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1、九年级英语上册单元练习:Unit7Period6(TaskSelf-assessment)一、词组翻译1一位富有经验的女演员_ 2扮演坚强的中国女性_3被认为是_ 4获得几项国际大奖_5对感到很兴奋_ 6在演技方面富有经验_7上演员培训班课程_ 8访问有关好莱坞的网页_9看电影评论_ 10把伞忘记在电影院_二、单词拼写1Smoking has a bad_(作用)on health2_(无论如何),I will do as you said3He is good at drawing,singing,writing,he has many kinds of_(才干)4He has acted

2、for more than 40 years,so he an_(有经验的)actor5After they watched the film,the cinema was quiet,and people kept in_(寂静)6Lei Feng is_(被认为)as a model of good behaviour7When children were young,all of them are_(天使)in their parentseyes8My father_(坚持)that I should go to the best school to study9MrGreen put

3、a lot of_(努力)into arranging the concert10Audrey passed away,_(安宁地),in her sleep6. I think this is the_ (suit) clothes for you in this shop.7. The story_ (it) is very interesting and attractive.8. What do you think about_ (fight) in action films? .9. My poor dog_ (die) when the vet arrived.10. You ha

4、ve to_ (keep) quiet while watching the film四、单项填空( )1. -I dont know where to go this summer vacation -Why not_ visiting Huanggang? There are many places of interest there A suggest B. wonder C. consider D. regard( )2. Do you know when the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation_? A. will be set up B. set

5、up C. was set up D. sets up( )3. _ you_ she has to attend the ceremony. A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Neither; or D. Either; nor( )4. _ of my parents_ my uncle are from Yancheng. A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Neither; or D. Either; nor( )5. -Tell us something about Canada, OK? -Im so

6、rry. _ Jack_ I have ever been there. A. Either; or B. Not only; but also C. Both; and D. Neither; nor五、完形填空 Marie Curie was a great scientist. She was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1867. 1 of her parents were teachers. 2 Marie was only 10 years old, her mother died. Young Marie was a very good student.

7、 She loved science, math, and languages. She and her sister Bronya wanted to go to college. 3 in those days, only men could go to college in Poland. The girls had to go to France to study. There was not enough money for both sisters to go. So Marie worked 4 a teacher in Poland. She sent money to Bro

8、nya to 5 medical school in Paris. After Bronya became a doctor, she helped Marie. When she was 24, Marie became a science student at the Sorbonne, a university in Paris. Even with her sisters help, she did not have much money. She lived in a small room near the college. It had no lights, no water, a

9、nd no heat. 6 Marie only had bread and tea to eat. Marie studied hard and graduated in 1894. A year later, she 7 Pierre Curie. He was also a scientist. They worked together for many years. Their most important discovery was radium(镭). Today, doctors use the rays from radium to treat cancer. The Curi

10、es won a Nobel Prize for their discovery. This is the highest award for a scientist. Marie Curie was the first woman 8 this award. When Marie Curie was 39, Pierre died in a street accident. But she 9 their work. Curie became the first woman professor in France. In 1911, she won a second Nobel Prize.

11、 But years of working with radium ruined her health. She 10 cancer in 1934. Her daughter Irene continued Curies work. She also received a Nobel Prize. Sadly, Irene also got cancer and died young. Both women gave their lives for their work.( )1. A Neither B. Either C. Both D. Al1( )2. A. While B. Whe

12、n C. Since D. As( )3. A However B. And C. So D. But( )4. A as B. for C. by D. with( )5. A. pay B. spend C. give D. pay for ( )6. A. Sometime B. Sometimes C. Some time D. Some times( )7. A. married to B. married with C. married D. got married with( )8. A. to present B. to receive C. to presenting D.

13、to receiving( )9. A. went on B. continued C. went on to D. continued with( )10. A. died out B. died upon C. died of D. died away六、阅读理解Do you know what Oscar is? When did it start? Maybe you can find the background of the awards in the following passage.The awards started in 1929. Their full title is

14、 “The Academy(学会) of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Awards”. The Academy is a group of people who have worked in the film industry for many years. They decide who will receive the awards. The awards are often referred to as the “Oscar”. This is a nickname(绰号) given to the awards by a lady called Margaret Herrick. S


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