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1、人教版高一英语必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games阅读教学设计课题: Warming up and Reading, Unit 2 The Olympic Games (Ss Book 2)科目: 英语教学对象:高一1班 课时: 第一节(40min)提供者:李霞一、教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“奥运会”-世界上最重要的体育盛会。通过本单元学习,使学生了解奥运会的起源、宗旨以及比赛项目。同时介绍了一些古代希腊神话传说和其中的一些著名人物。宗教和神话传说源远流长,是人类最初的文学形态,而希腊神话是整个西方文明的摇篮,本单元的教学对于学生了解西方文化和英语语音发展也有协助。本节课

2、主要围绕Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending四个部分展开教学。Warming up部分设计了若干问题,通过一个智力测试的形式考查学生对古代和现代奥运会基本知识的了解。其目的是激活学生已有的背景知识,并使他们积极主动的参与本单元中心话题的思考与讨论。Pre-reading部分设计了三个问题,第一个问题是进一步考查学生对古代和现代奥运会的了解,第二个问题是为了让学生更加注重奥运会,同时让学生结合实际使用本单元句子结构-一般将来是的被动语态;第三个问题是培养学生使用标题和插图对文章内容实行预测的水平。Reading部分通过一个虚拟的采访-两千

3、年前的古希腊作家Pausanias与一位当代中国女孩Li Yan的对话,向学生介绍了古代奥运会和现代奥运会的异同及基本情况。随着问题的逐渐展开,学生对奥运会的了解也越来越全面。文章以对话的形式给学生创设了语言情景,把描述竞技体育这个话题的语言内容变成了生动有趣的对话,让学生有一种身临其境的真实感受。Comprehending部分设计了四个练习,练习一要求找出古代奥运会和现代奥运会各自的特点和相同之处,旨在培养学生捕捉文章细节信息的水平(scanning)。练习二要求学生根据所阅读的课文内容实行分析回答问题,旨在培养学生的归纳和推断理解水平。练习三要求学生讨论和分析对于申办奥运会各国看法不同的原

4、因,旨在培养学生的发散性思维。练习四要求学生表演部分对话内容,旨在训练学生的语音基本功,特别是重音、语音和语调等。二、教学目标Knowledge objectives: (1) Ss can understand the main idea of the passage; (2) Ss can learn some useful words and expressions from this passage.Affective objectives:(1) Ss can know more about the basic knowledge of the Olympics; (2) Ss ca

5、n learn the Olympic spirit and get more interested in sports.Ability objectives: (1) Ss can have a better understanding of the English expression of some events in Olympic Games; (2) Ss can learn more about the similarities and differences of ancient and modern OG.三、学习者特征分析从学生的知识结构上看,我授课班级的学生已经积累了一定

6、的词汇量和语法知识,不过在面对知识背景不熟悉的阅读材料时还是会被生词困扰,遇到较复杂的长句就不知所云,从而无法快速理解阅读文章内容。所以,在本课教学中我将采取以下策略:1. 丰富和激活知识背景。在实行语篇教学前,利用教学图片、多媒体等教学设备,给学生提供丰富的语篇理解所需的背景知识,逐步引入文章话题,让学生适度了解话题内容,激活学生已有的知识网络,引导学生准确理解和领会篇章内容。2. 研究语篇体裁,分析篇章结构。分析语篇结构有助于学生对文章的整体理解,另外还必须训练学生掌握必要的阅读技能,如略读、跳读、归纳等技巧。3. 提倡合作学习。在阅读教学过程中,要精心设计小组合作学习任务,积极创设能引导

7、学生主动参与“合作学习”的教学环境,构建学生主体意识,增强学习小组间的对话与交流。四、教学策略选择与设计1. 略读法、跳读法、预测法;2. 课堂互动法。五、教学重点及难点Main pointLearning the similarities and differences of ancient and modern Olympics.DifficultyHow to distinguish the ancient and modern Olympics? From which aspects?六、教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step one Greeting & Warming up1.

8、Greeting Ss; 2. Presenting the topic of this unitThe Olympics1. Greeting T; 2. Taking out textbooks.Step two Lead in1. Showing the teaching goals for this class; 2. Playing the tape and asking Ss to read the vocabularies for Unit 2 by following the record.1. Looking at the goals; 2. Listening to the

9、 record and reading the vocabularies for Unit 2 on P90.Step three Brain storming1. Asking some Ss to look at the screen and answer the Qs in the chart on P9. 2. Explaining the meaning of 5 rings and mascots.3. Adding some pictures of Olympic events.1. Choosing answers for the Qs in the chart on P9.

10、2. Writing down the answers and fill the chart. 3. Telling the English expressions of the Olympic events.Step four Reading1. Showing the time-line of the history of the Olympics.2.Explaining the meaning of “Interview”;3.Asking 3 Ss to read the interview passage and others prepare to answer Qs;4.Aski

11、ng Ss the main idea and the similarities and differences of the ancient and modern Olympics; 1.Understanding the history of the Olympics;2.Three Ss reading and others listening to them and answering the main ideas;3. Telling the main idea, filling the chart, answering the Qs, and deciding T or F.Ste

12、p fiveClosing 1. Asking Ss to finish ex. 2 & 3 on P11;2. Asking Ss to retell the interview by filling blanks. 1.Finishing ex. 2 &3 on P11;2. Retelling the interview by filling blanks. Step sixHomework1. Reviewing the reading passage on P10;2. Preview the language points in this reading passage;3. Fi

13、nishing Test 7 for Unit 2 Period 1 warming up in Happy Learning Hour.七、教学评价设计1. Quiz:(1). When and where were the Olympic Games first held?(2). When did the ancient Olympic Games stop?(3). When did the First Winter Olympics begin?(4). In which year was the first Olympic Torch Relay?(5). How and why

14、have Pausanias come to modern times?(6). Is it worthwhile hosting the Olympic Games?2. Blank-filling:1) We need two boys. We need three girls_.(as well)2) Phelps has decided to_ the 2012 Olympic Games, after which he will retire.(take part in)3) What does the red color _ in China? (stand for)4) The

15、nurse was _ of the children. (in charge of)5) They went into the classroom_. (one after another)八、板书设计The Olympic GamesThe ancient Olympics: 776BC-394AD differences similaritiesThe modern Olympics: since 1896 An interviewInterviewer: Pausanias (a Greek writer)Interviewee: Li Yan (a volunteer for Beijing Olympics)九教学反思可以从如下角度进行反思(不少于200字):本单元的话题与学生生活密切相关,选材多样有趣,学生在学习过程中普遍表现出浓厚的兴趣。Warming Up部分是有关奥


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