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2、享受;有的纪律松驰、自由散漫;有的无所作为、胡乱作为。这些问题假如不及时解决,将直接影响党群干群关系,直接影响国土资管理形象象,直接影响国土资管理的的目的任务的完成。南阳国土土资所干部职工一定要站在在理论“三个代表”重要思想想的高度,实在增强紧迫感和和责任感,把干部作风建立作作为推进各项工作的一项重要要保证措施,抓紧、抓好、抓抓出成效来。为了进一步步进步干部队伍的整体素质,实在解决干部作风中存在的的突出问题,按照镇党委的统统一安排,我所召开了转变机机关作风建立会议,根据会议议要求,就此次干部作风集中中整顿谈以下几点体会和认识识: 首先,是认真加强学学习,自己充分认识到,必须须彻底转变以前一些不

3、正确的的观念,增强效劳意识和干部部的责任意识,对基层群众,我们要真心诚意地对待他们们,时时、事事、处处都要首首先换位考虑,站在对方的角角度去分析p ,去解答所提出的的问题和所遇到的困难,切切实在实地为他们着想;熟记和和使用机关效劳的语言标准,牢记禁忌语言,用“国土资资所各项规章制度的规定”标准我们的效劳言行,模范范遵守所的各项规章制度,在在与群众交往、沟通时,一定定要做到热情礼貌、耐心细致致、态度温和,耐心解答他们们提出的问题,全心全意地帮帮助他们解决所遇到的困难,实在转变那种政府机关门难难进、脸难看、事难办的“三三难”的衙门作风,满腔热情情地为基层群众服好务,为国国土资建立开展事业尽心尽尽力



6、、弄通,做到理论联络实际际。二是牢记全心全意为人民民效劳的宗旨,时刻把自己放放在人民公仆的位置上,对来来访群众要热情接待,耐心询询问,做好记录,及时处理群群众反映的问题,把群众的事事情当成自己的事情,从根本本上杜绝“门难进、脸难看、事难办”的现象。xxx七年五月二十五日 at various levels to guide the work of the offe and munation, to ensure the situation, reported lower levels of strength, and strive to the grassroots, inspired by

7、the bas spirit of innovation, the formation of good ability of the league offe work.Three, pay close attention to the quality of offial documents, efforts to improve the ability to deal with tetAdhere to high standards, strt requirements, careful attention to the drafting of the draft work, strt doc

8、ument drafting, audit clearance, proof reading and quality control, and strive to improve the ability to deal with the tet, and the overall work of the serve center.(a) earnestly.To further establish the draft document presentation system research, adhere to the practe, especially the drafting of im

9、portant days and months multiplying, concentrating on the presentation of the research, understand the situation the situation, fully understand the intention of the leadership, to ensure the output, quality, and constantly improve the quality of manuscript.A manuscript quality raisal system, the im

10、plementation of quantitative assessment, each quarter the parison of offe draft manuscript quality.Establish a reward system to reward the outstanding manuscript selection out, the wrong investigated persons responsible for the major errors.(two) strt master document quality.Strengthening document q

11、uality awareness, efforts in the drafting of documents, audit checks, printed all aspects of efforts, strt poly documents audit, content, format and procedures, adhere to the upper and lower check, and check before and after the check, ensure the document style format in the understanding of leaders

12、hip intentions in place, ideas in the language in place, and strive to improve the quality of various documents.(three) a prehensive specifation document operation.To further standardize the document transfer procedures, emphasizing the precision in document processing, in strt accordance with the o

13、perating procedures document sign, restration, roval, distribution, handling, repaying, filing, ensure the document processing standard, accurate, and effient.Especially to strt dispatch, strt audit document content.Strtly implement the document procedures step by step Shenqian, strt and unified fil

14、e format, to ensure the normative document.Further the implementation of electron document processing mode, the full implementation of OA offe system, efforts to improve the work effiency.Four, pay close attention to the work of supervision, efforts to improve the eecutive abilityThe cityapos;s majo

15、r issues and focus on the overall work of the munist Youth League to carry out supervision and inspection, insist on the idea, the handling of the key, efforts to promote the implementation of decisions, to ensure that government decrees.(a) on the center of focus on supervision.In accordance with t

16、he “grasp the overall situation, focused, practal, quantitative refinement” principle, conscientiously fulfill the supervision function, focusing on the important deployment, major decisions of the party will, secretaryapos;s offe, department heads meeting agreed matters assigned by the leadership group, the book down and do the important matters and the rement the key work to focus on supervision, to ensure that the inspection item piece is an ech



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