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1、nrTn nn rTc A cunin9 Gymnastics写作训练Writing training of unin9 Gymnasticsunin9 Gymnastics写作训练前言:英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语 作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、 第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教 案根据英语课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适 的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用, 本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。写作训练每

2、个单元都必须进行,每个单元都可以根据该 单元的主题设计一个写作的题目,让学生写一篇作文,事后一 要进行讲评。如在该单元可以设计以下的一个书面表达作业:写作训练1根据以下信息,写一篇介绍刘璇的短文,字数一百左右。中国体操明星,前奥运会金牌得主刘璇,现在就读于xxx大学,主修(major in )新闻(journalism )。她之所以选择 新闻专业,是由于她以前常与记者接触,所以对新闻专业感兴趣;并且她觉得学习新闻可以让她学习到许多不同领域的知识。她想在将来成为一个国际体操裁判。她的人生格言( motto )是:“如果你想成为一个胜利者,首先征服( conquer )你自书面表达参考答案(One

3、 possible versionThe Chinese star gymnast and former Olympic gold medalist, Liu Xuan, is now studying in Peking University. She s chosen to study journalism. She got interested in journalism as a result of her contacts with reporters when she was a gymnast. And also, she believes that studying journ

4、alism will help her to learn as much knowledge as possible in many kinds of fields, such as politics, economics, history and culture. She wants to be an international gymnastics referee in the future. She believes in this motto:“First conquer yourself if you want to be a winner.写作训练2电视是当今社会应用广泛的一种娱乐

5、工具。请写一篇短 文阐述你对电视的理解。电视是一项重要的发明,对人类生活有着深远影响。电视带来很多便利,极大地丰富了人们的生活。电视也有一定的危害。如:宣传色情暴力,对青少年产 生不良影响;传递不健康的人生观等等。参考答案( One possible version )TelevisionOur life has been greatly changed by many important inventions. Television is one of them. It brings us much information, therefore it is a popular source

6、of entertainment.If you want to see a play or watch a match, you needn t take the trouble to wait for a ticket. With atelevision, you only need to press the button, choose the right channel, and then you can enjoy yourself to your heart s content. Besides programmes of entertainment, televisions als

7、o provide us with the latest news all over the world at home. Without stepping out of your room, you can be well-informed and keep in touch with the rapidly changing world.TV also helps a lot with our study. If you want to learn something, you can turn to some channels that provide many kinds of stu

8、dy sources. All you need to do is to find the right channel and sit down in frontof the TV set. The teachers on line will teach you whatever you can learn at a real school.Everything has its two sides. Television brings us not only knowledge and entertainment, but also “junk food as well. Those film

9、s about violence and sexy attacks always mislead the young students. And sometimes people waste too much time in front of the TV set, ignoring what is more important in their lives.So whether TV is good or bad to us depends on how we use it.这篇文章第一段指由电视给我们的生活带来了很大的变 化,点生了全文的中心意思。下文从两个方面讲述了电视给我 们带来的影响:第二段,第三段指由电视提供了娱乐和获取知 识的便利;第四段说明电视带来的弊端。最后一段总结,说明 电视有利有弊,提醒人们要妥善应用。全文结构严谨,意思全 面。探究活动1、让学生先去采访一下体育老师,咨询有关体操方面的 知识,然后将采访的内容用英文表达由来。实施方案:1)事先做一些采访的准备工作,简单了有关体操 方面的知识;2)制定一份具体的采访计划或提纲;3)预约体育老师;4)实施采访;5)采访后进行资料整理,写由英文采访报道。2、教师可以从电视台播放的节目中选取一段与体操相关 的电视节目录象,在上课时播放,然后要学生写生描述性的文 章。Designed By JinTai College



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