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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页目录摘要 1英文摘要2一简述3二步进电机的工作原理3三步进电机的分类31.永磁式步进电机 32.反应式步进电机 33.混合式步进电机 4四步进电机的基本原理4(一)反应式步进电机 4(二)感应子式步进电机 4五步进电机的一些参数61.电机固有步距角 62.步进电机的相数 63.保持转矩(HOLDING TORQUE) 6六步进电机的特点6七步进电机的驱动系统7八步进电机的主要特性8九步进电机与伺服电机的区别81. 控制精度不同82. 低频特性不同83. 矩频特性不同84.过载能力不同 95.运行性能不同 96.速度

2、响应性能不同 9十步进电机的发展方向 9总结11参考文献12有关机械专业方面英语范文13有关机械专业方面英语范文译文15摘要步进电机最早是在1920年由英国人所开发。1950年后期晶体管的发明也逐渐应用在步进电机上,这对于数字化的控制变得更为容易。以后经过不断改良,使得今日步进电机已广泛运用在需要高定位精度、高分解性能、高响应性、信赖性等灵活控制性高的机械系统中。在生产过程中要求自动化、省人力、效率高的机器中,我们很容易发现步进电机的踪迹,尤其以重视速度、位置控制、需要精确操作各项指令动作的灵活控制性场合步进电机用得最多。步进电机作为执行元件,是机电一体化的关键产品之一, 广泛应用在各种自动化


4、单片机控制。步进电机还具有快速启动、精确步进和定位等特点,因而在数控机床,绘图仪,打印机以及光学仪器中得到广泛的应用。步进电动机已成为除直流电动机和交流电动机以外的第三类电动机。传统电动机作为机电能量转换装置,在人类的生产和生活进入电气化过程中起着关键的作用。步进电机可以作为一种控制用的特种电机,利用其没有积累误差(精度为100%)的特点,广泛应用于各种开环控制。本文详细介绍了步进电机的原理,特点及发展方向。关键词:步进电机 脉冲 步距角AbstractStepper motor was first in 1920, developed by the British. Late in 1950

5、 the invention of the transistor is gradually applied to stepper motors, which control for digital easier. Future through continuous improvement, makes todays stepper motors have been widely used in the need for high positioning accuracy, high decomposition performance, highly responsive, flexible a

6、nd controlled such as high reliability of mechanical systems. Require automation in the production process, the provincial manpower and high efficiency of the machine, we are easy to find traces of the stepper motor, especially emphasis on speed, position control requires Jingquecaozuo the flexible

7、movement of the Zhi Ling controlled stepper motor Yong occasions the most. Stepper motors as actuators, electromechanical integration is one of the key products, widely used in a variety of automatic control systems. With the development of microelectronics and computer technology, increasing demand

8、 for stepper motors, all applications in all areas of the national economy. Stepper motor is converted into electric pulse signals the angular displacement or linear displacement of the implementation of the components. Stepper motor can be driven directly by digital signal, easy to use. General Mot

9、ors is a continuous rotation, and stepper motors have two basic positioning and operation of the state, when the input pulse stepper motor rotating step by step, each to give it a pulse signal, it turned a certain angle. Stepper motor angular displacement and the number of strictly proportional to t

10、he input pulse in time synchronization with the input pulse, so as long as the control input pulse number, frequency and phase sequence of energized motor windings can get the corner, speed and direction of rotation. In the absence of pulse input, the power of the excitation winding air-gap magnetic

11、 field can maintain their position in positioning the rotor state. So it is suitable for SCM. Stepper motor also features quick start, precise stepping and positioning, etc., which in CNC machine tools, plotters, printers, and optical instruments are widely used. In addition to stepping motor has be

12、come a DC motor and AC motor other than the third type of motor. Conventional motor as electrical and mechanical energy conversion device, in human life into the electrification process of production and plays a key role. Stepper motor control can be used as a special motor, its no accumulation of e

13、rror (accuracy of 100%), which is widely used in various open-loop control. This paper describes the principle of stepper motors, characteristics and development.Key words: step angle stepper motor pulse 步进电机原理及发展方向一简述步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。在非超载的情况下,电机的转速、停止的位置只取决于脉冲信号的频率和脉冲数,而不受负载变化的影响,当步进驱动器接收到一个脉冲信号,它就驱动步进电机按设定的方向转动一个固定的角度,称为“步距角”,它的旋转是以固定的角度一步一步运行的。可以通过控制脉冲个数来控制角位移量,从而达到准确定位的目的;同时可以通过控制脉冲频率来控制电机转动的速度和加速度,从而达到调速的目的。由于脉冲信号数与步距角的线性关系,加上步进电机只有周期性的误差而无累积误差等特点,使得在速度、位置等控制领域用步进电机来控制变的非常的简单。二步进电机的工作原理


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