Angel at Work---那是天使在工作

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《Angel at Work---那是天使在工作》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Angel at Work---那是天使在工作(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、那是天使在工作文 唐纳德柯蒂斯 译 赵朝永 在整理桌子上一沓厚厚的信件时,一个字迹打印得异常漂亮的信封突然映入我的眼帘。这封信不知何故吸引了我,于是最先拆开了它。昂贵的信笺纸上,工工整整地流淌着同样漂亮的浅褐色字迹。整封信简直就是私人信件的典范。我禁不住读了起来:亲爱的柯蒂斯博士:过去数月,您在心智科学教会主日礼拜上的布道让我激动不已,我从中获益非浅。您讲课的内容应当发表出来,以便让更多的人跟我一样受到启迪。我有个建议。您若能将每周讲课的录音带给我,我愿为您转换为文字稿,完稿后与录音带一并奉还。期盼您能同意我用这种方式为您效劳。我愿同他人共享您给我的恩惠。请让您的秘书来电,每周一会有人来取录音

2、带。愿上帝保佑您,也保佑您伟大的事业!诚挚的:玛丽路易斯佐拉斯落款也是同样漂亮的打印字迹,通篇没有一个手写字。读完信,我有种祈祷得以应验的激动。数月以来,我一直在寻觅能把我周日布道录音转换成文字稿的人,可没有一个人愿意直接用我自己录制的磁带转写。那时,录音机上尚未发明“播放/暂停”键,一边手动操作录音机,一边打字的确太费周折。与此同时,顿积如山的录音带也让我倍感沮丧起来,没有文字稿,我的书稿便没了着落。如今,玛丽路易斯佐拉斯的信不期而至。我急忙按照信中给的号码打了过去,想跟她谈谈。 “我很乐意帮您转达留言,”一个友善的女士回答我。 “我能亲自跟她聊聊吗?”我问道。 “她现在不方便接电话,”那头

3、回答。“请留言好吗。” “谢谢,”我说。“请转告她唐纳德柯蒂斯打电话来确认她的来信已收到。” “收到您的来电她会很高心。”那头答复。“能否告诉我们何时方便派人去取您周日讲课的录音带呢?” “我很乐意亲自送过来,”我坚持说,很急切地想亲眼目睹这位上帝赐予我的天使。 “不必了。请您明天中午在办公室准备好录音带,会有人来取。对了,佐拉斯小姐自己有录音机,可以放音转换文稿,录音带和文字稿将在周末前如数奉还。” “非常感谢,”我回答。“录音带会如期在办公室备好。”这种看似神秘的处事方式让我倍感困惑,可还是很乐意如约办事,因为这实在是天赐良机。两天后,第一本录音带及其文字稿如期返还到我的办公室。字迹和淡褐

4、色的墨痕依然那么独特,每页都堪称完美。字体间隔整齐划一,边距调得规规矩矩,连一个拼写错误也没有。通读文稿,我倍感欢愉。这正是我书的初稿所需要的。于是迫不及待地给佐拉斯小姐打了电话,电话那头还是那个友善的声音。 “您好,”我开口说。“我是唐纳德柯蒂斯,请问佐拉斯小姐在吗?我想感谢她把录音转换成了如此漂亮的文稿。”“噢,您好柯蒂斯先生,”那边回答。“我将向佐拉斯小姐转达您的谢意。收到您的来电她会很高心。别忘了,请在周一将您周日讲课的录音带在办公室备好。我们按时取走。”这种同样的步骤持续了将近一年时间。字迹完美的文稿每周源源不断向我涌来,渐渐地,我终于收集齐了第一本书必需的“素材”。可那个为我转换文



7、文稿,从中我未发现一个错误。多少年来,这个非凡的女子一直是我最好的朋友,拥有一颗最最美丽的心灵。她助人为乐的充实生活还在继续,似乎丝毫没有受到一举一动都要依靠双脚这样不便的困扰,倒是发自内心的幽默感让这种充实得到不断的加强。我的生命也因这位以助人为乐为己任的天使而丰富和幸福起来。Angel at WorkBy Donald CurtisAn envelope addressed to me in unusually beautiful typescript caught my eye as I sorted todays mail which was piled high on my desk

8、. Something about the letter commanded my attention, so I opened it first.The same beautiful typescript in light brown unfolded in balanced precision across the sheet of expensive stationary. The entire letter was a model of perfection for personal correspondence. It invited me to read it:Dear Dr. C

9、utis:I have been thrilled by your talks at the Sunday service of the Science of the Mind Church at the Fox Wilshire Theatre during the past months. I get so much out of them. Your lessons should be published so that everyone can be inspired by them as I am.Here is a suggestion. If you send me the ta

10、pe-recording of your Sunday talk each week, I will transcribe it for you can return the tape along with the typed transcription.I pray that you will allow me to be of service in this way. I want to help others share the great good which you have given me. Just have your secretary call and someone wi

11、ll pick up the tape each Monday morning. God is blessing you and your great work.Sincerely yours,Mary Louise ZollarsThe signature was typed in the same unusual typescript. There was no handwriting.As I finished the letter, I experienced excitement that always accompanies an answered prayer. For mont

12、hs I had been looking for someone to transcribe my Sunday sermon, but could find no one who would transcribe directly from the tape I used on my tape record. I start-stop mechanism had yet not been invented and operating the record by hand and taping at the same time was just too much to handle. In

13、the mean time, I was frustrated as the tape recording piled up. I had no transcriptions upon which to base a book. And now, out of the blue, came this letter from Mary Louise Zollars. I hastened to call the number given in the letter and asked to speak to her.“I would be happy to give her a message,

14、” a friendly female voice replied. “May I speak to her personally?” I asked.“She cant come to the phone right now,” the voice replied. “Please give me your message.”“Thank you,” I said. “Just tell her Donald Curtis called in response to her wonderful letter.”“She will be glad you called” was the ans

15、wer. “Could you tell me when someone can pick up the tape of your Sunday lesson?”“I would be happy to deliver it personally,” I persisted. I was eager to have personal contact with this angel who had been sent to me.“That wont be necessary. Please have the tape ready at your office at noon tomorrow,

16、 and it will be picked up. Oh-Miss Zollars has her own tape recorder to play the tape on for her to transcribe. The tape and the transcription will be returned to you before the end of the week.”“Thank you very much,” I replied. “The tape will be at my office tomorrow as you requested.”I was puzzled by the seeming mystery of the arrangement, but I gladly went al


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