the ball at the net like this. 3.I need a new T-shirt. 4.What happened to your brother yesterday? 5.How many people are there? B D A B C 三、听短文,选择最佳答案 1.How was the weather?It was_. A.cold B.snowy 2.Where did Maria go on Monday? C.sunny D.rainy She went to_.

5、 A.the beach B.the mountains 3.How many museums did she visit? A.One B.Two C.Three 4.When did she visit her friend? A.On Monday. B.On Tuesday 5.She had a/an_time. A.sad 答案: B.bad C.the movies D.Four D.visit an old friend C.On Wednesday D.wonderful D.In the evening C.awful Maria had a wonderful vatsl

6、ion.She went Hawaii.Marialikes fruit.and the Hawaiiao bananas and Oranges were great.The weather was very good too.On Monday,she went to thebeach and visied four musums.The museums were interestingand very crowded. on Tuesday she went to the mountains.onWednesdav she vished an old friend.They went t

7、o the movies to-gether.The movie was very funny.The vacation cost$50,000,but Maria had a wonderful time. C A D C D 第卷 笔试部分 四、词汇 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.I can do it _(easy). 2.I exercise fifty_(minute)every morning. 3. _(do)exercise is good for our health. 4.Eating more vegetables can make us_(health). 5.She_

8、(clean)the room before she went out. 答案:1.easily点拨:easily为easy的副词形式,修饰do。 2.miiytes 点拨:由 fifty可知用名耐的复数形式。 3.Doing点拨:动名词短语作主语。 4.heahhy点拨:healthy为health的形容词形式。 5.cIeaned点拨:由went可知用一般过去时。 (二)根据汉语提示完成句子(5分) 6.He likes_(打)basketball on Sundays. 7.Are you_to skate on the ice? 8.I want t buy a_(双)of runne

9、rs. 9.They wanted to go to the_(体育馆)last week. 10.We_(赢了)the basketall game yester-day. 答案:6.playing点拨:like doing sth,表示长久性喜欢做某事。 7.ready点拨:be ready to意为准备好做 8.pair 9.Rym 10.won点拨:内yesterday可知用动词的过去式。 (三)根据句意及首字母完成句子 11.The boys are w football gamees at school. 12.Jim n to answer the question. 13.We

10、 t the basketball at the net ten mi-nutes ago. 14.Miss Li t him English last term. 15.How many c do you want? 答案:11.watching点拨:出are可知用现在进行时。 12.needs点拨:用第三人称单数形式。 13.threw点拨:由ten minutes ago可知用过去时态tthrew为throw的过老式。 14.taught点拨:由last term 可知为过去时态,taught为teach的过去式。 15.cabbages点拨:用名词复数形式。 五、单项选择 1.Li P

11、ing_the gym at eight oclock. A.gets 答案:D B.gets in C.arrives D.arrives at 点拨:arive at后面接的是小地点;arrive at=get to都意为到达。 2.They want_the table tennis game. A.to see B.to look C.to look at D.to watch 答案:D 点拨:意为观看,通常指看比赛、电视等;而see指看的状态,香到;look和look at强调看的动作,故选D。 3.He needs_homework at home. A.does her B.to

12、 do her C.to do his D.to her 答案:C 点拨:he的形容问性物主代词为his;可排除A、B、D,needto do sth.为固定用法,意为需要做某事。 4.- _was the new bag? -About ten yuan. A.How often 答案:B B.How much C.How old D.How far 点拨:bow much是对价钱进行提问;how ohen指频率;how old指年龄多大;how far指多远。 5.Are you ready_sing a song? A.for B.to C.at 答案:B D.in 点拨:be read

13、y to为固定用法,意为“准备好做” 6.Four seasons_a year. A.make 答案:A B.makes C.has D.have 点拨:意为一年有四个季节。 7.-How often does your sister go to the park? -_. A.Three B.Three times C.Two times a week 答案:D 点拔:两次为twice排除C项,three thees a week意为一周三次。 8.-Which do you like better,books_flowers? -Books. A.and B.or C.as D.with

14、 答案:B 点拨:此句为选择疑问句,用or连接两个供选择的部分 9. _TV is my favourite. A.Watch B.To watch 答案:C 点拨:动名词短语作主语。 C.Watching D.Watched D.Three times a week 10.- _minutes do you ride to school? -About teenty minutes. A.How much B.How often C.How many D.How long 答案:C 点拨:how many 后跟的是可数名词复数,how much跟不可数名词;how often指频率;how long指时间多久。根据句意可知选C。 六、补全对话 A:Hi,John!Did you watch the 1 yesterday after-noon? B:No,I didnt.I 2 my foot,and had to stay at home all day. A:What a pity!It was a wonderful game. B:Who 3 ? A:No.7 Middle School.They were really a 4 5



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