2022年高二英语Unit10 Frightening Nature(I)

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1、2022年高二英语Unit10 Frightening Nature(I)学习目标类别语言项目重点词汇Frightening hurricane threat terrify erupt eruption bury ash mud rise spot dirt sight courage flee urge arrival bath bathe pillow daylight sulphur immediately fresh farewell web inch board barometer steamship unbelieveable crash ton deck waterfall u

2、nfortable aloud reading puff swear重点词组On end draw ones attention draw near at hand calm (sb) down on board knock about all of a sudden all at once live through as though(if) share ones ideas with sweep sth up into the air sweep over get into a total panic scare (sb) to death a rain of a cloud of mor

3、ethan leave out cross out turn around done for say to oneself with great energy cant believe ones eyes 重要句型1. How terrible.2. I dare not3. He gets into a total panic.4. I makes my hair stand on end.5. Its a frightening thing6. Shes scared to death.7. What really scary is8. What terrifies me is流行英语1.

4、 it looks as if 2. 2. Whats up?3. 3. Shes done for难点释疑And immediately fell down dead upon arrival 实用语法省略1省略主语. 2省略谓语或谓语的一部分. 3省略表语. 4省略宾语. 5主语和谓语(系动词)一起省略. 6在if,when,though,as if等引导的从句中,如果其谓语动词是be,可将主语一起省略。Dont speak while(you are)eating吃饭时别说话。7一般疑问句的省略回答中动词只用系动词、情态动词、助动词. 8只保留一个主要句子成分,其余全部省略. 9the

5、reason why,the time when等限定性定语从句中可省略关系副词。课文理解语言现象透视【重点词汇】1. Disaster. 讲解句中disaster的意思为“灾难;祸害;惨败”,是可数名词。课文原句: .,who died in unforgetable disaster译文:我叔叔死于一场难以忘怀的灾难中。例句1)The flood was the greatest disaster our region had ever experienced这次洪水是我们这一带从未经历过的特大灾害。2)The pilot helped to avoid a disaster领航员帮助避免

6、了一场灾难。2Attention. 词义为“注意,专心,留心,关心”。它可以构成动词短语pay attention to(注意),draw ones attention(吸引某人的注意), turn ones attention to(转移某人的注意), attract ones attention(吸引某人的注意), fix ones attention on(将注意力集中在),stand at attention (立正站着)catch ones attention(吸引某人的注意); focus ones attention on(将注意力集中在)课文原句:On the 24th of

7、August in 79 AD,between two and three in the afternoon my mother drew my uncles attention to a cloud of unusual size and shape译文:在公元79年8月24日下午2点至3点,我母亲让我叔叔注意不同寻常形状和大小的云。例句1)Pay special attention to the intonation要特别注意语调。2)You must pay attention to your spelling你必须注意拼写。3)Give your whole attention to

8、what you are doing.把全部注意力用于你所做的事。4) She drew my attention to a mistake in the report.她将我的注意力吸引到报告上的一个错误上。3Afterwards。是副词,意思为“以后,后来,往后,然后”。它与after有很大的区别:after主要用作介词和连接词,很少作副词,而afterwards只作副词用。课文原句:.but we afterwards learnt that it was Mount Vesuvius译文:,但后来我们得知是维苏威火山。例句1)We can eat dinner and wash the

9、 dishes afterwards我们能吃饭,之后我们能洗碗。比较:2)We can wash the dishes after dinner饭后我们会洗碗。3)She is outPlease ring her up afterwards她不在,请过一会儿再来电话。4Sight。 意思为“视野;景色,景象,观看; 见; 瞥见”,是个不可数名词。lose sight of(看不见,没有考虑到)in sight(可见,看得见;在望;不远)out of sight(看不到,不被看到)lose ones sight(失明)catch sight of ( 看见)课文原句:The sight of

10、it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand译文:这样的景象唤醒了我叔叔心中的科学灵感,敦促他走近火山去看个究竟。1)What a sight she looks in that old dress! 她穿那件旧衣服看来是多么可笑!2)Their first sight of land came after three days at sea.他们在海上三天之后才首次见到陆地。3)I cant help laughing at the funny sight看了那个滑稽的场面,我忍不住要笑。4)P

11、eople rolled up in their hundreds to see the sight数以百计的人赶来看这奇观。5awoke是awake的过去式,其意思为“唤醒,醒着;发觉,觉悟,醒悟”,当其作“唤醒”讲时,是及物动词;当其作“发觉,觉悟,醒悟”讲时是不及物动词。awake sbs sympathy(唤起某人的同情心)例句1)The noise awoke me at midnight那声响在半夜把我吵醒。2)They awoke to their dangers他们发觉有危险。3)The secretary lay awake all night pondering wheth

12、er to leave or stay.秘书一夜未曾睡着反复思索着去还是留。4)He is awake to the serious problem. (喻) 他已意识到了这个严重的问题。6Flee。意思是“躲避,远离;消逝,消失”,既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,其过去式和过去分词形式为fled,fled。课文原句: He hurried to a place from which others were fleeing,.译文:他急匆匆地去了一个其他人可以从此逃跑的地方,例句1)The thief got over the wall and fled away那贼越墙逃走了。2)Time

13、flees away without delay时光飞逝,不滞留。3)The cat fled from the dog. 猫从狗那里逃走了。4)He was to flee his native village to join the rebel army.他被迫逃离家乡参加了叛军。5)The enemy fled in disorder.敌人溃逃了。6)Citizens were forced to flee the besieged city.居民被迫逃离这座被围困的城市。7call for. 意思为“需要”,同时,它还可以作“救助;要求;号召”等意思讲。可用need, require,

14、 demand等来代替。课文原句: What started out as a trip for knowledge now called for courage译文:一次初衷为寻求知识的旅行现在需要勇气了。由call搭配的动词短语还有:call at(访问某地)call back(回电话),call in(召集;请来)call onup(号召;拜访某人),call out(召集;大声叫喊)。例句1)The project will call for a lot of money这项工程耗资将十分可观。2)That girl is calling for help!那个女孩在呼救!3)The

15、occasion calls for a cool head. 这种场合需要冷静的头脑。7Arrival。是动词arrive的名词形式,意思为“到达,到来;来到”。课文原句: Upon arrival my uncle hugged Pompy and tried to give him courage译文:一到达,我叔叔就抱住Pompy并且尽力给他勇气。例句1)Be sure and let me hear of your safe arrival一定要把你平安抵达的消息告诉我。2)I shall stay here till she arrives=I shall stay here till her arrival我将留在这里,一直等她回来。3)The arrival of the train was delayed. 那列火车晚点到达。4)We waited for his arrival.我们等候他的到来。5)His arrival at


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