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1、 教学设计 Weddings I. Teaching ContentThe topic of this unit is Celebration. In these reading from Weddings, students will see the differences between Indonesian and Greek weddings. In Indonesia, even though you dont receive an invitation yourself, you can go to a wedding. You ought to put money into th

2、e box at the entrance of the reception. However, you ought not to go to the ceremony without asking first. In Greek, the bridegroom have to ask the brides father for his daughters hand in marriage. The best man should help put crowns made of flowers on the heads of the bride and bridegroom and guest

3、s can throw dishes on the floor and put money on the brides wedding dress for good luck.II. Teaching important and difficult pointsTeaching important points:Talk about weddings and get the students interested in weddings in different countries.Teaching difficult points:1. Understand the further mean

4、ing of weddings.2. Find out the key information related to the weddings in Indonesia and Greek.3. Appreciate different culture of wedding.III. Teaching aims1. Learning objectives To get to know some key words: ceremony, reception, traditional. Help the students develop their reading ability and lear

5、n to use some reading strategies such as key sentences, skimming, scanning and so on.2. Emotional objectivesTo arouse students interest of talking about weddings To discuss the customs about wedding in China.IV. Teaching Methods1. Task-based teaching and leaning 2. Cooperative learning 3. Role-play.

6、V. Teaching AidsMultimedia devices and PPT document.VI. Teaching procedures:Step 1: Lead-inBrain-storming Ask the Ss a question-Have you ever been to a wedding party? Play a short video, let the Ss understand the procedures of wedding ceremony.When we talk about wedding, what words can you think of

7、?-bride, bridegroom, ceremony .Step 2. Classroom learning and exploration 课堂学习和研讨Task 1 SkimmingTwo minutes to read the whole text to find the main idea.Answers: This passage is mainly about the differences between Indonesian and Greek weddings.Task 2 ScanningTwo minutes to read part 1(Wedding in In

8、donesia) and try to find what to do and what not to do.(fill in the blanks)Enjoy the pictures about Indonesian WeddingWhat to do:1. You can go without an _.2. You can _ the reception after the ceremony.3. You ought to put _ into the box at the entrance of the reception.What not to do:1. You ought no

9、t to go to the ceremony _ (with/without) asking first.2. Indonesian women dont have to cover their _.3. You dont have to _ a lot of money.4. You cant _ alcohol at the wedding reception.Answers: invitation, attend, money, without, heads, give, drink.Task 3 Reading comprehension Two minutes to read pa

10、rt 2(Greek Weddings) and then answer the following questions.Enjoy the pictures about Indonesian Wedding1. What does the bridegroom do at the ceremony?2. What does the best man do during the wedding?3. What does the silk ribbon stand for?4. What do the guests do during the wedding ceremony?Answers:

11、(turn to PPT)Task 4 Intensive reading. T or F1. Even though you dont receive an invitation yourself,you can go to a wedding.( ) 2. Indonesian women dont have to wear traditional clothes.( )3. The bridegroom doesnt have to ask the brides father for his daughters hand in marriage in Greece.( )4. The f

12、lower crown is the symbol of a long and happy life for the couple.( )Answers: TFFF. Choose the best answer.1 According to the whole passage,which of the following statements is not TRUE?A. In Indonesia, you cant go to a wedding without an invitation.B. The bridegrooms best man goes with the couple t

13、o the church.C. Guests usually give money as a present.D. In Greece, the wedding party can last through the night.2We can infer from the whole passage that_.AIndonesian women never cover their heads Bnot all the guests receive an invitation to the Indonesian wedding ceremonyCalcohol is not allowed i

14、n Greek weddingsDit is bad manners for guests to throw dishes on the floor in GreeceAnswers: ABTask 5 Summary In 1._,if your friend receive an invitation to a wedding,you can go 2._ him/her. The 3._(time) of the wedding ceremony and the reception are 4._ on the invitation. However, you 5._ not go to

15、 the ceremony 6._ it is only for close family. Everyone can 7._ the reception afterwards. 8._(guest) usually put some money into a box at the 9._ (enter) to the reception as a 10._ . But they cant drink alcohol. Answers: Indonesia, with, times, both, should, because, attend, Guests, entrance, present/gift. Step 3. Classroom assessment 课堂检测Wedding in Indo


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