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1、盐城市2012届高三年级第二次模拟考试英语试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项填空(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)21. Natural disasters arenatures anger, which can upset evenmost developed countries and reduce them to ruins.A. the; theB./;aC./;theD.a;/22. Dont worry. I, who your good friend, will try my best to help you out

2、.A. isB. amC. wasD. has been23. In order to achieve high grades andyourself in any examinations, there are certain things you must do.A. distinguish B. distribute C. buryD. promote24. How shall I take the medicine, sir? Two pills a time, with boiled water, four times a day, unless advisedby the doct

3、or.A. besidesB. thereforeC. howeverD. otherwise 25. I have always admired Ben Hogan for the way he worked at the game and the determination he showed.A. succeeded B. to succeed C. to have succeeded D. succeeding26. His failure came as no surprise _ the fact that he had not got himself well prepared

4、for it.A. along with B. due toC. regardless ofD. as for27. I dont think I can go there with you as planned because something urgent has . What a shame!A. come upB. cleared up C. stayed upD. ended up28. Peter will succeed in his field, I believe, he devote more energy to it.A. couldB. wouldC. mightD.

5、 should29. Several witnesses gaveof what they had seen, which took the police much time to take them down.A. summaries B. accountsC. suggestionsD. reports30. After several hours of struggling in the snow, they finally arrived they had thought they should be picked up. A. when B. what C. which D. whe

6、re31. I was afraid I would be late and be criticized in public. Oh, was that why you asking us to speed up?A. had keptB. were keeping C. keptD. would keep32. It was announced that only when the fire was put outto return to their dormitories.A. the students would be permitted B. had the students been

7、 permittedC. would the students be permitted D. the students had been permitted33. Im not good at basketball, you know. . We are playing for fun. Just try and youll see you can do it.A. Come on B. All right C. Take your time D. It all depends34. Despite the title For Boys Only, this book is sure to

8、be treasured by gets it.A. who B. whoever C. whomever D. no matter who35. I followed your advice on how to learn English, but I am still poor in it. Why?Well, .A. All is well that ends well B. One mans meat is another man s poisonC. No pains, no gains 不劳而获 D. No sweet without Sweat 苦尽甘来第二节 完形填空(共20小

9、题;每小题1分,满分20)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Oh Mom, its even my birthstone! Isnt it just beautiful? My daughter was wild with joy when she spotted the 36 in the jewelers window. Her blue-green eyes 37 with delight . Smiling, she said shyly, Buying it for me sure would be a nice 38

10、 , Mom!Since her recent move out of state, I missed her so much. Though we spoke on the phone 39 , I longed for her presence. Therefore, I decided to send a gift as a 40 of my love. Thinking about what the right gift might be, I 41 her delight as she saw the ring. It seemed the perfect gift. After a

11、ll, rings represent union and 42 .When I 43 to the setting in the glass case, the jeweler opened it and took out the ring. He held the ring up in the air, 44 it from a distance. Then, strangely enough, he blew on it, as though it were 45 . Finally, he carefully polished it with a soft cloth and hand

12、ed it to me.As I examined the ring, a little girl walked in. Steps _46_ the girl, a woman followed. I assumed she was the girls 47 . Upon seeing them, the jewelers serious yet friendly face 48 up with a cheerful smile.,The little girl stood in front of him. 49 . the jeweler looked into the little gi

13、rls dark eyes. Placing his right hand on her shoulder, the jeweler then _ 50 out to touch her small face with his left hand, his 51 never leaving hers as he smiled sincerely and deeply into them. He then 52 to the woman, obviously his wife, and shifted his loving gaze to her eyes. At last, I decided

14、 to buy my daughter the one she thought would be a nice touch. 53 it was the jewelers touch that made sending it to her 54 . Therefore, I made arrangements to fly to visit her because I wanted to give her more than the connection of a symbolic gift of love. I wanted to give her as great a gift as the one the jeweler had given his 55 that day the gift of his loving gaze and touch.36. A. necklace B. ring C. watch D. diamond37. A. wetted B. closed C. narrowed D. danced38. A. touch B. souvenir C. toy D. present39. A. regularly B. continuously C.scarcely D. fluently40. A. sign B. signal


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