Unit 7 The Chaser练习答案综合教程三

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1、Unt Th ChserKeyto the Eercises Txt opeensonDcidewhich f the ollong i lil to hapn afr story.II.Judg, accodi to h ex,wher hfolowntatements ae te or ase. 1 (Rfer aragah 5. The d mansaysthat stock intrdeis nt ry large, but ared ad has extraornar effect.)2. F (ReroPararhs 1an 3. Te pice glove-clear, a he

2、 cals it, i veryig, fve tsandolars fr a asooful, the lo potion s ve cha.)3F (efer o argraph 9. The oldman claim hat the ffet ofloe poionsreemane.)4 (Rfeto Paragraphs 2 and 2 Austn says thatiai fond of paresnd, athoghshe i evetgto himalready, shedesnotar aout his ova lThatis why he decdes o go o thed

3、 afor the love potioan eeer the old maentins h ma of s ption, he cat hlp cryig rom t, e cansee te mn lovs he rl veryuh.)5.F (Te old mslls the lovetin almosfo ntng because by on so is cste wil come bac for a much dearer commdy, te love-ceer, t elp thm ot. is h death oon that h old man memosof isroits

4、 m, and intnstosel t hi customer.)III.Anwe he folowingqesons.1.What h manmeans s hata yung manwho als n ove ne-sidedly is edomrih euh towin a gs het.Hs wordsimly that moeyio hcru facrs fr loe. If mn is o rich, he an rely exec to be lovedya gil.2. efer to Pagraph 1 o 37. The oveoionhaspwerfl, eerasti

5、ng effct.To einith, it may pdceseual sire in he persn whotakes it.And on thesiritualide, it canreplace idiffeence wi detion ndsowithadoti. twllmke agay girl want tin but soitdead e lovescompn. e will eel alouof hm whenhe lovr is with ther il; s wil ant toe rything to hmShe wil beonly iteeted n er lo

6、vr and tak ver cncnofhim. Even if h sps a bt, sh wil orgie i hough trrily hurt In aword, s illallilovewith him if she drinksthelovotion3. Ree to Paagraphs to 43 is airony,yhh te athorsms toimpy that lveis far fr bein prciousor desiable. It i syr an to fall i love, yet tshdfor hm to sik tit. Suldhe r

7、eret se da, e oulhve t pa a much hierpreto getimelf out of it. Anyway, for the ol mn, and for his ustoers ashe leve, te life-ceaner is more impat thn the lve ti.4 This mean thee is a wd differne beteen he yog ad the old Young peolted o e ove-passionateforlove, oties ssesly nd raoally, hile the od, j

8、st like the ol man whosels the mixures, wuldtake a cl and eile,smetmes e cca attitdetowardslove.5. Aurevr, an urbane and ishe repy to the yong mansgoodbye,meanin utl I se you gain, idicaes te old as firm belief thathe youg nwill vetully om o himfor th life-cleaner. sshowshs yial ssimis at loe. IV.Ep

9、laii you on rd the folling sntece.1.Just ecuse a able to o you a fvo/sll you th lvepoton, I feelsafe tellig yu so much abo my oh mdcines. 2. They, the lv ptios, said held man, ill help change e irls aitutward ou S wll n longr hold yo n cotemp. ea, hewil bein togi you er ep-elt oveandcar.trucu anlysi

10、sof thetextThe lat i goodye,unti emeet an arisanirnicdube meaig. Its a cventinl w tsagoodby. nd with althoseclues given inhe story,tsouges tat the old ma exts thyong man i rturn fo te ge-clenerRhtoical fetres the textI wld be no godhaig that srt of prieor lve potion. Young peplwh eda loveoton very s

11、ldomhave fivetousandolr. Otherwise theywouldt n a lovepoion. (aragrph13)oaulry exrcsesI.xlain th nderlne ar ieach ntnce in yr on wrds.1.feeing ver mucwoied nd fi2. eeyhin scoulbe ell eemedaeraordinary3.ffclt tonotic4 mch mrlasigthan the momenty ipulse5 wih ntsasmIFillin the blankin ehstnc it a ord t

12、ae r h box in its appropriate orm.1. creay 2. peered. acquaitance4. etachment 5. rres giddy7. overhemed8.obedII.Fill inthe blks wih thopriae frmf th iven wods.1. bscuriy 2. aquaint3. perceptible 4 apprehnsion5 iffet 6 at 7. ovrwhelmigly8. disogig Vil n he bank in achsetecwth an appopiat prasa bor collocationtken rom the ext. save


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