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1、 英语语法讲义 词法 第一讲:名词, Part One: 名词考点: 名词的数,名词的所有格 , 名词作定语, 名词与冠词。I. 名词的分类: 1.专有名词: 2.普通名词: 可数: 不可数:II.永远不可数的名词: advice fun information chocolate knowledge progress luggage/baggage furnitureIII.即可数又不可数的名词: room word experience shock danger success failure work difficulty honour surprise pleasure equipme

2、nt IV. 加s不加s意思不一样 sand manner work wood time drinks arm glass regard V.特殊的复数1. 以f结尾:belief cliff roof gulf serf chief handkerchief proof 2 .以o结尾:photo piano kilo radio zoo 3. 只有复数:cattle people clothes police 4.集体名词: class government team army committee group company family 5.单复数同型:sheep deer aircra

3、ft spacecraft means species series 6.有关man和woman: a woman teacher -two women teachers ,a man cooktwo men cooks 7.主干词加s: brother-in-law comrade-in-arm story-teller looker-on passer-by 8.无主干词在最后加: grown-up go-between forget-me-notVI.名词的格: 1.s所有格的用法: 2.国家,城市的所有格: 3.时间,距离的所有格: 4. else 的所有格: 5.of 的所有格用法:

4、 6.名词做定语:VII.过关测试:1. It is bad _to speak with your month full of food.A. manner B way C .manners D. thing 2.I cant say which is better-its a(n)_of personal taste.A. affair B. event C. matter D. variety 3.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _and weakne

5、ss . A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values4.I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the childrens_. A. reach B. hand C. hold D. place P1.5.Always read the _carefully on the bottle and take the right amount of medicine. A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions6._c

6、ame _the president himself would inspect our school next week. A. Word/that B. Word/which C. A word /that D. Word ,what 7.How far is it ? It is _from here. A. a twenty minutes walk B. a twenty-minutes walk C. a twenty minutes walk D .twenty minutes walk 8He is a man of _and he has lot of interesting

7、 _in his life.A. much experience /experiences B. much experience /experienceB. many experience /experience D. many experiences/ experience9 .China has _of more than 1.2 billion. A. much population B. the population C. a little population D. a large population of 10. Classification is a useful _to th

8、e organization0f knowledge in any field .A. manner B. means C. way D. approach 11. Schoolmaster is offering a _to whoever can give some information about the problem. .A. money B. reward C. prize D. promise 12.He read the passage again and again but fail to make _of it . A. meaning B. understanding

9、C. view D. sense 13.No one is allowed to have the _to use the office computer to plays games. A. power B. privilege C. ability D. right 14.The meeting was _.Most people were for our plan. A. succeed B. successfully C. success D. a success15.He gained his _by printing _of famous writers. A. wealth/wo

10、rk B. wealth /works C wealths /work D. wealth / works 答案:15 B 6-10.ACADD 1115. BDBDD 名词及主谓一致Part one.1. You will find this map of _in helping you to get round the city.A.source B. sense C. favour D. value.2. Do you have any _of what life would be like if we lived on other planets.B.plan . B. idea C.

11、 impression. D. imagination.3. Always read the _on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.C.explanations B. instructions C. descriptions. D.instructions.4. The _on his face told me that he was angry .D.impression B. sight C. appearance. D. expression5. At the meeting they discuss

12、ed three different _to the study of mathematics.E.approaches B. means C. methods D. ways.6. School children must be taught how to with dangerous _.F.states B. conditions. C. situations D .positions.7. You are always full of _.Can you tell me the secret?-Taking plenty of exercise every day .G.power B

13、. strength C. force D. energy8. One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living_.H.bills B. expenses C. prices D. charges 9. H and his wife are of the same _:they both want their son to go to college .I.soul B. spirit C. heart D. mind .10. I cant say which wine is better

14、 ?It is a(n)_of personal taste.J.affair B. event C. matter D. variety.11. The _shoes were covered with mud ,so I asked them to take them off before they got into _.car.K.girls/Toms girls/Toms C. girls /Toms Dgirlss /Toms12. James took the magazine off the little table to make _for the television.L.room B. area C. field D. position.13. All the _have three _each.M.hero, photo B .heros, photos C . heroes , photos D.heroes ,photos.14. Genenrally speaking


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