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1、初中英语小班教案2014 年人教版初三英语小班 unit9 教案】重点语法 -定语从句定语从句专练中考真题知识点解析:8.【篇二:初中英语小班化教学小结】初中英语小班化教学小结“小班化教学 ” 是当代教育改革的世界性发展趋势,是在先进教育思想指导下所探索的具有时代意义的一种教育实践活动。小班化教学有利于新课改的推进,更能推动素质教育的发展,在培养学生的个性以及创新和实践能力方面,有着独特的优越性,它是满足学生长足发展需要的 “优质教育 ”。当然,教师在其中起着关键性的作用。近几年,我在小班化英语教学中不断思考摸索,从中深深感受到以下教学中的几点对学生的发展至关重要,我也努力地实践着?1. 互动

2、教学互动教学策略应用在小班化课堂教学中,旨在改变学生被动接受单一的教学传递方式。在实际教学中具体体现为:教学目标变单一的知识技能传授为多元的综合素质培养;教学结构变师讲生听、师问生答为学生自主学习、多向交流;教学方法变学生的被动参与、部分参与、形式参与为主动参与、全员参与、实质参与;教学组织形式变个体独学为集体共学、多向学习。2. 合作教学组建各种不同的合作学习小组,让每个学生按不同的教学需要参加不同的合作学习小组。小组学习的进程一般是:提出学习任务启发独立思考 导入讨论 巡视、及时调整 全班交流、师生评价 围绕课程、深入学习。让学生在合作学习中相互协助,相互竞赛,相互促进,为学生营造一个平等

3、、自由的学习氛围。3. 分层教学分层教学法实际上体现因材施教、以人为本的教学原则。它要求针对不同层次的学生实行分级教学,分散教学中的难点,注重对以前知识的复习与联系,使学困生可以在课堂上和课堂下得到更多的关注。对于学优生可以给他们提出更高的要求。当然,分层教学在大班中也可以实施,但教师显然顾不过来。分层教学的另一含义就是在教学计划、教学目标、教学要求、课堂提问、作业布置等方面体现出来,使不同层次的学生经过努力在学习上都有所收获。4. 角色教学我们都知道,英语中有大量的对话练习和短剧,这些教学内容如果采用角色教学策略,效果将非常好。学生参与的热情高,非常投入,留下的印象深刻,最能充分地体现 “在

4、用中学 ” 的英语教学原则。角色教学给人数少的班级的学生提供了自我表现的机会,使他们能充分体会到学习英语成功的喜悦。例如,在教授形容词的比较级时,首先可以让三名学生到讲台前方,就他们的高矮胖瘦进行比较并用英语简单地表达,让他们明确本节课的学习目标,然后分发事先准备好的资料让他们通过个人自学、小组讨论、小组表演的形式进行学习。学生通过自学学到了知识,是一个主动获取的过程,通过小组讨论解决了自身不会的地方,通过表演把所学知识进行灵活运用,这一连串的活动使他们有一种成就感,提高了他们的学习积极性,效果肯定非常好。5. 作业的布置6. 评价手段充分利用小班班额的优势,采用灵活多样的评价方法,让评价不仅

5、反馈教学质量,而且充分发挥激励、导向功能。例如,即时评价,当场面批,及时订正;多元评价,摒弃书面考核的单一做法,全面检测学生听、说、读、写能力;多次评价,淡化考试,重视平时随机练习;分层评价、弹性作业和交互评价相结合。总之,新课程理念下的小班化模式是一个值得我们不断摸索的新课题,它有着很大的发展前景,对于每位教师的教育观念、教育艺术来说都是一大挑战。我们只有积极探索,不断改进,才能实现小班化教学从内容到形式的巨大变化。【篇三: 2014 人教版初三英语小班教案-unit12 重要知识点讲解】unit12. life is full of the unexpected本单元重要词组及短语1.捎(

6、某人)一程2. 充满了 3.到时候 4.迟到 5.发出响声一直做7. 醒来 8. 冲出 9. 凝视某人10.难以置信露面到达13.即将做 14. 即使;尽管15.排队等候16.起飞 17.转变成化妆舞会19.卖光 20.穿衣服熬夜22.整日整夜 23.某人发生某事发生25. 跟某人开玩笑 26. 捉弄某人 27. 尽可能28. 减肥 29. 结束做某事结婚31.最幸运的一天32.在中间在那之后 34.通向 35. .一碗错过做某事mr. black told me that he had seen the movie three times.过去完成时要注意以下几个方面: 过去完成时表示在过去

7、某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作。它表示动作发生的时间是“过去的过去” 。 过去完成时的结构是:肯定由 “助动词 had( 用于各种人称和数) + 过去分词 ”构成 否定式:had not + 过去分词缩写形式: hadnt 过去完成时的时间状语: 表示过去某一时间可用 by, before 等构成的短语。 we had finished our homework before 10 o clock. 可能通过 when, before 等引导的从句表示。 when i got there, the train had left. 过去某一时间通过上下文来表示。 kate hadn t

8、studied hard, so she didn t pass the exam yesterday.语法练习题:答案: adcaa di. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. when i got there the bus (go).2. by the time i got toclass, the teacher (start) teaching.3. we (learn) over 1,000 words by the end of last term.4. i(clean) the room before he arrived here.5. his brother _ (leave)

9、home for a year when he got back.ii.单项选择1 he asked me during the summer holidays.a. where i had beenb. where i had gonec. where had i been d. where had i gone第 1 页共 1 页2. what jane by the time he was sever? a. did, dob.has, done c did, did. d. had, done3. i 900 english words by the time i was ten 。

10、a. learnedb. was learningc. had learnedd. learnt4. she lived here for years.a. had, a few b. has,several c. had, a lot of d. has, a great deal of5. by the time my parents reached home yesterday, i _ the dinner already.a had cooked b. cooked c. have cooked d. was cooked6. she said she the principle a

11、lreadya .has seenb.saw c. will see d. had seensection a.(标题)our life is chances, but there are also a lot ofchallenges.( 充满 ) the box is( 装满)books.() on hearing the news, her heart was gratitude. a.filled of b. full with c. filled with d. fill with【2013 莱芜】 77. ifyou read a lot, your life will be fu

12、ll pleasure. a. by b.of【 2014 辽宁丹东】 look! here comes cindy! she is always full of . so she is. because she takes a lot of exercise every day.the old should be taken good care of by the government.it will not be unexpected if tom comes late again, because heis always like this.【 2014 甘肃白银】 the girl i

13、s greatly interested in the song. thelyrics of it _ her thoughts and feelings.a. express b. discuss c. expect d. imagineby the time i (walk) into the classroom, the teacher(start) (teach) already. by the time i got outside , the bus already(leave).()(3)the time i heard the noise ,it had already gone

14、.a. byb. when c. at( ) by the time of last term, we all the lessons.a.finished b. have finishedc. had finishedd. will finish【 2013 甘肃兰州】 i overslept this morning. by the time i got to the train station, the train (leave).【 2013 山东枣庄】 by the time i locked the door, i realized i _my keys at home.c. fo

15、rd. with第 2 页共 2 页【 2013 江苏无锡】 i didn?t realize i (leave) the keyat home until i got to my car. so i had to go back.【 2013 甘肃兰州】 i overslept this morning. by the time i got to the train station, the train (leave).【 2011 广西贵港】 lin kai, hand in your homework, please. oh, sorry. i it at home this morning. a. was leavingb.has left c. will leave d. left【 2013 山东枣庄】 by the time i locked the door, i realized i _my keys at home.a. had repairedb. had changed c. ha


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