human resource management--discipline and girevance

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《human resource management--discipline and girevance》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《human resource management--discipline and girevance(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1. Explain the principles and practice of handing discipline and grievance issues.Discipline is a necessary aspect in the human resource management. It can be defined as the process maintaining compliance with the roles that regulate employment in order to produce a controlled and effective performa

2、nce. There are some purposes of discipline. Firstly, it can motivate an employee to comply with the companys performance standards. Secondly, it can create or maintain mutual respect and trust between the supervisor and employee. Basically, discipline is managements essential measure to improve the

3、performance of employees, which is also a tool to promote orderly employment relations as well as fairness and consistency in the treatment of individuals. Compared with discipline, grievance is significant too. Employees can seek redress through correct grievance procedures when they violate the di

4、scipline. Both discipline and grievance reflect justice and fairness.Generally speaking, there are two methods to deal with the disciplinary, which are informal action and formal action. Informal action is the most appropriate way to deal with the minor misconduct or unsatisfactory performance, whic

5、h specific forms is always having a quiet word with the individual, having a quiet warning etc. For instance, if an employee has 5 minutes late for work occasionally, the line managers suitable method to solve this problem is having a quiet word with the employee, which is a quick and easy way of so

6、rting out this problem. However, we must acknowledge that it is necessary to use the formal action to deal with some serious disciplinary. Formal action general have some process, which are investigation, letter with supporting documents, meeting, disciplinary actions (written warning or improvement

7、 note, final written warning, dismissal or other penalty). If an individual employee makes a serious problem that damage to the interests of customers, the manager should take the formal action to punish him. This employee may be had a survey or be taken by the written warning. He even is faced to d

8、ismissal if the consequence is very serious. Apart from the two methods, there is a specific action to punish the disciplinary, which is dismissal employee including the first offence. The employer has the power to dismissal the employee who take the gross misconduct, which include theft, deliberate

9、 damage, fraud, physical assault, sexual and racial harassment, serious infringement of health and safety rules etc.As a concrete manifestation of discipline, disciplinary procedures play significant roles in managing employees in a fair way. Torrington (1998) identifies four key features of a disci

10、plinary procedure, which are fairness, facilities for representation, procedural steps and management rules. Disciplinary procedures are generally formal and released in writing. There are detailed and rich content in the disciplinary procedures and I will explain 10 significant points of it.1. To c

11、larify the scope of disciplines.2. The problem must be solved in a limited time3. To clarify the possible punitive measures.4. To clarify who have the power to take a variety of disciplinary action.5. Individual employees should be informed that problems associated with themselves and they have the

12、chance to state the case before the final decision.6. Provide individual employees the right to be accompany with other employee and trade union representatives. 7. Ensure that employees not be fried by their first violation unless there is gross misconduct.8. Ensure that cases are carefully investi

13、gated before making disciplinary decisions.9. Make sure that explain the individuals punishment.10. Provide a right of appeal and explain the procedure.In addition to this, disciplinary procedures also clearly defined that the program applies to all employees regardless of their length of tenure in

14、the company, sex, marital status, race etc. The purpose of disciplinary procedure is helping employee to overcome their unsatisfied behavior and enhance their value in use, not the punishment to them. Therefore, when an employee make a mistake, it is more important for managers to feed the cause of

15、the problem rather than punish him. Normally, there are substantial reasons of employees to make disciplinary, such as lacking of training program, his family factors etc. So the managers need to analyze the combination factors of the wrong behavior to replace to the direct conclusion. In some organ

16、izations, there are some negative disciplinary approaches to deal with the disciplinary problems. It is common that managers take the simple act of a supervisor discussing performance problems with an employee. Some managers even take the actions of revenge, abuse and vindictiveness to them. These managers should take adequate attention to their behavior because their misconduct may leave extensive and far-reaching negative impact to employment


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