表1 永保桥到施工组织设计(改)

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《表1 永保桥到施工组织设计(改)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《表1 永保桥到施工组织设计(改)(118页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、program is enacted, implementation of in-house security training programmes managed by the authority; responsible for the regulated enterprises new project preparation, proactive coordination, responsible for new employee safety, technical training; (I) the construction, reconstruction and expansion

2、 engineering design, construction, commissioning process management, supervision of construction and expansion project ready for production work; ensure that relevant state labor safety and industrial sanitation simultaneously with the principal part of the project design, construction, and commissi

3、oning procedure implementation; (J) development of production information management system, establishing and perfecting the company produces information management network, post production operation management information in a timely manner, guiding the enterprises to develop information exchange;

4、(11) to contribute to the safety offered to praise or reward, to have those responsible for the accident, be criticized and punished; (12) actively promote the safety quality standardization, clean production work, exploring new management methods and means of production safety, establishing the lon

5、g-term mechanism of safe production; (13) according to the carbon company, combined with the companys actual, organized safety evaluation, critical incident management, technology monitoring, dam safety, reliability, management, flood control and other safety work, and check for implementation; (14)

6、 in its investigation on an accident of personal death and above; unit of organization that belong to major accidents investigation; typical accident analysis system of the company, develop corrective actions. Supervision of four no principles implementation; complete accident statistics, analysis,

7、and reporting; Eighth: Workshop safety responsibilities for related infrastructure projects in the area of safety supervision, guidance, coordination, and assume the corresponding responsibility. (A) the implementation of national safety-related laws, regulations and industry codes, standards, super

8、vision of implementation; (B) in accordance with the regulations to the relevant departments for safety information, and to communicate and coordinate with the relevant departments on relevant issues; (C) supervision of dam safety and flood prevention work and timely reporting to the carbon company

9、relevant information; (D) urged to report carbon the rules of safety indicators, reflect the internal safety critical issues; (E) the production of safe and civilized construction and infrastructure projects, such as checks, and urge rectification of identified problems, significant problems in time

10、 to report to the company; (F) the related security supervision, inspection, assessment, technology monitoring, reliability, management found in . (A) implementation of safety laws, regulations and safety regulations, requirements for parent company. Make perfect production safety rules, regulations

11、 and procedures; (B) according to the request of the parent company, this annual safety targets and implementation; (C) establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety at all levels strengthen safety assurance system and the functions of the security monitoring system; three-le

12、vel safety net role into full play; four to realize safety production control; (D) establishment of safety education and training system and dynamic assessment mechanism, enhance employees表1 小湾电站库区云龙-保山淹没公路改线工程第标段(永保桥)施工组织设计文字说明编制依据:业主提供的招标文件和标前会内容及各次答疑资料。国家及交通部现行桥涵施工技术规范、验收标准。我单位类似工程积累的技术和管理经验。本单位对

13、现场仔细查看了解所获得的资料。编制原则:以“突出重点、兼顾一般”为原则,合理配置各种资源,达到快速均衡生产,确保合同工期和工程质量。以“高起点、高标准、高水平”为指导,科学组织,精心安排,争创优质工程,实现安全生产。高度重视环境保护和水土保持。充分发挥本单位施工机械化水平,全面规划、保证重点,统筹安排、降低成本。采用“四新”成果(新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料),积极应用现代化施工管理手段。 工程概况:小湾电站库区云龙至保山淹没改线公路改线工程包括永保桥、功果桥、改线工程段及改线工程段。其中改线工程段为右线、按三级公路标准设计,线路全长26.84km,其中功果桥电站场内公路为5.8km(含一条


15、墩2#墩均采用钢筋混凝土薄壁式双壁桥墩;桥墩基础均采用采用2m 钻孔桩,6根桩组成群桩结构;采用埋置式轻型桥台,1.5m 钻孔桩基础。两岸道路路基宽7.5m,路面行车道宽6.5m;路面结构设计为:12cm级配碎石35cm水泥稳定碎石5cm中粒式沥青混凝土结构层。地形地貌:桥址区位于云南高原西部的澜沧江中游地带,为横断山脉南段,地形起伏明显。沟谷相间,地表水系呈树枝状,羽毛状,较发育。项目区内峰峦重迭,谷深坡陡,属构造侵蚀的澜沧江V字形峡谷地貌形态;区域内地形海拔标高3655.9(道仁山)1196m(澜沧江),相对高差2459.9m,由中生代内陆河湖相沉积的红色碎肖岩、古生代灰岩、砂岩、板岩、祟




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