外研社新标准一起点小学英语四年级下册期末试题-(DOC 5页)

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《外研社新标准一起点小学英语四年级下册期末试题-(DOC 5页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研社新标准一起点小学英语四年级下册期末试题-(DOC 5页)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学校班级姓名学号四年级英语下学期期末练习卷(时间:50分钟 总分:100分)卷别听力测试A基础知识与运用测试B总分题号IIIIIIIVVVIIIIIIIIVVVI得分A. Listening Part听力部分(共六大题,计60分).Listen and number. 听音标序号(共 6小题 计9分) . Listen and do . 听指令,完成各题。(共 12小题,计12分)1、A. next to B. near to 2、A. like to B. is good at3、A. look like B. looks like 4、A. a map of B. a book of5、A

2、. playing the pipa B. playing the drums6、A. a lot of B. lots of(一) Circle the phrases .圈出短语。(二)Number the pictures. 标号A. This computer is expensive.B. This computer is cheap. A. It costs one thousand three hundred yuan.B. It costs one hundred three thousand yuan.23A. This computer is small.B. This c

3、omputer is big.A. This computer is powerful.B. This computer is perfect . A. It costs nine thousand eight hundred yuan.B. It costs eight thousand nine hundred yuan.4¥13001¥500. Listen and choose the correct sentences .听音选择恰当的句子。(共5 小题,计 10分) 5¥9800.Sentences 句子。(共12小题,计12分)(一)Listen and choose the c

4、orrect sentence. 听音选择正确的答句。( ) 1. A. Lets go to the supermarket. B. I went to a supermarket.( ) 2. A. Because I love Australian animals.B. Because I love pandas.( ) 3. A. Because the cats are very cute. B. Because English is very interesting.( ) 4. A. She is going to London .B. She will have a picni

5、c.( ) 5. A. He is singing.B. She is playing the piano.( ) 6. A.I will go to the library tomorrow.B. My father will go to work this afternoon.(二)Listen and connect.听音连线,将答案写在空格里。1. What is the capital of America?A. I will write the reports.2. What will you do,Amy ?B. The capital of America is Washing

6、ton, D.C.3. What is he doing ?C. Hes painting flowers .4. Whats an erhu?D. Theyre playing the pipa.5. Lets fly our kites.E. It looks like a violin.6. What are they doing? F. OK.Key: 1-2-3-4-5-6-. Listen and order. 根据所听短文内容,给句子排序。(共1小题,计5分)I was very nervous before the concert.I played the piano.At t

7、he end everyone clapped.I was happy.I played in a concert last year.And I was very proud. Listen and write. 听音写出句子中所缺的单词。(共8小题,计12分)。(一)Listen and write the words to complete the sentences .听音填空,完成句子。1. Dont_(触摸)anything ! They are dangerous.2. Heres a (地图) of Australia .3. There is a park next to o

8、ur school . Lets _ (遇见)there .4. The boy looked after _(绵羊)5. Some nights, the _(月亮)looks like a_(香蕉). (二) Listen and choose the words to complete the sentences .听音,选词填空,完成句子。This is_ . The _ is very big .This planet is _ the sun .1beautiful planetnear to far from space sun This_ is _. Its got three

9、 rings.This planet is _the sun .Its very cold.23 B. Written Part 基础知识与综合运用部分(共七大题,计40分)1.Beijing is in the of China.2.Shanghai is in the of China.3.Xinjiang is to the _ of Shanghai.4.Haikou_to the _ of Beijing . . Look and write. 看图写单词(共4小题,计5分).Choose the correct phrases. 选择短语填空,把答案填在前面的括号里(共5小题,计1

10、0分)( )1)_, there was a boy . A. Once upon a timeB. Monday ( )2) The girl _ the ducks.A. looking at B. looked after( )3) Its _, they are very happy .A. Mother Day B. Mothers Day( )4) Some nights, theres no moon_.A. for all B. at all( )5) New York is _ of America.A. in the east B. to the east .Finish

11、the sentences . 根据文字或图片提示,完成句子。(共5小题,计5分)1.A: W_ do you like Australia ? B: Because I love Australian animals .2.A: Lets make an English newspaper. B: I will d_ the pictures. I am good at art.3. A: Where is she going to go? B: Shes _ to go to Qingdao .4. A: What are you doing ? B: We are having a p_

12、.5.A: This is the sun. Its big and round . Its very h_.Single item choice . 选择 (共5小题,计5分)( )1.Dont _ the ducks! A. feed B. feedingCto feed( )2.Yesterday , she _ into the shop . A. go B. went C. going( )3.Look ! Amy is _flowers. A. painted B. paintingC. paints( )4.Dad play _ erhu. A. an B.不填C. the( )5._ have a class party this Saturday. A. Lets B. Let is C. Let.Read and unjumble. 连词成句。(共5小题,计5分)1. I , nervous, was _.2. will , I , send , a postcard ,you _.3. Dont , the , touch, machines _



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