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1、2022年考博英语-东北财经大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Factory and accompanying prosperity muted memories of the Great Depression and made him a national hero.问题1选项A.transpireB.upbraidC.muffleD.twist【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. transpire 为人所知 B. upbraid 训斥C. muffle 使(声音)降低 D. twist 使弯曲【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析【解题思路】划线词的主语为“工厂和随之而来的繁荣”,宾

2、语为“关于大萧条的记忆”,根据常理推断,繁荣冲淡了人们对大萧条的记忆;原词muted“消音;减弱”。因此,C选项muffle“使(声音)降低”最接近原句句意。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合原句句意。【句意】工厂和随之而来的繁荣掩盖了人们对大萧条的记忆,并且使他成为了民族英雄。2. 单选题Once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three-dimensional, it _ out and begins grasping various kinds of objects.问题1选项A.shoutsB.reachesC.aimsD.p

3、uts【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. shouts ( out)大声喊出 B. reaches ( out)伸出手C. aims 目的是 D. puts ( out)熄灭【答案】B【考查点】介词搭配与语义衔接【解题思路】首先,空格后搭配的介词为out;其次,后文语义为“开始抓取各种物体”,所以B选项reaches“( out)伸出手”既符合介词搭配又符合语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A选项shouts“( out)大声喊出”,与后文“抓取”语义衔接不当;C选项aims“目的是”,不与介词out搭配;D选项puts“( out)熄灭”,与原句语义衔接不当。【句意】一旦婴儿掌握了空间是三维的这一概念

4、,他就会伸出手去抓各种各样的物体。3. 单选题To return German property to Germany is certainly just and _. However, to claim that the paintings of Rembrand and Vermeer are part of Germanys cultural heritage overstates the matter.问题1选项A.decentB.exhilaratingC.eruptiveD.combative【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. decent 体面的;正派的 B. exhilarat

5、ing 令人高兴或兴奋的C. eruptive 爆发的 D. combative 好战的【答案】B【考查点】修饰语与被修饰语的搭配【解题思路】空格处所填的形容词修饰的是“把德国的财产还给德国”这件事,能修饰这件事的是B选项exhilarating“令人高兴或兴奋的”。【干扰项排除】A选项decent指人正直的、正派的,或人的行为举止得体的、体面的,或某物像样的、体面的,与被修饰语搭配不当;C选项eruptive“爆发的”,与被修饰语搭配不当;D选项combative“好战的”,与被修饰语搭配不当。【句意】把德国的财产归还德国当然是公正的、令人高兴的。然而,声称伦勃朗(Rembrand)和维米尔

6、(Vermeer)的画作是德国文化遗产的一部分,就言过其实了。4. 单选题It is not forbidden to dream of building a better world, which is by and large what the social sciences try to help us to do. How to make cities more harmonious, reduce crime rates, improve welfare, overcome racism, increase our wealththis is the stuff of social

7、sciences. The trouble is that the findings of social sciences are often dismissed as being too theoretical, too ambitious or too unpalatable. The methods of research are also often attacked for their lack of rigor, and critics are quick to point out that the people who make the important decisions p

8、ay little attention to what social scientists have to say anyway. This would change if the social sciences made themselves more relevant and ready for the society of the 21st century.Social sciences began to take shape in the 19th century, but came into their own at the beginning of the 20th century

9、, when a number of well-established disciplines, including economics, sociology, political science, history and anthropology really made their mark. Geography and psychology could be added to that list. However, only sociology, political science and economics have succeeded in consolidating their po

10、sition in the social sciences mainstream. The others were virtually all marginalized. Moreover, powerful institutional barriers now separate the various disciplines.Hardly the right atmosphere in which to grow and deal with the harsh criticism which the social sciences have come in for from many qua

11、rters, including governments and international commissions. Radical measures are now being suggested to turn things round, from how to award university chairs, to setting syllabi and raising funds.The need for de-compartmentalizing and striking a new order in the relationship between the disciplines

12、 concerns all of the social sciences, though perhaps economics most of all. Only it has acquired a dominant position in management and public affairs. Some would say it has fallen under the sway of “unitary thinking”, with little room for debate, for example, on the question of debt reduction or mon

13、etary tightness. Moreover, many people do not believe that economic science forms part of social sciences at all. This is a somewhat problematic position to uphold, particularly as economic developments are largely determined by political, social and cultural factors. Yet, economists often have diff

14、iculty understanding or taking such factors into account. This has left economics exposed to attack, for example, over its prescriptions for development and its analysis of events, such as the causes of the Asian crisis. To many, economics relies too heavily on hypothetical and sometimes unrealistic

15、 assumptions.Can social sciences bounce back and assert themselves in the 21st century? We will probably not be able to tell for a few decades, since the ways in which societies analyze themselves develop very slowly. After all, the social sciences are rarely given to sudden discoveries and headline breakthroughs like some other sciences. What is more, social sciences may continue to face the stout resistance of established institutions defending their own territory and opposing innovation and change. Could it be that society, which by definition seeks stability, has an in-



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