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1、初三调研研考试英英语试题题试卷类型型:B (满分1120分,考考试用时时120分钟)考生注意意:本试试题分为为选择题题和非选选择题两两大部分分选择题题的答案案必须用用2B铅笔填填涂在答答题卡上上,写在在试卷上无无效;非非选择题题请用黑黑色墨水水的钢笔笔或中性性笔直接接在试卷卷上解答答第一部分分选择题题(共880分)一、听力力(共二二节,一一计25分)第一节(共9小题;每小题题1分,满满分y分)听下面99段对话话。每段段对话后后面有一一个小题题,从题题后所给给的A, B, C三个选选项中选出出最佳选选项听完完每段对对话后,你你都有10秒钟的的时间来来回答有有关小题题和阅读下下一小题题每段对对话仅

2、读读一遍1. AA. EEngllishh. BB. CChinnesee. CC. BBothh A andd B.2. AA. BBuy somme ppressentts. B. CCookk soome foood. C. Givve, somme ppressentts.3. AA. HHe wwentt too Annnss biirthhdayy paartyy.B. Hee diid aa loot oof wworkk. C. He wwentt too a farrm.4. AA. AAt tthe cinnemaa. BB. AAt tthe zooo. CC. IIn

3、tthe parrk.5. AA. YYelllow. B. Grreenn. CC. BBrowwn.6. AA. IItss gooingg too raain. B. Itts sunnny. C. IItss snnowyy.7. AA. TTwo.B. Onlly oone. C. Thhreee.8. AA. AA haat. B. A ccat. C. A socck.9. AA. OOnlyy affterr scchoool. B. At hallf ppastt eiightt. CC. AAt eeighht iin tthe morrninng.第二节(共16小题;每小

4、题题1分,满满分16分)听下面55段对话话或独白白。每段段对话或或独自后后面有几几个小题题,从题题中所给给的A、B、C三三个选项项中选出出最佳选选项。听听每段对对话或独独自前,你你将有时时间阅读读各个小题梅小小题5秒钟:听完后后,各题题将给出出5秒钟的的答题时时间。每每段对话话或独白白读两遍遍。听第l00段材料料,回答答第10、11小题10. Whaatss thhe bboy commingg too Mrr. GGreeen ffor?A. TTo aask himm too meend hiss kiite. B. TTo aask himm too maake a kkitee foo

5、r hhim.C. TTo bbuy a kkitee inn hiis sshopp.11 . Whhoss Mrr. GGreeen mmakiing a mmodeel pplanne ffor?A. FFor Jennny. B. Foor hhis dauughtter. C. Foor JJanee.听第l11段材料料,回答答第12、13、14小题12 WWhatt drrinkk dooes thee giirl wannt?A. SSomee teea. B. Somme jjuicce. C. Somme CCokee.13. Whyy dooesnnt thee maan

6、bbuy icee crreamm foor hhis dauughtter?A. IItss baad ffor herr heealtth, B. IItss tooo eexpeensiive. C. Its vveryy coold todday.14. Whaat ffoodd dooes thee maan bbuy forr hiis ddaugghteer?A. AA saandwwichh. BB. AA haambuurgeer. C. Somme ppotaato chiips.听第l22段材料料,回答答第15、16、17小题15. Whoo waas wwashhing

7、g haair at thaat ttimee?A. LLucyy. BB. JJim. C. Kaate.16. Howw loong didd itt taake Jiinn to do hiss Hoomewworkk?A. 225 mminuutess. B. 155 miinuttes. C. 355 miinuttes.17. Whaat wweree Jiimss paarennts doiing?A. TTheyy weere tallkinng. B. Theey wweree waatchhingg TVV. C. TTheyy weere coookinng.听第l33段

8、材料料,回答答第18、19、20、21小题18. Whaat ddid Dicck tthinnk oof tthe Engglissh eexamm?A. IIt wwas verry eeasyy. BB. IIt wwas verry hhardd. C. SSomee off thhe qquesstioons werre eeasyy.19. Whyy diid DDickk thhinkk hee cooulddntt paass thee Chhineese exaam?A. BBecaausee thhe eexamm waas eeasyy. BB. BBecaausee h

9、ee haatedd itt. C. BBecaausee thhe eexamm waas ttoo harrd.20. Whaat ddid thee giirl nexxt tto MMaryy wrritee onn heer CChinnesee. eexamm paaperr?A. SShe wroote a sshorrt ppasssagee. BB. OOnlyy heer nnamee. C. SShe diddntt wrritee annythhingg.21. Howw maany subbjeccts do youu knnow theey ttalkked abo

10、out?A. TThreee. B. Twoo. CC. FFourr.听第l44段材料料,回答答第22-25小小题22. Howw iss Daave Smiith?A. BBadlly iill. B. Veery welll. C. Verry oold.23. Whoo iss Mrr. BBrowwn?A. MMr. Smiiths wwifees fattherr. BB. MMr. Smiiths ffathher. C. MMr. Andd Mrrs. Smiiths eeldeest sonn.24. Howw maany peooplee arre ttherre iin

11、MMr. Smiiths ffamiily?A. 66. BB. 55. CC. 77.25. Whyy dooesnnt Mr. Smmithh elldesst sson livve wwithh hiis ppareentss!A. BBecaausee hee iss a teaacheer iin aa viillaage.B. BBecaausee hiis sschoool is tooo faar aawayy frrom thee toown.C. BBecaausee hee dooesnnt likke hhis parrentts.二、语言言知识运运用(共共二节,计35

12、分)第一节单单项选择择(共20小题:每小题I分,满满分20分)A)从AA、B、C、D四个选项项中选选出与所给句子划线线部分意意义相同同或相近近并能代替的的那一项项,26. Johhn ddoessntt waant to droop mmathhs, thooughh hee offtenn faailss inn thhe eexamm.A. sstopp too leearnn B. sttop froom llearrninng CC. ffalll beehinnd DD. sstopp leearnningg27. 1 ddidnnt cattchwwhatt yoou ssaidd

13、. WWoulld yyou pleeasee saay iit aagaiin?A. ccatcch uup wwithh B. heear of C. unddersstannd DD. llistten to28. He hassntt heeardd frrom hiss brrothher anyy moore froom tthenn onn.A. jjustt thhen B. eveer ssincce tthenn C. a mommentt aggo DD. rrighht aawayy29. -So manny bbeauutifful skiirtss, II caan

14、tt deecidde wwhicch oone to buyy!- Pleeasee taake youur ttimee.A. ddont hhurrryB. huurryy upp C. huurryy offf D. inn a hurrry30. Mikke ddoessntt liike basskettballl, he thiinkss itt iss leess inttereestiing thaan0ffoottballl.A. sso.ass B. ass . aas CC. soo . tthatt D. noot sso aasB)从AA、 B、 C、 D四个个选项

15、中中,选出出可以填填入空白白处的最最佳的选选项。31. -Haave youu fiinisshedd yoour repportt yeet?-No, Ill finnishh itt inn teen mminuutess,A. aanottherr BB. mmoree C. ellse D. othher32. -Doo yoou kknoww whhat is in thee boox?-Oh, thheree iss noothiing in it an Engglissh boook:A. wwithh B. exxceppt CC .toowarrds D. bettweeen33. -C



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