剑桥五年级下英语Unit 4 同步练习(4)

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1、Join in五年级下册第四单元测试卷Class:_ Name:_一、听力测试。(40分)1.听音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在题前的括号里。(10分)( )1.A.lateB.eightC.left ( )2.A.stationB.street C.straight( )3.A.pool B.school C.park( )4.A.beside B.behind C.best( )5.A.past B.post C.police( )6.A.right B.tonight C.side( )7.A.think B.thank C.take( )8.A.know B.knee C.near

2、( )9.A.ahead B.again C.ask( )10.A.live B.life C. Love2.听音,根据听到的顺序,给图片标上序号,并在图片下的横线上写出单词。(10分)(_)_(_)_(_)_(_)_(_)_ (_)_(_)_(_)_(_)_(_)_ 3.听音,根据听到的顺序,给图片标上序号。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )4.听音,请根据所听内容,在图上标号。(5分)5.听音,请根据对话内容回答问题,并将正确答案的代号写在题前的括号里。(5分)( )1.A.Its behind the park.B.Turn left.C.Go straight ahead

3、.( )2.A.Its next to the school. B.Its next to the hospital. C.Its next to the park. ( )3.A.First left,thenright,then straight ahead. B.First right,then left,then straight ahead.C.First gostraight ahead,then left,thenright.( )4.A.He will walk to the hospital. B.He will take a bus. C.He will not go th

4、ere. ( )5.Mr. Blue lives on side of the street.A. Mr. Blacks B. Mr. Browns C. Mr. Greens6.听音,判断正误。(5分)( )1.Toby is going to Tonys tonight.( )2.At Tonys, you get the best pizza in town.( )3.The Tonys is opposite the school and next to the park.( )4.First you go right, then go straight,then you turn l

5、eft, you will get to Tonys.( )5.They will meet there at eight tonight.二、单项选择(10分)1._,whereisthe museum? A.Thats easy B.Hello C.Excuse me2.Shellseeadoctorinthe_. A.museumB.churchC.hospital3.Letsflykitesinthe_. A.parkB.zoo C.library4.Seeyou_Tonys. A.inB.on C.at5._isDangoing?Hesgoingtothetouristoffice.

6、 A.WhatB.WhenC.Where6.Mr Black and Mr Brown _ good friends. A.is B.has C.are7.They live _ the same street. A.at B.on C.in8. Mr Brown _ next to Mr Black. A.live B.lives C.are9.Igotomygrandparentshome_taxi. A.toB.with C.by 10.Please tell me the way _the library. A.at B.on C.to三、连词成句(10分)1.where the mu

7、seum? is Excuse me, 2.is The park the police station. opposite3.and past the pool. the park past Go 4.will I a taxi. I take think 5. next to Mr. Blue Mr. Black . lives 四、读句子,按对话顺序给句子编号。(10分)A:( )Its behind the park. ( )Thepark?Thats easy. Go straight ahead, then turn left. ( )Wheresthe park? ( )Excu

8、seme,wheresthepolice station? ( )Thankyou.B:( )Excuseme,wheresthemuseum? ( )Left,thenright. ( )No.Tumright.Thenleft.Themuseumisnexttothepark. ( )Themuseum?Tumright,thenleft. ( )Thankyou.Bye.五、课内阅读,请根据Where is the museum?课文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)( )1.She is going to the museum .( )2.The museum is opposite

9、 the school.( )3.The museum is near the park.( )4.First go left,then goright,then go straight ahead,then right, then left, you will get there.( )5.She will walk to the museum. 六、课外阅读。(10分)A:请根据短文内容回答问题。Jack:Whereareyougoingafterschool,Tom?Tom:ImgoingtotheXinhuaBookstore(书店).Jack:Whatareyougoingtobuy

10、?Tom:ImgoingtobuyabookabouttheArcticanimals.ButIdontknowthewaytothebookstore.Jack:Thatseasy.Gooutfromourschool.Gostraightaboutfiveminutes.Youcangettoacrossing(十字路口).Turnrightthereandgostraightaheadfortenminutes.Youcanseeit.Itsnext tothepostoffice.Tom:Thankyou. Jack:ThatsOK. Bye.1.Tom will go to the_

11、.2.The book is about_.3.Tom should(应该)turn _at the crossing.4.The bookstore is _the post office.5.It will take Tom _ minutes to get to Xinhua Bookstore.B:根据短文内容在房间号下面写上对应的旅客名字。Thisisahotel,Mr.A,B,C,D,Elivehere.Mr.Alivesin101.Mr.BlivesnexttoMr.C.Mr.DlivesinMr.Asfloor(层).ButheisnotnexttoMr.A.Mr.ElivesonMr.Csleft.Wheredotheylive?Canyouwritetheirnamesintherooms? 201:_ 202:_ 203:_ 101: Mr.A 102:_ 103:_七、作文。写一段问路指路的对话(可以用下图,也可以自己画图然后编写对话)。(10分) 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word


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