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1、2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 不定项选择题Motorola Inc., the worlds second-largest mobile phone make, will begin selling all of the technology needed to build a basic mobile phone to outside manufacturers, in a key change of strategy. The inventor of the cell phone, which has been troubled by misste

2、ps compounded by a recent industry slump in sales, is trying to become a neutral provider of mobile technology to rivals, with an eye toward fostering a much larger market than it could create itself. The Chicago area-based company, considered to have the widest range of technologies needed to build

3、 a phone, said it planned to make available chips, a design layout for the computer board, software, development tools and testing tools. Motorola has previously supplied mobile phone manufacturers with a couple of its chips, but this is the first time the company will offer its entire line of chips

4、 as well as a detailed blueprint. Mobile phones contain a variety of chips and components to control power, sound and amplification. Analysts said they liked the new strategy but were cautious about whether Motorolas mobile phone competitors would want to buy the technology from a rival.The company,

5、 long known for its top-notch(等级)engineering culture, is hoping to profit its mobile phone technology now that the basic technology to build a mobile phone has largely become a commodity. Motorola said it will begin offering the technology based on the next-generation GPRS (Global Packet Radio Servi

6、ce) standard because most mobile phone makers already have technology in place for current digital phones. GPRS offers faster access to data through “always on” network connections, and customers are charged only for the information they retrieve, rather than the length of download.Burgess said the

7、new business will not conflict with Motorolas own mobile phone business because the latter will remain competitive by offering advanced features and designs. Motorolas phones have been criticized as being too complicated and expensive to manufacture, but Burgess said Motorola will simplify the techn

8、ology in the phones by a third. In addition to basic technology, Burgess said, Motorola would also offer additional features such as Bluetooth, a technology that allows wireless communications at a short distance, and Global Positioning System, which tracks the users whereabouts, and MP3 audio capab

9、ility.41. The word “slump” in the first paragraph may be replaced by( ).42. According to this passage, Motorola Inc.( ).43. Analysts dont think that( ).44. The technology supplied by Motorola is based on( ).45. Which of the following statements is NOT true?问题1选项A.slouchB.declineC.increaseD.stamp问题2选

10、项A.is the worlds largest mobile phone makerB.is trying to become a mobile technology provider besides being a mobile phone makerC.will only sell chips of the mobile phonesD.is going to sell all its manufacturing plants问题3选项A.Motorola will be successfulB.the technology offered by Motorola will be sel

11、ected by its competitorsC.its competitors will want to buy the technology from itD.its mobile phones contain a variety of chips问题4选项A.Bluetooth featuresB.MP3 audio capabilityC.Global Positioning SystemD.GPRS standard问题5选项A.GPRS offers faster access to data through network connections, so customers s

12、hould pay more.B.Motorola Inc. is the inventor of the cell phone.C.Previously Motorola only supplied mobile phone manufacturers with some of its chips.D.Motorola Inc. is known for its high-class engineering culture.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】41.【试题答案】B【试题解析】词义辨析题。Slump “消沉、衰退、(物价)暴跌”,A选项slouch

13、“懒散”; B选项decline “下降,衰落,消沉”;C选项increase “上涨,增加”,所以slump可以用B代替。42.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。定位到第一段第四句is trying to become a neutral provider of mobile technology to rivals(试图成为竞争对手移动技术的中立供应商)以及最后一段第一句Burgess said the new business will not conflict with Motorolas own mobile phone business(伯吉斯表示,新业务不会与摩托罗拉自己的手

14、机业务发生冲突),所以B项“正在努力成为一个移动技术提供商以外的移动电话制造商”正确。A选项定位到第一段开头Motorola , the worlds second-largest mobile phone make(摩托罗拉是世界第二大移动电话生产商),所以A项“最大的生产商”错误;从第一段倒数第四行but this is the first time the company will offer its entire line of chips as well as a detailed blueprint.(但这是该公司首次提供完整的芯片系列以及详细的蓝图)可知C选项“只卖手机芯片”错误

15、;D选项“将出售所有的制造厂”文中并没有提及,所以排除。43.【试题答案】C【试题解析】观点态度题。题目:分析学家认为不。第一段最后一句Analysts said they liked the new strategy but were cautious about whether Motorolas mobile phone competitors would want to buy the technology from a rival (分析家说他们喜欢这一策略,但是对于竞争者是否会愿意从竞争对手手中购买技术这一问题持谨慎态度),C项“竞争者们想要从摩托罗拉购买这项技术”,符合题意。A项

16、“摩托罗拉会成功的”;B项“摩托罗拉提供的技术将由竞争对手选择”;D项“它的手机里有各种各样的芯片”都不符合题干。44.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。从第二段第二句话Motorola said it will begin offering the technology based on the next -generation GPRS (Global Packet Radio Service) standard(摩托罗拉表示,将开始提供基于下一代GPRS(全球分组无线业务)标准的技术)可知D选项“GPRS标准”正确。A项“蓝牙功能”;B项“MP3音频功能”;C项“全球定位系统”文中均没有提及。45.【试题答案】A



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