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1、2014年广东外语外贸大学研究生入学考试英语翻译基础一、短语翻译(30分)1,十八届三中全会2,国家民族事务委员会3,中国地震局4,主管部门5,玩忽职守6,徇私舞弊7,以为把手8,国际会议口译员协会9,绿化覆盖面积10,行政问责制11,暂行规定12, 一站式服务13,国际惯例14,得寸进尺15,西厢记16, National Council for US-China Trade17, Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development18, The Baltimore Sun19, court of first instance20, un

2、derwriting contract21, licensee of a patent22, China-EU maritime transport agreement23, venture capital24, The Great Depression25, strategic agility26, occupational health and safety27, low-end processing28, information asymmetry29, diamonds cut diamonds30, The Catcher in the Rye二、 英译中关于秘鲁前副总统劳尔迭斯坎塞

3、科 Raul Diez Canseco Terry的一篇简介,难度不大 但是篇幅较长,人名和学校名都给出了注释,地名要自己翻译。这里要注意:今年中英和英中的文章都增加了长度,完全没有时间打草稿,长度参照二笔真题。下文并非原题,长度也略短,但有部分信息与原题重合,已加粗标明。RAUL DIEZ CANSECO TERRY: THE ENTREPRENEURMr. Diez- Canseco, a Peruvian citizen, founded the preparatory academy San Ignacio de Loyola40 year ago and became its Exe

4、cutive Director in 1970. In 1995, he co-founded the “ UniversidadSan Ignacio de Loyola and was elected Chairman of the Board of the holding organization;Organizacion San Ignacio de Loyola ” In 1983, Mr. Diez- Canseco co-founded the “ Instuto Superior Tecnologico ” , and in 1990 foundedn Ignacio de R

5、ecalde ”. schoolThe organization expanded internationally, and in 1993 SaAgnacio de Loyola School ”was established in Asuncion, Paraguay. Raul Diez-Canseco passion and commitment to education was a decisive factor in bringing the “ JunioAchievement organization to Peru in 1996. Mr. Diez-Canseco is c

6、urrently a shareholder of the Junior Achievement organization and sits on its Board of Directors.The Escuela de Chefs has been preparing culinary arts and baking and pastry professionals for over 10 years. Excellent reputation, outstanding professionals and facilities made possible to partner with i

7、nternationally recognized culinary schools such us Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon, France; Hofmann Hotel Management School in Barcelona, Spain, and Apicius International School of Hospitality in Florence, Italy. These international partnerships allow San Ignacio students to participate in more cultura

8、lly diverse experiences and expose them to the highly competitive business world.The Escuela de Chefs in Lima opened“ Restaurante Don Ignacio ” , the first student run restaurantin Peru. At Restaurante Don Ignacio, students prepare and present international cuisine plates under the guidance and tute

9、lage of some of the most highly trained chefs in the business.Over the past 30 years, Raul Diez-Canseco has been a pioneer in bringing world-famous restaurants and entertainment franchises to Peru, including Chili Se?or Frog C,arlos & Charlie s, CosnowEng, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Burg

10、er KingHe was also the first entrepreneur to bring the concept of-delivery “ hi onto Peru.Apart from his entrepreneurial endeavors, Raul Diez-Canseco has been involved in the political arena, serving as a political advisor for several years before being elected vice-president of the Republic of Peru

11、 in the year 2001. He has also written several books on politics and continues to contribute articles to major Peruvian newspapers.Above everything, Raul Diez-Canseco is a dedicated advocate for the economic and cultural advancement of Peru. He firmly believes that education is the only path to upwa

12、rd mobility, both individually and as a society. He can tell countless triumphant stories of students -from a variety of social and economic status- who have become successful professionals, politicians, business owners and educators, all working to raise the standard of living of Peruvians.三、 中译英是翻

13、译天衢丹阙:老北京风物图卷的序言,以下是原题内容:首都北京,是国家历史文化名城,世界著名古都。千年帝京,六朝故都,保存了极其丰富的文物古迹、自然景观和丰富的文化内涵与非物质文化遗产。著名建筑学家梁思成先生曾称之为现存世界上最伟大之中古都市。其中尤以南起永定门北至钟鼓楼,全长 7.8公里的中 轴线,世界上绝无仅有,充分展现了古都北京城市的特点和中华悠久历史文化的魅力。画家刘洪宽先生怀着对老北京的深厚情感和对古都的热爱,花甲之年,创作了这幅50余米的国画。他凭借儿时记忆,实地写生和查阅历史资料,由南到北,再现了老北京中轴线上的人情风物,历经五年心血筑成,令人敬服。他笔下的老北京古韵犹存,街道商铺、

14、行人 市景与老城门城墙交相辉映,这可谓现代版的 清明上河图,呈现了一幅美丽的可以 触摸历史”的宏大画卷。最近北京市领导已经正式宣布了把这条中轴线申报世界文化遗产。我想,这幅画卷定会为申遗增色。画家作者知我60多年来,一直为古都的保护奔走于古城内外、大街小巷和中轴线上, 与古都结下了深厚的情缘,特嘱我为序。于是写了几句知语感言, 权以充之,并借以为画卷出版之祝贺。至于画中的精美图景和丰富的文化内涵,还请高明观者自己去观赏和评说,在此不作多赘。部分答案一、短语翻译(以下注明了大部分真题的出处,“赵军峰”指的是赵老师编写的广外指定参考书之一商务英语口译,“仲伟合”指的是仲老编写的 英语口译教程 上/

15、下,“真题” 指的是广外2010-2013年间考过的短语,“商务口译附录”是指广外一位老师编写的商 务口译一书中的附录,虽然这本书不是广外指定参考书,但却从附录里出了许多真题短语。)1,十八届三中全会The third plenary session of the 18 th CPC central committee2,国家民族事务委员会state ethnic affairs commission -赵军峰3,中国地震局China Seismological Bureau4,主管音B门competent authority5,玩忽职守neglect of duty6, 徇私舞弊play favoritism and commit irregularities7, 以为抓手 keep a firm grasp on ?8, 国际会议口译员协会AIIC international association of conference interpreters9,绿化覆盖面积 green coverage ?10, 行政问责制administrative accountability11,暂行规定 temporary regulations-真题12, 一站式服务one-stop service -商务口译附录 /仲伟合13,国际惯例 internat


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