北京语言大学21春《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业二满分答案48

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1、北京语言大学21春英汉 汉英翻译在线作业二满分答案1. “Do you really want to study philosophy?” the professor asked, slowly and_ emphasis _each word.A.placed . inB.placing . onC.being placed . atD.to place . by参考答案:B2. 不久,他捧出那本韦氏大学词典回来了。 Very soon he came back, holding the Websters Collegiate Dictionary in his hand.( )A、错误B、

2、正确参考答案:B3. A: Its a good idea. But whos going to _ the plan? B: I think Tom and Greg will.A.set asideB.carry outC.carry awayD.get through参考答案:B4. There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so I only caught a _ of him.A.glanceB.glimpseC.lookD.sight参考答案:B5. On the floor _ t

3、he box I had been looking for. A) was lying B) lay C) laid D) lyingOn the floor _ the box I had been looking for.A) was lyingB) layC) laidD) lyingB表示地点的介词词组On the floor位于句首,句子主谓完全倒装。6. The room was bare of furniture_a few chairs.Aexcept forBexceptCbesidesDnot with eThe room was bare of furniture_a f

4、ew chairs.Aexcept forBexceptCbesidesDnot with excepting正确答案:A7. A new English -Chinese dictionary will soon _ out.A.workB.comeC.giveD.hand参考答案:B8. From the _ from this examination, we know it is too easy for the students.A.feedbackB.frostC.outlineD.overlook参考答案:A9. Jack is _ of stealing the books fr

5、om the library.A.accusedB.witnessedC.strainedD.found参考答案:A10. He drove very fast to _ that red car.A.scatterB.overtakeC.siteD.sponsor参考答案:B11. His eyes _ with rage but he did not dare to say anything.A.flashedB.wickedC.votedD.protested参考答案:A12. 兹报实盘,以我方时间10月3日星期三下午5时以前答复为有效。兹报实盘,以我方时间10月3日星期三下午5时以前答

6、复为有效。We offer you firm subject to reply by 5 pmour time, Wednesday, 3rd, Oct13. 他们去年离婚了。 They were divorced last year.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A14. It can be inferred from the passage that Henry_.Arefused to give up his seat to a whIt can be inferred from the passage that Henry_.Arefused to give up his seat

7、to a white passengerBrefused to pay his bus fareChad a fight with the bus driverDwas the last person to board the bus正确答案:A文中倒数第二段可知,Henry经常忘记种族隔离,之后又提到Henry被赶下了车,我们可以推断出他并没有让座。15. We can infer from the passage that_.Athe stars we see now no longer existBstars areWe can infer from the passage that_.

8、Athe stars we see now no longer existBstars are much farther away from us than the sunCtelescopes enable us to see stars as they actually areDlike human beings, stars are born and die正确答案:B此题又是一个推理引申题,要求根据全文内容作推断。选项A和选项C的推断是错误的。选项D没有作任何推断,是文章最后明说的。选项B从第四段和第五段中论述太阳和星星与我们之间的距离中推断出:星星比太阳离我们要远得多。16. The

9、 door was unlocked.She went inside and sat in a stupor.She was near collapse, barely able to moveThe door was unlocked.She went inside and sat in a stupor.She was near collapse, barely able to move her swollen feet.门没锁上,她走了进去,呆呆地坐了下来,极度的衰弱几乎使她无力挪动她那红肿的双脚。(三句合一)17. We never _ that John would become a

10、 doctor.A.respectedB.wonderedC.suspectedD.estimated参考答案:C18. When the police started asking questions , Joe felt _to tell the truth.A. deprWhen the police started asking questions , Joe felt _to tell the truth.A. depressedB. dangerousC. compelledD. exciting参考答案:C19. I regret _ (not take)his adviceI

11、regret _ (not take)his advicenot taking20. I feel _ to say that I can not believe what he said.A.wantedB.observedC.obligedD.wandered参考答案:D21. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _ English.A.practise to speakB.practising speakingC.practise speakingD.to practise speaking参考答案:B22

12、. I _ youve decided against taking my advice.A.expressB.declareC.assumeD.exclude参考答案:C23. Since there is only a little left, then he wouldnt have enough to pay the interSince there is only a little left, then he wouldnt have enough to pay the interest on a loan.参考答案因为所剩不多,他没有足够的钱来偿还银行的贷款利息。24. A tel

13、ephone call _ him hurrying to his home town.A.madeB.forceC.sentD.let参考答案:C25. I am _ sorry for the last-minute cancellation of the meeting(terrible)I am _ sorry for the last-minute cancellation of the meeting(terrible)terribly26. Alexander smells vodka. 亚历山大闻了闻伏特加酒。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A27. Nobody knows

14、his _ for helping us.A.motiveB.motionC.moodD.moral参考答案:A28. A: do you think Its going to rain tonight? B: _.A.I dont believeB.I dont believe itC.I believe not soD.I believe not参考答案:D29. It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages _ attracted the audience&39;s inteIt was how the young man had learned five foreign languages _ attracted the audiences interest.A) so


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