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1、六年级英语同步教育人教四年制【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容: 期末模拟试卷(二)【模拟试题】一. 听力内容:(请网员收听名师面授栏目)(一)1. a round cake 2. some jelly3. a birthday card 4. two cups of tea 5. blow out the candles (二)1. When is your birthday party ?2. Will you come to my party ?3. Would you like some milk ?4. How old are you ?5. What shape would you

2、 like ?(三)1. Its cold outside . Lets close the window .2. There are four seasons in a year , theyre spring , summer , autumn and winter .3. Everyone knows March comes after February .4. Its raining heavily , youd better stay at home .5. The boys were born on May 31st , 1993 .听力:(一)Listen to the tape

3、 and choose the right answer .(听录音,找出与你所听到的内容相符合的答案)( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C. (二)Listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions .(听录音,找出所提问题的答案)( )1. A. Its on October 1st .B. Lets celebrate it .C. Id like to invite you to my party .( )2. A.

4、 Sure ! My party is on Sunday .B. Sure ! The cake is nice .C. Sure ! Id love to ( )3. A. Yes , please . I like juice B. No , thanks . Id like some juice .C. Cool . Lets light the candles .( )4. A. Im 13 .B. Im 13th .C. Im fine .( )5. A. Id like a chocolate cake .B. Id like a triangle cake .C. Id lik

5、e some balloons .(三)听录音完成句子:1. Its outside . Lets close the window .2. There are four in a year , theyre , and .3. Everyone March comes after .4. Its raining heavily , youd better at home .5. The boys were born on May , 1993 .二. 语音:挑不同( )1. A. Thursday B. Saturday C. thirtyD. nurse( )2. A. shouldB.

6、roundC. groundD. mouth( )3. A. beachB. seasonC. mealD. heavy( )4. A. fourthB. monthC. mouthsD. thank( )5. A. blowB. snowC. flowerD. window三. 词汇:(一)按要求写词:cooler(反义词) nine(序数词) become(同义词) invite(名词) different(名词) leaves(单数) south(形容词) 第十二的缩写 well(比较级) (二)用动词的适当形式填空:1. Lisa is (cut)the cake now .2. Wh

7、o comes the (early)in your class ?3. The (busy)he is , the happier he feels .4. Do you enjoy (oneself)on the beach ? Yes , we do .5. Winter in China (last)from December to February .6. I have something important (tell)you .7. They are busy (jog)now .8. Remember (wait)for us at the school gate .9. My

8、 (hobby)are singing and drawing .10. Are there many girls (borrow)books over there ?四. 单选:( )1. My uncles are famous , their pictures are very beautiful . A. scientist B. artists C. an artist D. doctors ( )2. I will have a field trip next month . A. sometimes B. sometime C. some times D. some time(

9、)3. The farmer Peter is a friend of . A. names , mine B. called , mine C. named , her D. call , my ( )4. There will a sports meeting this afternoon . A. be B. have C. on D. has( )5. celebrates Christmas in warm , sunny weather . A. Singapore B. Canada C. China D. America( )6. I dont like watching TV

10、 . A. very much B. not at all C. too D. a lot of( )7. Each of them afraid of her . A. am B. is C. are D. has( )8. Why not kites with us ? A. flying B. fly C. to fly D. flies ( )9. Autumn is the season of the year . A. three B. third C. two D. second ( )10. Where would you like to go ? A. also B. too

11、 C. else D. other things( )11. What day is today ? . A. Its Mothers Day .B. Its the second day .C. Its on October 23rd D. Its cloudy .( )12. Can you finish a flower in 5 minutes ? A. to draw B. drawing C. draw D. drawer ( )13. You should give one a piece of paper . A. every B. each C. everything D.

12、everybody( )14. Welcome us . A. to back B. back to C. for D. with( )15. She has two candles , she also wants one . A. the other B. another C. more D. other 五. 改写句子:1. My grandpa enjoys raising animals .(否定句) My grandpa animals .2. Her interesting hobby is playing with toy cars .(划线提问) ?3. Lucys father enjoys reading newspapers .(划线提问) Lucys father ?4. There are two boxes of cherries on the table .(划线提问) there on the table ?5. How do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival ?(同义句) you


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