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1、 摘 要随着人口增长、经济发展及人类生活水平的提高,人类对水的需求的要求越来越高对水质、水量的要求越来越高。本设计为泸州市纳溪区给水工程初步设计。设计的主要内容有设计水量的确定、工艺流程的确定和各净水构筑物的形式、选型及设计计算,再根据平面布置的原则,综合考虑各方面因素进行给水厂的平面及高程布置,最后绘制水厂总平面图、高程图和各主要构筑物工艺设计图。本设计采用地表水,取水方式为岸边式合建取水构筑物取水。水厂近期规划为14万立方米每天,远期规划为24万立方米每天。泸州市纳溪区存在两条地表水源,一条为长江,另一条为永宁河,长江水源全年水质较好,仅丰水期含砂量和浊度较高,永宁河的流量较小,受上游沿江

2、城镇的污染,河水污染严重,故选择长江为水源,纳溪工业区用水量较为稳定,但是会在原有工业的基础上逐渐新增一些能源、重化工等耗水较大的工业,省去考虑耗能较大的机械运作方式,而采用传统的混凝沉淀过滤的常规处理工艺即可达到生活饮用水水质要求,且建造、管理方便,节省资金。经方案比较,确定本设计工艺流程为:原水取水泵站管式静态混合器网格絮凝池斜管沉淀池V型滤池液氯消毒清水池送水泵站城市管网。根据原水水质和水温,絮凝剂选用碱式氯化铝,消毒剂选用液氯,采用滤后加氯,出水水质符合生活饮用水卫生标准(GB5749-2006)。关键词: 岸边式取水构筑物; 管式静态混合器; 网格絮凝池; 斜管沉淀池;V型滤池Abs

3、tractWith the growth of population, economic development and the improvement of living standards, human demand for water is increasingly high and the demand on water quality and quantity have become increasingly demanding.The design is a preliminary design.for the Naxi District, Luzhou City Water Su

4、pply Project.The main content of design is determination of design of water, determination of the process and the form and the water structure, Selection and design calculations, according to the principles of layout, comprehensive consideration of various factors for waterworks horizontal and verti

5、cal layout, the final draw water master plan, elevation drawings and process design major structures.This design uses surface water, water ways to shore style in building water intake structures. Waterworks recent planning for the 140,000 cubic meters per day, long-term planning for the 240,000 cubi

6、c meters per day. Naxi District, Luzhou City, there are two surface water sources, one of the Yangtze River, and the other one for the Yongning River, the Yangtze River water quality is good throughout the year, only the wet period of high sand content and turbidity, Yongning River flow is small, by

7、 towns along the river upstream pollution, water pollution is serious, so choose the Yangtze River as the water source, Naxi Industrial water consumption is more stable, but will be based on the existing industrial gradually add some energy and heavy chemical industry and other large industrial wate

8、r, eliminating the need to consider energy greater mechanical works, while the use of traditional mixed coagulation - sedimentation - filtration treatment process can be achieved by conventional drinking water quality requirements, and construction, easy management, save money. The program compared

9、to determine the design process: raw water intake pumping station mesh tubular static mixer flocculation inclined tube sedimentation tank V-filter clear pool chlorine disinfection urban water supply pumping station pipe network. According to the raw water quality and water temperature, choice of bas

10、ic aluminum chloride coagulant, chlorine disinfectant used, the use of chlorine after filtration, water quality compliance drinking water health standards (GB5749-2006).Key Words: Shore-type intake structures; Tubular static mixer; Grid flocculation;Inclined tube sedimentation tank; V-filter86目 录前言1




14、594.7.2V型滤池的设计计算594.8清水池的设计674.8.1清水池的设计计算674.9给水泵站的设计704.9.1设计说明704.9.2供水泵站二级供水的扬程和流量704.9.3供水泵站一级供水的扬程和流量714.9.4消防供水的设计流量和扬程714.9.5水泵初选及方案比较714.9.6基础设计724.9.7泵站形式744.9.8起重设备和泵房的高度的确定794.9.9附属设备的确定805给水厂平面和高程的布置825.1净水厂平面布置825.1.1水厂的基本组成包括两部分:825.1.2净水厂高程布置825.1.3各构筑物之间损失的计算83参考文献84致谢85前 言本设计课题为泸州市纳溪区给水工程初步设计。纳溪城区是泸州市城市组团式结构中相对独立的一个重要片区组团,位于中心城区西南、长江上游右岸与永宁河交汇处,距中心城区22公里(直线距离约10公里),是纳溪区政府所在地、泸州天然气化学工业公司(泸天化公司)所在地,是泸州市化肥、化工原料的生产基地。根据泸州市城市总体规划和分区规划构想,纳溪城区是泸州市南大门,以化工为特色,发展铁、公、水联运和能源、建材等的综合性片区。为保证有足够的水量、合格的水质、充裕的水压供应生活用水、生产用水和其它用水,计划在该市某区新建一个自来水厂,该区远期规划产水能力为24万立方米每天。通过系统的复习给水工


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