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1、2022年考博英语-辽宁大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题Vacations are more necessary now than before because today the average life is less well-rounded and has become increasingly compartmentalized. I suppose the idea of vacations, as we conceive it, must be incomprehensible to primitive peoples. Rest of some kind has

2、 of course always been a part of the rhythm of human life, but earlier ages did not find it necessary to organize it in the way that modern man has done, holidays and feast days were sufficient.With modern mans increasing tensions, with the stultifying (极其单调乏味的) quality of so much of his work, this

3、break in the years routine became steadily more necessary. Vacations became mandatory for the purpose of renewal and repair. And so it came about that in the United States, the most self-indulgent of nations, the most tense and compartmentalized, vacations have come to take a predominant place in do

4、mestic conversation.【答案】【参考译文】休假比以前任何时候都更有必要,因为如今一般人的生活不再像以前那样丰富多彩,相反却变得越来越单调乏味。我想原始人肯定不理解我们现在的休假概念。当然,某种方式的休息,历来是人生节奏的一部分,但人类社会早期认为没有必要像现代人那样安排休假。那时的节日足已满足人们的需要。由于现代人生活越来越紧张,工作要求高,工作量大,因此在一年的日常工作中,休假变得越来越必要。休假已成为调节修整身心的必要手段。因此,在最任性放纵而生活节奏最紧张单调的美国,休假就成了家庭闲谈的主要话题。2. 翻译题5. A fascinating city between s

5、ea and sky, like Venus rising from the waves, Venice welcomes tourists from the five continents drawn to her by the charm of her water and pellucid light, free from all dust and cooled by the sea breeze. She also offers the intellectual pleasures to be derived from her masterpieces which mark the me

6、eting of East and West.【答案】【参考译文】5.威尼斯水城海天相连,景色迷人,宛如碧波中涌现的维纳斯,吸引着五大洲的游客。她水色旖旎,波光粼粼,清风拂面而来,扫去你心中的不快与烦恼。而城市中那些集东西方艺术之大成的杰作,更给人以精神上的享受。3. 翻译题Can man be credited with choosing the right path when he knows only one? Can he be congratulated for his wise decision when only one judgment is possible? If he k

7、nows nothing of vice, is he to be praised for adhering to virtue?From the day when the first man tasted the forbidden fruit, he has been struggling with the choice between good and evil, but without his full awareness of the pleasing taste of that apple, or even of its existence, would he be worthy

8、of praised for forbearing to eat it?Wisdom consists of the deliberate exercise of judgment; knowledge comes in the discrimination between those known alternatives. Weighing these alternatives is the way of maturity. Only then does man have the strength to follow his choice without wavering, since th

9、at choice is based firmly on knowledge rather than on an uncertain, dangerously shallow foundation of ignorance.【答案】【参考译文】当知道仅有一条路可以走的时候,一个人做出的抉择还能被称为正确吗?当眼前只有一个选择时,那个人所作的决定还能算是明智的吗?如果他根本不懂什么叫罪恶,那他又是否该为坚守道义而受到称赞?自从人类第一次偷尝禁果之后,就一直在善与恶之间的选择上作斗争,但是如果他对那禁果的可口味道,甚至于连它的存在都不知道,那他会因为克制自己不吃它而被称赞吗?智慧的获取得益于一次次

10、慎重的评判,而知识则来源于对已知的选择进行鉴别。权衡这些选择才是成熟之道。只有这样,一个人才能有力量毫不动摇地坚持自己的选择,因为这种选择是基于知识,而不是不确定的,非常肤浅的愚昧无知。4. 单选题The Malaysian administration ruled that the evidence about the missing MH370 was inadmissible on the grounds that it was impertinent.问题1选项A.irrationalB.unreasonableC.invalidD.irrelevant【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析

11、。impertinent意为“不相干的,不恰当的;粗鲁的”;irrational意为“不合理的,荒谬的”;unreasonable意为“不合理的,荒唐的”;invalid意为“无效的”;irrelevant意为“无关紧要的,不相关的”。句意:马来西亚政府裁定,关于失踪的MH370的证据是不可接受的,因为它是不相关的。5. 翻译题Translate the following into ChineseMany people question the stability of international marriages. This has always puzzled me, because

12、if you stop to think about divorce in the US for a moment, you will recall that most of the marriages that break up are between native-born Americans. Certainly I am not aware of any statistics showing a higher propensity to divorce in bi-national marriages than in the more conventional sort. I seri

13、ously doubt that there is any meaningful relation between marital instability and differences in nationality inside marriages.During each of these passages, how we feel about our way of living will undergo subtle changes in four areas of perception. One is the interior sense of self in relation to o

14、thers. A second is the proportion of safeness to danger we feel in our lives. A third is our perception of time. Last, there will be some shift at the gut level in our sense of aliveness or stagnation. These are the hazy sensations that compose the background tone of living and shape the decisions o

15、n which we take actions.There are lots of reasons to be concerned. When leading policy-makers and economists speak about the booming global economy and the benefits of free trade, they too often ignore the people who are losing out. The CEOs of Microsoft and Boeing, co-chairs of the Seattle Host Com

16、mittee for the WTO meeting, are among the winners. But the form globalization has taken has increased the gap between rich and poor nations.【答案】许多人质疑跨国婚姻的稳定性。这种质疑让我觉得疑惑,因为如果你停下来想一想美国的离婚问题,你会想到大多数破裂的婚姻都是土生土长的美国人之间的。当然,我并不认为有任何统计数据可以表明,跨国婚姻比传统婚姻更容易走向离婚。我对婚姻的不稳定和婚姻中的国籍差异之间是否有任何有意义的关系是十分怀疑的。在这些变化和转折中,我们对生活方式的感受会经历四个感知领域的细微变化。第一,是我们内心对自己和他人的看法。


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