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1、2020智慧树,知到跨文化商务沟通章节测试完整答案智慧树知到跨文化商务沟通章节测试答案 见面课:冰山之下-商业广告中的文化价值观1、问题:Cu lture is like an iceberg. Only a small par t of culture is visible. For instance, food, dress, paintings are allapparenttoeyes.Butagreatpartofcultureishiddenunder the water, such as _, , and so on.选项:A:viewsB:attitudesC:architec

2、tureD:customs答案: 【views;attitudes;customs】2、问题:Originally Geer t Hofs ted developed a model that identifies four primary cultural dimensions: _,Individualism versus Collectivism, _.选项:A:Power DistanceB:Long- versus Short-Term OrientationC:Uncertainty AvoidanceD:Masculinity versus Femininity答案: 【Powe

3、r Distance;Uncertainty Avoidance;Masculinity versus Femininity】3、问题:Chinese consumers can be ascribed to the values of conformity and“face”.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、问题:It” s better for advertisers to realize and take note of the different cultural values and make corresponding adjustments to their advertis

4、ing appeals.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、问题:The Americans have the spir it of innova tion and risk-taking. They are not willing to cope with uncertainties inherent in life and can tolerate and accept new ideas and strangers.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】见面课:商业宣讲实践1、问题: In the presentation of GTech, the first part is to intr

5、oduce some basic information about GTech.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、问题: PPT with paragraphs of text significantly decreases the attention of the audience.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、问题 :Keeping your hands in your pockets during the presentation shows your confidence.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】4、问题:Images in PPT can distract peop

6、le” s attention and make the message less powerful.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、问题: A subtle nod, smile or placement of your hands can drastically change the meaning of your words.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】6、问题:What is the most obvious difference among informative presentation, persuasive presentation, and goodwill pres

7、entation? ( )选项:A:the audienceB:the informationC:the purposeD:the language答案: 【the purpose】7、问题:GTech is a _ company ()选项:A:foodB:technicalC:mediaD:consultative答案: 【food】8、问题:Which is NOT the need of Japanese hospitals on robot nurses? ( )选项:A:error-orientedB:integratedC:autonomousD:error-free答案: 【e

8、rror-oriented】9、问题:Which can NOT help you ide ntify your audience in preparing a business presentation? ( )选项:A: AgeB:AppearanceC:OccupationD:Interest答案: 【Appearance】10、问题:Which can NOT attract audience” s attention?()选项:A:Use a rising intonationB:Stress important wordsC:Use short sentences at the s

9、tart of a pointD:Keep on talking答案: 【Keep on talking】见面课:跨文化商务谈判模拟1、问题:In some Asian cultures, such as in China and Japan, they will adapt the indirect approach.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、问题:To the successful negotiations, the two sides must first understand the cultural differences.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、问题:High

10、-context cultures are relational, collectivist.intuitive, and contemplative选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、问题:Germans make it very clear about the prices, conditions and ways of acting.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、问题:According to the negotiating objectives, goals for negotiationscanbe included:desiredgoal, acceptablegoal an

11、d bottom goal.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】6、问题:It is appropriate to use your right hand to exchange business cards in Indian cultures.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】7、问题:Saudis do require as much personal space as mos tWestern cultures.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】8、问题:There should be no more than three colors in business formal attire fo

12、r men.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】9、问题:In Finland, a gi ft is not expec ted on the firs t vis it, but would be expected on a subsequent visit选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】见面课:障碍与沟通-跨文化商务案例分析1、问题:What are the reasons for the Toyota Recall Crisis?选项:A:The failure of the public relationsB:A culture of deferenceC:Employee”s Loya

13、ltyD:Communication across cultures答案: 【The failure of the public relations;A culture of deference;Employee”s Loyalty;Communication across cultures】2、问题 :When responding to consumer safety issues, the typical Japanese corporation”s response is _.选项:A:Minimization of the problemB:Reluctance to recall

14、the productC:Criticize the team membersD:too little compassion and concern for customers答案: 【Minimization of the problem;Reluctance to recall the product;too little compassion and concern for customers】3、问题:There are many ways of examining culturaldifferences and their impact on international manage

15、ment.Culture can affect .选项:A:technology transferB:managerial attitudesC:managerial ideologyD:business-government relations答案: 【technology transfer;managerial attitudes;managerial ideology;business-government relations】4、问题:How can the culture of a socie ty direc tly affec t management approaches?选项:A:centralized versus decentralized decision makingB:safety versus riskC:stability versus innovationD:indiv



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