The Cultural Connotations of English Idioms and Their Translation英语毕业论文修改稿样本

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1、ANYANG INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 本 科 毕 业 论 文 英语习语你到底汉语题目是成语还是习语?的文化内涵及其翻译The Cultural Connotations of English Idioms and Their Translation ITable of Contents(补全目录)Chapter1:1.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 51.1.3 121.2 23 1.3 26Chapter 2 402.1.1402.1.2 422.2 442.3 47Chapter 3 523.1 533.2 60Chapter 4 66Conclusion 71Ac

2、knowledgements74Bibliography75目录选择分散对齐 英语习语文化的文化内涵和它的翻译专业班级: 07专升本三班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 田晓娟 职称:讲师 摘要 (格式不对,仔细看一下我发的要求) 论文以习语来源分析文化对成语的影响,并对英语习语的翻译进行了分析和阐述。 习语是语言的艺术,是语言的一种特殊表达方式。首先,习语是文化的特征,表现形式多种多样,并且富含各种修辞,习语本身也是一种修辞:除了持久的生命力,习语还有着语义整体性和结构稳定性的特征。从他的来源来看,习语与文化有着紧密的联系,有的习语来源于人们的生活,风俗习惯和地理环境,另外一些习语来源于宗教信仰,历

3、史,寓言和神话故事,或文学作品,有的习语甚至来源于外来语的借用。 蕴含着丰富文化特质的习语给翻译工作带来很大的挑战。在阅读了大量的有关习语的翻译作品后,作者在论文中对习语不同的翻译方法进行了深入的分析和探讨。习语不是由组成它的词语的单个意义的简单相加,一些习语的语言不符合语法逻辑,不能按常理来理解他。不同的文化背景的人对同一句话有不同的理解,因为他们对目标文化了解的很少。所以,学习中国和西方国家文化的不同是必要的。这本论文中,作者以文化的一部分-习语作为例子来探讨英语的翻译。除了这些,作者介绍了两种和四种什么意思?英语成语的翻译方法。译者应该根据具体的语境来采用不同的方法。 关键词:成语 来源

4、 文化 翻译The Cultural Connotations of English Idiom and Its TranslationAbstract: On the basis of analysis of source of idiom,this thesis mainly probes into the translation of English idiom.idiom is a special kind of expressing way of language,or a kind of art of human language.the first,as well as most

5、 important feature of idiom is that it is a mirror of culture.the second is that English are rich in figures,which have plentiful varied expressing styles,and idiom itself is a kind of figure too.the semantic unity and structural stability are the third and forth features of English idioms;the final

6、 one is long-lasting vitality.Idiom are very close with culture,which can be testified by its origins,some idioms are originated form peoples lives,custom and environment while other idioms are originated from religious belief,history,allegoric and mythical story,or literal works,still others origin

7、ated from the foreign borrowing.From the origins of English idioms,we know idiom,the culture-specific item,would like to challenge the translators proficiency owing to the rich cultural connotation of idiom,there are always some difficulties to make a sensible translation.after reading numerous tran

8、slation works of English idiom,the thesis goes deep into the different translation versions of English idiom,and explores the problems occurring in the existing translation works.idioms meaning is not a simple combination of that of each constituent word.some idioms are not logical grammatically,can

9、not be understood by common sense.People from different cultures may have different understandings of the same sentence because they know little about the target cultures. Thus, it is necessary for us to study the cultural differences between China and Western countries. In this thesis, the author t

10、akes idioma part of culture as an example to study English translation.Besides, the author introduces two methods and four skills of English idiom translation. Translators should adopt different methods and skills according to specific conditions.Key words: Idiom, Origin,Culture,Translation ( 之间用分号隔

11、开)(仔细检查语法错误)(正文部分格式仔细检查,问题很多)IntroductionTranslation is not only one kind of simple correspondence switching process between two languages, but is one kind of cultural exchange and transmission.Therefore, translating idioms is a concrete operating process.The translators must fully understand the in

12、trinsic meaning of the Chinese idioms and they should utilize several different translation methods,this thesis analyse the definition of idiom and his region of idiom,let the reader know more about the idiom and his relationship with culture.Beside those,author introducte some methods and skills to

13、 leach how to translate English idiom.reader get a deep understanding with the help of some is useful for the English learner.Chapter 1 Definition of Idiom1.1.Idiom is originated form Greek;it means a special kind of expressing way of human language ,or a kind of art of human

14、s form can be a few words,phrase,clause or short sentence.Oxford advanced learners English-Chinese dictionary defines idiom as:phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning if its individual word and which must be learnt as a whole unit,such asgive way,a change of heartetc.Thus,we can define that:English idiom is a s



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