2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 2 Fantasy Literature区域过关集训 外研版选修6

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2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 2 Fantasy Literature区域过关集训 外研版选修6_第1页
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1、Module 2 Fantasy Literature.语法填空1He had more job satisfaction, a better _ (marry) and was healthier.答案marriage2I wish I could have stayed _ (wake) long enough to see the whole thing.答案awake3The idea of a holiday abroad is certainly _ (appeal)答案appealing4All the students that work hard can _ (definit

2、e) pass the exam.答案definitely5We should keep our eyes _ future development of each student.答案on6How could you turn _ such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months?答案down7There is no doubt _ the mobile phone and the Internet are important means of communication.答案that8The United Nati

3、ons appealed _ the people of the developed countries to aid those of the backward countries.答案to.选词填空1.The boss_ Mike, because he didnt do his work well.Have you all _ your compositions last night?What she had said _ wrong.I cant hear the music. Please _ the TV _.答案turned awayturned inturned outturn

4、;up2.The sad boy lay in bed and _ the ceiling.He didnt dare _ for fear of being rejected by them.A good artist must _ color.答案fixed his eyes onlook them in the eyehave an eye for.单句改错1Its said that they have married for twenty years._答案have后加been2Little Jackie looks after his younger sister as if he

5、 was an adult._答案waswere3I never doubted whether you would bring me the money._答案whetherthat4When I was in trouble, she is the only person I can turn for help._答案turn后加to5He was listening attentively in class, his eyes fixing on the blackboard._答案fixingfixed.单句写作1他们谈起话来好像多年的朋友。They talked _ for year

6、s.答案as if they had been friends2我本来打算把炉火调小,但是却调大了。I had intended to _ the stove but I _ it _.答案turn down;turned;up3毫无疑问我们会成功的。_ we will be successful.答案There is no doubt that4政府呼吁人们进行环境保护。The government made _ environmental protection.答案an appeal to people for5由一个小男孩领着路,我们很快找到了这个村子。A little boy _, we found the village quickly.答案leading the way1


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