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1、Unit One. Techi A hi ui aim to hlpsuent improe their narating skills. The thsold enourgestudentto eha thr view n narrting on hig(or person) r a sies of thing (o person) Byte enotis nit, studnsshoud gasp h usefulwdsadepresions forcomprhensn, befaiiith dffeent uss o te present connuos tense and p coni

2、nous te nbe l o expres heir ions abou naraon in asnal corcan pprprite Enish. eachin Priod教学时间安排(8学时)1. 1-2学时:Voabuary, TextA2. -4学时:Exercses IV3. 5-6学时:Dialogue, ext4 -8学时:Gammar,Exerieoabulary check: Ceck studets understading ofjut afewey wrds from the et by givn heirEngishexpaos anaskin the tudets

3、 to giethe wad hirCins eais.difficlt to elain, o derstand 难以解释或理解的 (strange)not fgt (rememb)becoecomiedinto one subsae 混合,搅和 (ix)u norinto lqid fra momt 蘸;浸,沾 (dip)xtreyba; aul 极差的;很糟的 (rrible)whih mters a l; hving orikly tohae gea ffect, value, or infene重要的,重大的;很有作用(价值、影响)的 (ornt)not ayof agou omor

4、e han wo(在一组两个以上的人或物中) 没有一种 (non)Bckoundinormto: Prvie tudes wih soe cultra bckgron o falirie he wththsbjct.Cheistr i the sdy f the cmpstion,structur, popertis, andinerationsof atr. It arse from attmtsbyeope to ransor etas ingld egnnin abotAD100,aefort hat becae kon a lcemy.Mernemistryws estabsd i t

5、e lat 18thcetur, as sintiss egn identifingd vrfyin thu snific exerienatio the emealroeses and ineactions hat reehe gases,lquis and soli that copose our ysical word. A thied o emisy dvelopedi the 1hand 20th enturis, chemistslarne ow t creae ew bsnes that h any ioant plcation inourlive.Detale sudy:Ask

6、 tudent o red the text arefln rovde themithsome detal expaaons of the following difultlanguage ins or structresLook caefyandlenMy rind Paul wil nevr forget h firt emistry tecer. e was a littean wthhck lses,buthe ad srag way of aking his classes ienderetingAn is lessns were not easily fogttn.u remebs

7、 one ofh firslssns from hstcher.Ater t student ere allin te chstry ab, e teach bruht utree botes.1One ws fed wth petrl, ne ith toi ad one withvinegar, Nw atchcarefully,sid e techer.He then fild a cupwth som f th petrol, soe o the castr oiand som o the vingarAs the studenswatchdhim uietl, hemed he he

8、egeher. Aferhat, heedupoe ofis figersand how i t th clsHe hen dedt to hecu Afer a fewsecond heoo hs ier ut.Nw wth, he sd. Remember, ouut do eveyhin asId?put a fige in s moth, tasted it andsid, loing rahrplease. Thenhe haded th up aound the casofstudnts Eachstudent ipped a fing ito e mxur ndsucke it

9、Inteaf smiling, each fhemm fa. he mixuretasedterbleWhen cup wa at as returneto he teacher, h saisadly, I soy,nne of you thedcareuly enogh. Ye, I suce ainger,ut te ing tino ymouth othe oe Iha dpd no thecuIt wa Pul fst imotnt lessona stuent f hmsy nhe evr forgotit.仔细观测以学习我的朋友保罗永远不会忘掉她的第一位化学教师。虽然这位教师身材

10、瘦小,戴着一副厚厚的眼镜,但是她却能用奇特的方式使课程变得生动有趣。她的课总是令人难忘。保罗还记得这位教师最初上的几次化学课中的一节。当学生们都进了化学实验室后,教师拿出了三个瓶子:一瓶装满了汽油,一瓶装满了蓖麻油,尚有一瓶装满了醋。目前仔细观测!教师说。 接着,她往一种杯子里倒了某些汽油、某些蓖麻油和某些醋。当学生们安静地观测的时候,她把这三种液体搅拌混合在一起。然后,她伸出一根手指给全班同窗看,接下来她将手指浸入杯中。几秒钟后,她拿出手指。看仔细了!记住,你们必须照我的样子做。她说。她把手指放进嘴里,尝了尝,笑了,看起来仿佛不久乐。接下来她把那杯混合液轮流递给每一位学生。她们都把手指浸入杯

11、中,然后吮吸那根手指。她们并没有笑,而是纷纷做鬼脸。这杯混合液的味道糟透了。当这杯混合液最后回到教师手里的时候,她沮丧地说:我很遗憾,没有一位同窗认真仔细地观测了我的实验。是的,我的确吸了一根手指,但我放进嘴里的手指并不是我浸入杯中的那一根。这是保罗学习化学以来所上的第一节重要的化学课,她永远不会忘掉这一课。TaskbasdExercis:1. 在15分钟内,记住课文背面所列单词。10%2. 记住下列词组,并记住用自己的话或采用课文中具有这些词组的句子。5%例如:brig ut 取出 Th taerbroughttmaprm sb.。(练习5) Theeahe brough o theeott

12、les.(课文)makes./sth +adj. 使某人/某事ringout 取出befilled t 布满了hd up 举起;支撑;继续下去dp into 蘸;将浸人sowb. s. 把某物出示给某人看insted of 替代at las 最后mak face 做鬼脸one of 之一nne o 一种也没有3.把下列句子译成英语并记住这些句子:35%.这位教师是一种身材瘦小,戴着一副厚厚的眼镜的人,但她却能用奇特的方式使课程变得生动有趣。. 她的课总是令人难忘。3.教师从包里拿出一张图。4.教师拿出了三个瓶子:一瓶装满了汽油,一瓶装满了蓖麻油,尚有一瓶装满了醋。5.房间里到处是烟。(bflledwi)6. 她往一种杯子里倒了某些汽油、某些蓖麻油和某些醋。7. 她伸出一根手指给全班同窗看。.约翰是我最佳的朋友之一。(one


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