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1、目录2010年湖南大学834语言学基础考研真 题2009年湖南大学820语言学基础考研真 题2007年湖南大学412语言学基础考研真 题(含答案)2006年湖南大学415语言学基础考研真 题2005年湖南大学430语言学基础考研真 题2010年湖南大学834语言学基础考研真题期南大学2010年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试命题专用纸拦生tJL-S 对国语言文学考试科目名称:语言学基如IL The fcJlu1. ing ibk shows the English coason&nls, fill in each shadowed btenk the correct conscnunts*ilO

2、pis:UL Thewing words will be pronounced as the rightmost column in quick speech. What ruk or rules 应re responsibk for that? Derivation is needed. (1。pts)not ambigtiou. Explain Mhy. Tree diagrams are考试科目代理:_834IV Jmpoundixig is a common vord fonnatioD in morphology. There are two kinds of compounding

3、: efidottnlric and exocentric DeHne each kind of them and give at least one example for each, in English or in other languages. (10 pts)I. One of the distinctive fentares o( human language 诂 duality.(D What ij duality? (5 pts)rii) lUuitn the difference of human language find animal conununication In

4、 duality by examples from English and bee ehnee. (5 ptsEilabiM Labiodeaial Inierdcaul Alvcohr Velar上 The phrase a Frtnch teacher is ambiguous, either referring to Ma teacher of French or Io 七 teacher cofniag trozn FfifiCfrn( but a German Frtnch teacher Is needed. (10 pU), 芝:爹耘包括填空題 适挡题)必鼓爸在专用琴巻纸上,否则

5、无效.穿叩voicedvoicelessFncalivesvoicedvoicelissAffrkaiivesvoicedvojceltssN跆旃pbkieeplyspsracJefcwr驰coOectfkaLkt国制cxfhscikorfktj更多考研资料v/q:344647公众号/小程序:顺通考试资料Provide M possible Ine diagrnms fr of 的e following 亍以:*却*【即”,. dtajrim is oftn prfcftrred to racket 15 p也1 Jahn $iw the mas Msh a tetf Mow,2 He 55

6、ngh =ceh iht zgL?. Whsc did the ee a e 础Bee 菱我?-la pie aw吊 The Ured recber may work 灿心1L ?Fv-jde 引the possible refiding for t2 仲kr*in:i7止拓皿必 5项籍站W - r1 Jobs love his wifi. $o doe; BtlL2 hmuaid Ptter saog therfa fn帀 岳 Bchsnifi.? Tx Chi-c 廿4 too hoi .c g- 住 wtre 攻至Ksed 汀 knotv chw j坤巳 coold (ikho晩 hfi

7、 h暗EaxiJ m 戸虹荡5 They esn fish.VHL Ceiisidr :h? 6jiioFingsenjinter 5nLW五方港机土 灌 EpodKtkU;L Bknira 二 frinjbling her parake-;t ith a garden hose,2- Martha Ambled herbuibard 坦 e dining rcm.3- Ullle Freddy might Nimble rhe arskceL,Lh;| Fredd frimblcd with a 占切苗m hose.5. Martha is fnmbling lhe bed ,ith a g

8、arckn hn$i,6. *Litlle Freddy sbouldal frimbicEased on the* da也 formuhte 2 lexical dtscripiio:. c-ffrinibU by giving the kxiLtl 配Ngory end 5jjbcatcgcrnzadi,s of sentences, one of lhe rwo senttuces ccciains a presupposition rehting lo ths tiuth of complcjjeoi 虫心,For each 牌位 identify 収 sentence IhM con

9、Eaim this 岬紳 po 沛 g an J sitte 編紅 由己 prtstippajtiion 爲 & locals the word that is responsible for the presiippgitiwL、h is signifioini 出砲 the criminal v/as sent to prisoo,VMjy (h車阮 雨mg wis sent to prison.共3页.第2页li.jr I:口4 Abtahim Lincoln was assainaied in 1865. b. Abraham Lincoln wis murd*red in 1865.

10、-2. Esch of ihc following examples contains i conventional implicature. Bxplain wh* tbt impliEu: (3) A: Whit did you think of the movie?B: V/ell, the supporting actor was great. -)A; Have you finished your term paper?B: It has been raining a lol recently, hasnt ii?3. Ephfa implicational umvenals.k W

11、hich of the following sentences would you classify as posiHve evidence and hich as 砒蓉:3 e ldcn,e for lb? secoad language learcer?(1) Nonnaiive speaJrer(NNS): He study a lot.Nnive(NS):a lot.(2) NS: WbM kind of books do you like to read?NNS: Mysleries.(3) NNS: I was bom in Saltillo.NS: Pardon me.(4) N

12、NS: 1 goed to Montreal on the weekend.NS: Remember thato Jus an irregular pas【.5. Ali of (he foUowing English words al one time had meanings that are quite diSercnt from their cunmi g心 Idenlify ezch of these semantic changes as instance of nanowing, broadening, amelionlion, pejcration. weakening or

13、shift.wordearlier meaninga. wenchgirlb. ban)place to store barleyc. prettytricky, cunning(L fowlany birdc. immoralnot customaryriysldUfnl.g. prai$eset a value onh. virtuequalitiesexpected of amani. girlyoungpersonj. shrewddeprived, wicked6 Use examples to explain the cognilive function of metaphorXL Discussion questions (20 pts)1 Fossflizaiion is one of th



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