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1、2022年考博英语-郑州大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题He failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to( )the consequences.问题1选项A.answer forB.step intoC.abide byD.run into【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。answer for “对负责”; step into “进入”; abide by “遵守”;run into “遭遇,陷入”。前半句提到“他没有履行合同的一些条款”,因此他需要对此负责,选项A符合

2、题意。2. 单选题These natural resources will be depleted sooner or later if the present rate of exploitation goes on.问题1选项A.minimizedB.deployedC.inclinedD.mingled【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项minimized“使减到最少;小看,极度轻视;最小化”;B选项deployed“配置;展开;使疏开;部署”;C选项inclined“使倾向”;D选项mingled“(使)相混,融合;掺和;(在社交场合)相交往,应酬”。句意:如果按目前的开采速度继续下

3、去,这些自然资源迟早会枯竭。本句关键词be depleted表示“被耗尽”,be minimized可以做同义替换,表示被最小化,被减到最少;因此A选项正确。3. 单选题The professor gave( )instruction to the whole class so as to make every student understand how to conduct the experiment in the lab.问题1选项A.authoritativeB.afflictiveC.explicitD.obvious【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。authoritative

4、 “有权威的”; afflictive “难受的,苦恼的”; explicit “明确的”; obvious “明显的”。根据后面make every student understand how to conduct the experiment in the lab“让每个学生知道如何在实验室中进行实验”可知教授给出了“详细的说明”,选项C符合题意。4. 单选题One of the important properties of a scientific theory is its abilities to( )further research and further thinking a

5、bout a particular topic.问题1选项A.stimulateB.renovateC.inventD.advocate【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。stimulate “起刺激作用”; renovate “更新;修复”;invent “发明,创造”; advocate “提倡;拥护”。“科学理论的一个重要特征”与后面的“进一步研究”“更深层次的思考”的关系是前者“促进”后者的发生,因此选项A符合题意。5. 单选题One night, when television began broadcasting a boring TV show, I said to my wif

6、e, “The programme is even less interesting than the advertisement, or commercials. Let us have a change.My wife, who happened to have a remote control in her hand, consented immediately, switched to another channel and enjoyed an advertisement of rice flour with me. Just at the moment, I found that

7、we were no longer as disgusted with the commercials as we had been before.The next day when I told my experience to my colleagues, they, to my surprise, all had the same feeling. A few even sang several of the commercials songs.A few years ago, when advertisements began to appear in the Chinese medi

8、a, most people, including myself, were against the practice. Some sighed, “The socialist TV, newspaper has started imitating the western bourgeois media tool!” What has changed the audiences mentality in only several years time?First, Chinese advertisement have improved their advertising and their a

9、dvertising techniques, at the beginning, the language of advertisement was simple, the music insipid and the images coarse and crude. Later, some better foreign advertisements came to Chinese TV and newspapers.“Where there is a mountain, there is a road; where there is a road, there is a Toyota”. Th

10、e words of the Japanese advertisement publicizing the Toyota car are very absurd but impressive and easy to memorize. “Nestle coffee is tasty indeed.” The American advertisement promoting the sale of the Nestle brand coffee has become a new household phrase in China. Gradually, Chinese advertisement

11、s also have learned how to dress themselves up. They have strange and humorous associations, charming, deep male voices, colorful images and songs that are pleasing to the ear and easy to learn. For these reasons, the commercials for Santana cars, Fuda colour film and Orient beverages have successfu

12、lly attracted a TV audience.Second, life needs advertisements. Everything in modem society is linked to information, while the main function of advertisements is to disseminate information on commodities, services, culture, employment, student enrollment and even marriage.Of course, one can obtain s

13、uch information by listening to hearsay and making on-the-spot investigation, but the information provided by advertisements is doubtless the most direct, comprehensive and detailed.As society advances, peoples demands have become more and more diversified, and the commodities and services provided

14、by society have also become more and more diversified.On the other hand, as living tempo quickens, people have less leisure time. If they want to spend time finding suitable commodities, service and employment opportunities, they have to rely on advertisements. So, unconsciously, people have changed

15、 their hatred for advertisements to an acceptance and utilization of them.But, due to certain conditions in China, the Chinese do not have a great need for advertisement for the time being.1. Why did Chinese advertisement play an unpopular role at the beginning?2. Which of the following is true according to the passage?3. Compared with before, what did I found suddenly?4. What does the word absurd mean in the passage?5. The advantages of ads are as follows EXCEPT( ).问题1选项A.Because ads were not well made and they are not attractive.B.Because watching ads i


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