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1、优质教案教 案2021年小学五年级上册英语教案五篇学校:XXXX年级:XXXX教师:XXXX日期:2021年XX月XX日优质教案2021年小学五年级上册英语教案五篇恰当地选择和运用教学方法,调动学生学习的积极性,面向大多数学生,同时注意培养优秀生和提高后进生,使全体学生都得到发展。英语教案设计是改善课堂教学的一种更高层次的探索,下面就是整理的小学五年级上册英语教案五篇,希望大家喜欢。小学五年级上册英语教案1教学目标:1.知识与能力技能目标(1)掌握生词: lay , caterpillar , become .(2)读懂语篇,学习蝴蝶的有关知识。2. 过程与方法目标在自主与合作交流的学习过程中

2、,感受蝴蝶蜕变的美,学习有关蝴蝶的知识3.情感态度价值观目标培养学生热爱自然的美好情感;激发学生的探知热情,让学生体验合作的愉快,培养学生的创造力与想象力以及跨学科学习的能力。教学重点:帮助学生读懂语篇。教学难点:使学生能用英语讲述蝴蝶的生长过程以及介绍蝴蝶的有关知识。教具准备:课件、录音带、蝴蝶蜕变过程视频教学过程:一、 自主式导读Warming up:T: Nice to meet you ! Do you like insects ? Whichinsect do you know?Ss: ants, ladybirds, flies, butterfliesT: Among all t

3、he insects, which one is the most beautiful?S1: Butterflies.T: Yes , butterflies are one of the most beautiful insect in the world. I have some pictures about butterflies . Do you want to have a look ?In this lesson we are going to talk about butterflies.板书课题Module4Unit2 Butterflies(学生齐读课题)出示学习目标:(齐

4、读学习目标,明确本节课的学习目的)1、我能听所读写单词: lay , caterpillar ,become .2、我能读懂语篇,学习蝴蝶的有关知识。T: Do you known how about a butterfly grows ?Lets watch a video together !Ss: Ok !T: Its so magical !Do you want to talk about it by yourself ?Ss: Yes .T: You shoud rely the teaching outline to learn the text .导学提纲Where does

5、a butterfly lay eggs?How are the eggs?What do the eggs become?What do they eat?What does this big and fat caterpillar make?What colour is it?It opens, what comes out? How about it ?What makes it dry?学生自学通过导学提纲的引领认真阅读文本内容,将导学提纲中出现的问题及生词勾画出来。二、互助式解疑以小组形式,组员分别提出自己的困惑,小组讨论解决。Ss:小组活动解决生词、及导学提纲里提出的问题。由小组长

6、负责带领组员进行学习(小组长要给于组员一定的任务,做到人人有事做、人人有问答)T: 在学生合作学习的同时及时给于一定的帮助,引导让学生思维都动起来。三、探究式点拨师生讨论1、Play the tape and tell the students to listen to the tape carefully .2、Please answer the questions .3、Read the sentences to introduce the growth of a butterfly.让学生读句子,介绍蝴蝶的生长过程。四、强化式拓展1.根据板书重新回顾本课的重点内容:A butterfli

7、es lays eggs .The eggs become small caterpillars.The caterpillar makes a house .It is a cocoon .The cocoon opens . A butterfly comes out.2.Please study hard you can be a beautiful butterfly one day.Assignment:制作有关昆虫的资料册、手抄报小学五年级上册英语教案2学情分析:五年级1班,全班46人。学生学习习惯一般,对语言的感知和接受能力比一般,能够进行自主学习和合作解决问题。结合本单元主题w

8、ild animals我确定了本节课的具体内容,从词汇和课文内容入手,进行引伸和拓展,使学生通过本单元的学习能介绍wild animal,用较通顺、较连贯一段话介绍某种野生动物。从而达到拓展学生的课外知识和综合运用能力的目的。目标陈述:通过学习jungle,zoo-keeper,peel等新词,以及what do they like? Where does i live? 等句型,理解关于动物的短文,并根据自己的学习情况来描述一个动物。同时渗透爱护自然,保护动物的德育思想。重点难点:学会有顺序地描写一个动物。教辅用品:tape records flash PPT教学目标:1. Learn th

9、e words : wild, peel, zoo-keeper, jungle,Learn the sentences: Where does it live? What does it like?2. Learn to describe a kind of wild animals.3. Try to stimulate the students interests of English.重点难点:Try to describe a kind of wild animals more orderly.教学准备:tape records flash PPT教学过程:I. Pre-task p

10、reparations1、 jungle2、 play a game: Wild animals Farm animals 5. a rhymeWatch a viedo T:Can you tell me what is the name of this book? (read:jungle)Tongue Twister T:The large giraffe is jumping in the jungle.T :Talk about what animals can you see in the jungle?S1: We can see pigs.S2:We can see dogsT

11、 :Talk about what animals can you see通过观看森林王子的 预告片,更直观的了解 丛林。了解自然。 通过一个游戏,讨论农村动物和野生动物的 区别,引出野生动物的概念。on the farm?S1: We can see tigers.S2:We can see pandas.II. While-task proceduresPassage one .Passage twoPassage three1 Listen and answerT :What colour is the monkey?S: It is black. T :Is it big or sma

12、ll?S: It is bigT :What colour is the monkey?S: It is black.T :Does it have long arms and long legs?S: Yes,it does2 Judge with T or F1)The monkey doesnt have long arms or legs.2) The monkey can climb to the top of the cage.3) It has a pink face.4) The monkey can swing on the rope.通过听力引出第一段, 然后通过短文判断。

13、最后让学生进行讨论,让同学们自己总结出其 他动物的特点。通过半开放性的问题,进行讨论,让同学们自己总结出饲养员的工作。 通过一首诗歌,让同学 们进一步巩固所学知识,活跃课堂气氛。 进行德育教育,让学生 们知道不能随便喂动 物错误的食品,要爱护 动物,我们是朋友。让学生进行讨论,让同学们总结出所有野生动物身上的特点。5) The monkey is big and brown.3 look and sayT: Can you say something about other animal?1)learn: zoo-keeper2) ask and swerT:What do the zoo-k

14、eepers do for the animals?T:What animal does this zoo-keeper feed? Does he like the baby monkeys?T:Can you say something about the zoo-keeper?3)describe theZoo-keeperAnswer the questions T:Read the passage . Then answer the questions.S1:What do they like?S2:at dont they eat?S3:What is this monkey do

15、ing?S4:How is the monkey now?S5:Can you feed the monkeys sweets?Read a poem Eating bananas 'Bananas,' says the monkey, 'Are what I like to eat, And if my hands are busy I can peel them with my feet.'Mae some notices: Love the animals. Dont feed them the wrong food. We are friends.look and say Look at these anima



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