高中英语 Module 3 Period Two Language Points课时作业 外研版必修4

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1、高中英语 Module 3 Period Two Language Points课时作业 外研版必修4.语境填词1Speech is the fastest method of _ (交流,沟通) between people.2The weather _ (变化) from year to year with the pollution being more and more serious.3. Whats the matter?The bike hit a rock and turned over.Fortunately,he was _ (轻微地) hurt.4Its none of

2、others business,so dont _ (牵涉) other people in your trouble.5Be careful about the news on red fire antstake measures to prevent the possible _ (蔓延) of them.6_ (传统地) speaking,on the Spring Festival in China people often give children pocket money.7It is clear that he is very _ (好斗的,挑衅的)8The dog growl

3、ed at me _ (具有威胁性地)9The doctor said that he was hurt but still _ (清醒的)10The officials all _ (鞠躬) to the king in respect.选词填空in the distance;not at all;on guard;hold up;give away;make a deal;deal with;in munication with1I am _ him on this subject.2A bullfrog was croaking _.3I am _ satisfied with the

4、present situation.4Dont _ to the public when we will start.5The meeting will _ these problems.6Be _.There are pickpockets around here.7All the students _ their hands when the teacher asked if anyone wanted to take the dirty book.8Lets _ with each other and stop fighting.翻译句子1不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中!(involve)_

5、2学生们的性格各不相同。(vary)_3入乡随俗。(as引导从句) _4他无缘无故就被关进了监狱。(for no good reason)_5我们把他看作我们最好的朋友。(think of.as)_6我们不知道他的到来。(unconscious)_.单项填空1We can municate _ people in every part of the world _ the Internet.Awith;with Bwith;throughCthrough;through Dthrough;with2The pyramids are visible _ of several kilometres

6、.Aat a distance Bin the distanceCat distance Din distance3The frightened boy said something to his mother in a _ voice.Atrembled BshakenCtrembling Dshook4If you want to do it _,do it well.Aat all Bnot at allCtrue Dreal5Jane was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked _.Amindless BunawareCbrain

7、less Dunconscious6The hopes,goals,fears and desires _ widely between men and women,between the rich and the poor.Aalter BshiftCtransfer Dvary7Building that railway was very difficult and involved _ ten tunnels.Adig BdiggingCto have dug Dhaving dug8With the development of the pany,it has made another

8、 _ with Japan and made lots of money.Aprogress BdealCeffort Dconcept9_ difficult the problem is,you have to try your best to solve it.AAlthough BWhateverCHowever DNo matter10Who was _ when the thief broke in?Sorry,I dont know.Aon show Bon businessCon a visit Don guard.阅读理解Research shows men and wome

9、n have different styles of speaking.Men tend to use “report talk” to express information and selfimportance,while women tend to use “rapport_(融洽)_talk” to establish intimacy (亲密) and connection.Then women will see men as selfcentered and domineering,while men will see women as illogical and insecure

10、.Men will accuse women of asking for advice and then not taking it and being unable to make decisions.Women will accuse men of ignoring their feelings and always stepping in to solve problems with a lot of “you should”These differences impact the way messages are sent and received,causing munication

11、 breakdown.For example,a female supervisor seeks a conversation from her male boss about a problem she is having with one of her employees.She just wants him to listen to her and express what shes thinking.Instead,he begins telling her what she should do with the problem employee.She bees frustrated

12、 (沮丧的),feeling her time has been wasted.He feels he has solved the problem,and its time to move on.Taking this situation into home,the wife wishes to discuss a problem shes having with her husband,and he jumps in with the solution before she has had a chance to express her opinions.She gets mad and leaves the room saying,“You just never listen!”In both cases,some very important munication skills are seriously lacking.First of



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