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1、2022年考博英语-东北财经大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题It is a devastating prospect. Terrorist electronically break into the computers that control the water supply of a large American city, open and close valves to contaminate the water with untreated sewage or toxic chemicals, and then release it in a devastating

2、flood. As the emergency services struggle to respond, the terrorists strike again, shutting down the telephone network and electrical power grid with just a few mouse clicks. Businesses are paralyzed, hospitals are overwhelmed and roads are gridlocked as people try to flee.This kind of scenario is i

3、nvoked by doom-mongers who insist that stepping up physical security since the September 11thattacks is not enough. Road-blocks and soldiers around power stations cannot prevent digital terrorism. “Until we secure our cyber-infrastructure, a few keystrokes and an Internet connection is all one needs

4、 to disable the economy and endanger lives,” Lamar Smith, a Texas congressman, told a judiciary committee in February. He ended with his catchphrase: “A mouse can be just as dangerous as a bullet or a bomb.” Is he right?It is true that utility companies and other operators of critical infrastructure

5、 are increasingly connected to the Internet. But just because an electricity companys customers can pay their bills online, it does not necessarily follow that the companys critical control systems are vulnerable to attack. Control systems are usually kept entirely separate from other systems, for g

6、ood reason. They tend to be obscure, old-fashioned systems that are incompatible with internet technology anyhow. Even authorized users require specialist knowledge to operate them. And telecoms firms, hospitals and businesses usually have contingency plans to deal with power failures or flooding.A

7、simulation carried out in August by the United States Naval War College in conjunction with Gartner, a consultancy, concluded that an “electronic Pearl Harbor” attack on Americas critical infrastructure could indeed cause serious disruption, but would first need five years of preparation and 200 mil

8、lion dollars of funding. There are far simpler and less costly way to attack critical infrastructure, from hoax phone calls to truck bombs and hijacked airliners.On September 18thRichard Clarke, Americas cyber-security tsar, unveiled his long-awaited blueprint for securing critical infrastructure fr

9、om digital attacks. It was a bit of a damp squib (胆怯), making no firm recommendations and proposing no new regulation or legislation. But its lily-livered approach might, in fact be the right one. When a risk has been overstated, inaction may be the best policy.It is difficult to avoid comparisons w

10、ith the “millennium bug and the predictions of widespread computer chaos arising from the change of date to the year 2000. Then, as now, the alarm was sounded by technology vendors and consultants, who stood to gain from scare-mongering. But Ross Anderson, a computer scientist at Cambridge Universit

11、y, prefers to draw an analogy with the environmental lobby. Like eco-warriors, he observes, those in the security industrybe the vendors trying to boost sales, academics chasing grants, or politicians looking for bigger budgetshave a built-in incentive to overstate the risks.1. We learn from the fir

12、st paragraph that _.2. Speaking of the doom-mongers, the author implies that _.3. In the view of Gartner consultant, _.4. “Lily-livered approach” (Paragraph 5) probably means an approach characterized by _.5. We learn from the last paragraph that _.问题1选项A.terrorists could plunge a large American cit

13、y into chaos through electronic attackB.American people have no experience in dealing with terroristsC.the computer systems of utility companies are rather vulnerableD.the response of emergency services is far from satisfactory问题2选项A.their worries are quite reasonableB.their warnings should be taken

14、 seriouslyC.they exaggerate the threat utility companies are facingD.they are familiar with the way terrorists strike问题3选项A.terrorists may launch another “Pearl Harbor” attackB.terrorists have ample capital and time to prepare a stunning strikeC.it is very costly and time-consuming to attack critica

15、l infrastructureD.it is unlikely that terrorists would resort to electronic means to attack critical infrastructure问题4选项A.flexibilityB.boldnessC.cowardiceD.conservatism问题5选项A.the computer industry suffered heavy loss due to the “millennium bug”B.doom-mongers care more about their own interests than

16、national securityC.computer scientists have better judgment than doom-mongersD.environmentalists are criticized for their efforts of protecting environment【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B【解析】第1题:【选项释义】We learn from the first paragraph that _. 我们从第一段得知_。A. terrorists could plunge a large American city into cha



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