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1、2022年考博英语-华南师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Her professional ethics is now being questioned since she often( )her reports to suit the people she is speaking to.问题1选项A.disfiguresB.deformsC.misshapesD.distorts【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A: disfigures “丑化”;B: deforms “使变形”;C: misshapes “变成畸形”;D: distorts “扭曲”。句意:她专业的伦理学

2、现在正被质疑,因为她经常扭曲她的报告来迎合她交谈的人。根据句意,D符合题意。2. 单选题In fact, the U.S Congress( )to the British Parliament as they both have the right to make laws.问题1选项A.agreesB.correspondsC.matchesD.coincides【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: agree “同意”;B: corresponds (to) “相当于”;C: match “匹配”;D: ; coincide “一致”。句意:事实上,美国国会相当于英国议会,因为它们在

3、制定法律方面权力相同。此处使用固定搭配coincide with,故B为正确答案。3. 单选题He( )his children nothing and gave them whatever they wanted.问题1选项A.rejectedB.deniedC.deprivedD.restricted【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: reject “拒绝接受” ;B: deny “拒绝给予”;C: deprive “剥夺”;D: restrict “限制”。句意:他不拒绝孩子的任何要求,而且能给他们想要的一切。结合此处句意,B为正确答案。4. 单选题In the end they

4、came to the conclusion that the evidence produced by the plaintiff was( ).问题1选项A.scarceB.rareC.scantyD.deficient【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A: scarce “罕见的;供不应求的”;B: rare “稀罕的”;C: scanty “(大小或数量)不足的,欠缺的;太少的”;D: deficient “缺乏的;有缺陷的”。句意:最后,他们得出的结论是:原告提供的证据不足。此处表达的是证据不足,C符合语境,为正确答案。5. 单选题The amount of heat produ

5、ced by this electrical apparatus is( )at will by turning a small handle.问题1选项A.variableB.variousC.differentD.diverse【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A: variable “可变的” ;B: various “各种各样的”;C: different “不同的”;D: diverse “不同的”。句意:由这个电子设备产生的热量是可变的-任意转动一个小的操按钮即可。根据句意,判断出A为正确答案。6. 单选题He( )of having missed a good opportu

6、nity to study abroad but he knew it was no use crying over spilt milk.问题1选项A.weptB.mournedC.grievedD.repented【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: weep “哭泣” ;B: mourn “哀伤”;C: grieve “悲痛”;D: repent “后悔”。句意:他后悔错过了一个出国留学的好机会,但是他知道“覆水难收”。结合句意,可知D为正确答案。7. 单选题The rebirth of Japan from the ruins of World War II and its rac

7、e to the year 2000 is the theme of Robert Guilians new book The Japanese Challenge. In developing this provocative subject, he has produced, practically, a manual that will be extremely helpful to anyone doing business with the Japanese. It is particularly recommended for the first-time visitor to t

8、he Land of the Rising Sun.The analysis of the advance of modern Japan over the past 100 years since the Meiji era gives a most penetrating insight into the background and forces that have brought this fascinating country to where she now is the third economic power in the worlD.Will Japan become num

9、ber one by the year 2000? This is the controversial question Guilian attempts to answer, and while doing so unfolds a composite chronicle of the factors that have contributed to Japans amazing growth over the past twenty years, and that will support the drive toward the objectives of the next thirty

10、 years.Mr. Guilian is the Far Eastern representative of Le Monde, and exhibits an intimate knowledge of the Japanese people and the reasons for their fanatical devotion to the doctrine of the past two decades; economic growth above all else. However, it fails to give full recognition to recent event

11、s that tends to question the ease with which the race will be run in the eighties and nineties. Japan is going through an evolution. We read in current newspapers about the Japanese housewife forsaking her traditional image of docility, and objecting to prices, quality, and service. The Japanese wor

12、ker, who is becoming more offbeat has reached the point where he no longer wants to accept a low standard of living; even Japanese engineers have now been organized into collective bargaining groups. Japan is caught up in the spiral of wages rising more rapidly than productivity, and Japan of the Ma

13、nagers faces severe test as to whether an economic slowdown will prevail or the race will continue at the same unabated pace.Mr. Guilian explains how the Government of the Managers has replaced the Government of the Generals, and has been able to maintain the national policy of industrial expansion

14、and achieved greatness without the bomb.” The Managers are convinced that in the future the only real power will be economic power, and that Japan cannot waste its strength in military battles or armament races.He credits the leaders of the economy with early recognition of the fact that we will be

15、bilged to live in a world that has been radically changed by the revolution of the highly scientific industries such as the petrochemical field and they quickly devoted the resources ceded for expansion in these capital-hungry industries.He delves into the daring and unorthodox financial methods used by the Managers and the adventurous spirit of the bankers who are backed by the Bank of Japan. These policies supported the rapid acquisition of the latest patents, processes, and equipment, and the building of the most modern factories


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