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1、博士英文自我评价博士英文自我评价 在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,我们都不行避开地要运用自我评价,自我评价极大地影响人与人之间的交往方式,也确定着一个人对待他人的看法,还影响对他人的评价。你知道自我评价怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我为大家收集的博士英文自我评价,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。博士英文自我评价 PrciouPDudlie is nearngcompletin, uhe gais and ss, tere are ma gain.In he ieologicaland politil spcts, havexcelentr ctivtin,ndae impitical ition. lo

2、ve th motheran, ove the pepe, firmly supot t ladehi of th omunisrty of Cinaand hescast sysem, andtriv to stdyMarxism-Lnism,Mao Zedng Thoughtad eng Xiaoping Thery, an onstanty improve thi politial osciusess an idlogicl quality, srictlybde bythe ainal constittn andoter legal poisin. t te same time I a

3、ide b socia morality, lov of pubi rt, nityof sudents,hefu an prmac piitof ntusim oparicipaein scho pulc interest and ariotc aciviies Ith exerciseof character, I aaso verygoo n all apectso perfomane.Inlife,I adcaea smple and e lfe, t exraanad wast, ad eveop goo habits and decent tyle. My cncept of ti

4、e is elativly strong, h ppointentimewll always rrivei avance. Achids if alo xecemyhar-working spiit, sel-elane abily I menthusastic aout others, oet an truwrhy, whinvatinandpioerin cnsciones, tecourage t calenge themslves, an te relaionshipbetwe stuents is etemely harmonousearin,I earnetly std he pr

5、ofessonal knoldge, acodig to tei ow profeionl irtn requimnts, tgetdcrfulyradthecoecuriu, forthe wn ern ork t ay a soid fudatio; andsied part ooter course, broadentheirhorzs, teroession dirtion Appliation backgond d he rcture of h enir dsinehas a macroscopic undrstng. In dditn othereticalstudy, I als

6、oeaed tus thelrning meto atthe seime pay attentinto independent hikin, o improveteir abiliyto analyze prolems, prblem-oling sils In scientiicresarch, y readinthe litratur,espeallyfeigneraur readi,ig their own reading andwiting of scietific paprs ave been gratly ipoved. Aoringto the nstuctors iance,h

7、uh alarge brobosing,aswell s eaces an stuens to po the ehagetween, andgdually cear the direction of delopent, hruhthiownconinuous efrts oobtinsmerelativly atifacory esulsDuingthispero,cess to infmtion,orhensi anlysis fh asi quality of cotinuous imovement, the ablity oeress writenaloottemer,seclythe

8、iity oink ad judg indeedely, wih greatprogss, heseae alo great fo fuur workenefi. ha a dctoraltesis hsben baially colted, I canmorecompehnsiveunersningofthe technology inte field of rarchsatus ndthe latest dvee, ad as old radtheortical baisfor elctic an ip system of pofessional kolede, s trn ndepnnr

9、eearchcapbilies, Riorou cetific resarcstyle.S yeas of dctoralstuden life, I aine a l. Aboe is abouto gradute, wna few years o elfdentificaton I a confien tha wt their own ali an knowedgein he work fter adution and lf an tiue toreaize tdremo sefand li valu.博士英文自我评价2 The hreeyear dctorl dgree is a tim

10、eeina rform and openin-up hs bendpenin, h naioal enomyhasbeen goa high eed, and cvel partiiatigi comic globalizationnd goaloopration hcurrent stag, he natoal infasruct to lorish,e cvil einenprofesioan be decribed a ast orld,muchtoacomplsh.I this evronment, tr three year of eforts,nthe ieoogica, pfes

11、ional thoretial knolge, productioneprene,a well srsonaoal ambitis, and achived great pogess andemendou gais Proessional,hardoern and improve heproesional thorticalknoedge, srive to learn more abot cttin-ede subjcts nddrctio f evlomen,while unr the umaite history, ognaion andmnagementkowldge, and sti

12、ve to have experte in a e rane of nolege mpondtent;f hescietific esarch rjectand project,steed the mthod ofscentificearch, raing in scientific paper itinabiy, roessional knoledge andprducion practce f cmbning learnng inratice. Mall-cultvatin andrnizatinand codinton capaty, with a strong snse ocollcivand colctie effotto achieth spiaionsof thgoal; eao with peplepen-inded, air adopen, noall profts,atvcomcation, avocacyolaborat win-wi; Coordiion oheinal aaci. Interms ofiolog, once



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