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1、清镇市卫城中学 高一年级 年级 英语必修2 教学设计课题名称Book 2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 6科目年级班级教学时间执教教师课标要求1能根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要;2能根据用文字及图表提供的信息写短文或报告;3能写出语意连贯且结构完整的短文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度;4能在写作中做到文体规范、语句通顺。学习者分析与教学环境分析学习者分析教学环境分析教学目标1、知识与技能To speak about helping the dodo To write to the dodo2、过程与方法1.Create some situations for t

2、he Ss to talk actively in public.2.Practice to improve the students writing ability.3、情感态度与价值观Help the Ss learn how to organize a letter to save the endangered animal dodo.教学重难点重点How to write a letter in a correct way.难点The skills of writing.教学资源A computer for multimedia use.教学环节教师活动学生活动教学效果导入新课Step

3、 1 Revision1.Revise some information about some endangered animals.T:Yesterday we learned something about an disappeared animal.What is it? Ss:Dodo.S1:It had large body and small wings so it couldnt fly high in the sky.S2:It was kind to human beings but it was cheated by human and hunter to disappea

4、rance.师生互动、探究新知Step 2Imagine you are with the dodo and you try to help him. Now talk in pairs about helping the dodo with the given useful phrasesIntentionPurposeIm going tohelp the dodoI intend/mean/plan tohide it in a caveI willtrap man as he kills a dodoI feel likeattacking man myselfId like topu

5、t man in a cageIm ready toteach man how to be friendsI would rather not tell youwhat I think of man(Then invite some pairs to act out the dialogues)Step 3 WritingAsk students to choose the ideas that they like best and put them under the headings.Make a plan.For example:1.How to protect the dodo fro

6、m man.Ask the government to make some severe regulations to punish whoever do harm to the endangered animals.Take them away from people and hide it in a cave on a separate plain.来源:Zxxk.Com2.How to stop man from killing dodosGo to another island.Hide the dodos.3.How to teach man to hunt another anim

7、al.Encourage man to raise other animals and stop hunting dodos.Ask the Ss to make the first draft independently.Before they write,remind them to begin the letter with their address and the solution and to finish the letter with their best wishes and signature.When they finish,ask them to share their

8、 ideas with their partners and get some advice from him/her.Then ask them to write a second draft in condideration of their partners suggestions,making necessary changes.At last show some of their drafts on the slide,pointing out the mistakes and appreciating the beautiful sentences.Show students a

9、sample writingSample letter to the Dodo:Dear Dodo,I am writing to you because I have heard of your problems.I know man is trying to kill all the dodos and I want to help you.Here are my ideas.来源:学_科_网First,I would like to come and attack them for you so that they will leave you alone.I want to build

10、 a trap and catch them and put them in a cage.Then they will not feel like killing any dodos again.Second,I wish I could take you away to another island where you will be happy and peaceful.来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KI wish I were with you now.Good luck till I come.Yours sincerely,Xiao XingStep 4 Homework:1.Che

11、ck your compositions again and write one.2.Sum up what we have learnt in this unit.Some Ss present their solutions and at the same time collect their ideas on the blackboard.S1:Im going to do something to help the Tibetan antelopes,for they are endangered.I mean to take them away from people and hid

12、e it in a cave on a separate plain.And I will dig holes around to prevent man from attacking and killing them for money again.S2:I agree with you.I will encourage man to raise other animals and stop hunting dodos.S3:I think Id like to ask the government build some nature reserves so as to protect th

13、em.S4:In my opinion,I prefer to ask the government to make some severe regulations to punish whoever do harm to the endangered animals.S5:I tend to request the government to call on all citizens to love and protect wildlife.Choose the ideas that they like best and put them under the headings and make a plan.Make the first draft independently.Share their ideas with their partners and get some advice from him/her.Write a second draft in condideration of their partners suggestions,making necessary changes.Learn the sample writing and write down the beautiful sentences in the samplewriting. 教学反思4



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