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1、公司简介中国太平洋保险(集团)股份有限公司(以下简称 “中国太平洋保险 ”)是在 1991 年 5 月 13 日成立的中国太平洋保险公司的基础上组建而成的保险集团公司,总部设在 上海,注册资本 77 亿元, 2007 年 12 月 25 日在上海证券交易所挂牌上市,股票简称: 中国太保,股票代码为 601601。2009 年 12 月 23 日公司在香港联合交易所挂牌上市, 股票简称:中国太保,股票代码为02601。作为一家负责任的保险公司,中国太平洋保险以 “诚信天下,稳健一生,追求卓越 ” 为核心价值观,积极推动可持续价值增长,不断为客户、股东、员工、社会和利益相关 者创造价值,为社会和谐

2、做出贡献。中国太平洋保险旗下拥有太平洋寿险、 太平洋产险和太平洋资产管理公司等专业子 公司,拥有雄厚的实力,保持持续领先的市场地位。截至 2008 年末,总资产为 3193.9 亿元,净资产 487.4亿元。2008年,实现保险业务收入 940.2 亿元,较上年同期增长 26.6%, 就市场份额而言,太平洋产险为中国第二大产险公司,太平洋寿险为中国第三大寿险公 司。去几天中国太平洋保险建立了覆盖全国的营销网络和多元化服务平台,目前拥有 5400 余 个分支机构, 6.4 万余名员工与 22 多万名营销员,为全国超过 3600 万名个人客户和 220 万机构客户提供包括人身险和财产险在内的全方位

3、风险保障解决方案、 投资理财和资产 管理服务。中国太平洋保险在积极追求可持续价值发展的同时,致力于各类公益活动,履行企 业公民的职责。自成立以来,积极开展关爱孤残、捐资助学、扶贫赈灾等公益活动:已 建立 60 余所希望小学,总投资超过了 3000 万元;在特大洪涝灾害、非典、南方雪灾、 5.12 抗震救灾期间踊跃捐款捐物,总额超过 8000 万元。面向未来,中国太平洋保险确立了 “以保险业为主,具有国际竞争力的一流金融服 务集团”的战略目标,努力建设成为信誉卓著、品牌杰出、财务稳健、效益优良的一流 金融服务集团。Profile of China Pacific Insurance (Group

4、) Co., LtdChina Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. (CPIC) was established on the basis of China PacificInsurance Co., Ltd., which was founded on May 13,1991. Headquartered in Shanghai, its registered capital stands at RMB7.7 billion. The company was listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange on Dec. 25, 200

5、7, with the stock code of 601601 and the stock name of“ ChinaPacific ”. The Company was listed in the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on Dec. 23, 2009, with the stock code “02601” and the stock name of “CPIC”.As a responsible insurance company, China Pacific adheres to the core value of commitme

6、nt to business integrity in pursuit of steady growth and performance excellence. The companyactively impulses the sustained value increase, constantly creates value for clients, shareholders, employees, society and other stakeholders and makes contribution to a harmonious society as well.The group h

7、as several subsidiaries: China Pacific Life Insurance Co., Ltd., China Pacific Property Insurance Co., Ltd., Pacific Asset ManagementCo., Ltd., China Pacific Insurance (H.K.) Co., Ltd., and Pacific-Antai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. The gross asset of CPIC Group hit RMB 319.39 billion and the net asset

8、reached RMB48.74 billion in 2008. In 2008, the company recorded premium income of RMB 94020 million, or 26.6% higher than that of the year before. The company ranked third in the PRC life insurance market and second in the PRC property and casualty insurance market according to the market share base

9、d on PRC insurance industry data published by CIRC.The companyhas established a sales and services network covering almost the whole country. By the end of 2008, CPIC Group has over 5400 branches and marketing outlets and nationwide sales and service network, 64,000 employees and 220,000 sales over

10、the country, providing individual and institutional clients a wide range of risk prevention solutions, financial advices and asset management.While focusing on its development, CPIC has dedicated itself to charity activities in fulfilling its duty as a corporate citizen. It has, ever since its estab

11、lishment, taken an active role in helping the orphans and disabled and people in flood stricken areas. Wehave established more than 60 Hope Primary School with a total investment of RMB 30 million. The companyhas donated over RMB80 million during the period of the Huge Flood Disaster in 1998, SARS,B

12、lizzard Disaster in 2008 and the devastating May 12 Earthquake.Generally speaking, CPIC has set up the strategic objective of building itself into an internationalized insurance and finance service group focusing on the insurance business, stepping steadily towards a modern financial group with excellent crediting standing, outstanding brand, prudent financial operation and outstanding services and profits.



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