(山东)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 Unit4 语法探究(8) 强化训练(详细解析) 新人教版必修4

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(山东)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 Unit4 语法探究(8) 强化训练(详细解析) 新人教版必修4_第1页
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(山东)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 Unit4 语法探究(8) 强化训练(详细解析) 新人教版必修4_第2页
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(山东)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 Unit4 语法探究(8) 强化训练(详细解析) 新人教版必修4_第3页
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(山东)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 Unit4 语法探究(8) 强化训练(详细解析) 新人教版必修4_第4页
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(山东)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 Unit4 语法探究(8) 强化训练(详细解析) 新人教版必修4_第5页
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《(山东)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 Unit4 语法探究(8) 强化训练(详细解析) 新人教版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(山东)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 Unit4 语法探究(8) 强化训练(详细解析) 新人教版必修4(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1(2009年山东卷)Shall we have our picnic tomorrow?_it doesnt rain.AUntilBWhileCOnce DIf【解析】考查交际用语。if如果;假如。句意为:我们明天去野餐吗?如果天不下雨的话。【答案】D2(2009年福建卷)She had just finished her homework_her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.Awhen BwhileCafter Dsince【解析】when“在时候”;while“在同时”,表示伴随;after“在以后”

2、,since“自从”。句意为“她刚完成功课的时候,妈妈就叫她练习钢琴”。 【答案】A3(2009年四川卷)The little girl who got lost decided to remain_she was and wait for her mother.Awhere BwhatChow Dwho【解析】remain是不及物动词,where引导地点状语从句。句意为:那个迷路的小女孩决定待在原地等她妈妈。【答案】A4(2008年全国卷)The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit_the season.Awhatever Bwher

3、everCwhenever Dhowever【解析】whatever在此处引导让步状语从句,其完整形式应该是whatever the season is,此句中省略了连系动词is。【答案】A5(2008年浙江卷)Dont promise anything_you are one hundred percent sure.Awhether BafterChow Dunless【解析】根据题意“除非你有百分之百的把握,否则不要许诺任何事情”可知选D项。unless意为“如果不,除非”;whether是否;after在之后;how怎么,如何。【答案】D6(2008年辽宁卷)I like this j

4、acket better than that one,but it costs almost three times_.Aas much Bas manyCso much Dso many【解析】倍数表达方式之一就是“倍数as.as结构”,此句中第二个as和后面的内容都省略了。补充完整应该是.as much as that one。B项错在用了many,表示“钱多”概念应该用much;C、D两项结构错误,用了so.as.。 【答案】A7You can have the magazine_ I finish reading it.Athe moment Bin the momentCthe mo

5、ment as Din the moment when【解析】the moment引导时间状语从句,当“一就”讲,相当于as soon as。【答案】A8Dont worry.Ill inform you_your daughter comes back to school.Awhen BhowCwhy Dwhere【解析】句意为“别担心,你女儿回学校的时候我会通知你的”。故答案选A。【答案】A9Why doesnt Mr Li come to work today?_he has gone to Beijing to have a meeting.AIf BBecauseCThough DU

6、ntil【解析】句意为:为什么今天李先生没有来上班?因为他去北京开会了。【答案】B10Nothing is so difficult in this world_you put your mind into it.Aas soon as Bas well asCas long as Das far as【解析】句意为“只要用心,世界上没有什么困难的事情”。【答案】C11(2010年银川一中模拟)These stories expressed the same idea that all individuals,_poor,were capable of becoming wealthy_the

7、y were hardworking and honest.Ahowever;ever since Bno matter how;so long asCwhatever;in order that Dno matter what;as long as【解析】句意为:这些故事表达了同一个观点,即所有的人,不管他多穷,只要努力、诚实,他就能变得富有。根据第一空后的形容词poor可判断第一空应该用however或no matter how,因此排除C、D两项;so long as/as long as是连词,意为“只要”。【答案】B12I wont believe that little boy c

8、an run 100 meters in 15 seconds_I see it with my own eyes.Auntil BafterCwhen Dif【解析】not.until意为“直到才”。句意为“直到亲眼看见我才相信那个小男孩能够在15秒钟内跑完100米”。【答案】A13The mountain was_steep_few people in our city reached the top.Aso;as Bso;thatCas;as Dtoo;to【解析】句意为“这座山如此陡峭以至于我们市几乎没有人到达过山顶”。so.that意为“如此以至于”,符合题意。【答案】B14Hear

9、ing this,Jane was so sad that she ran out into the rain_I could explain.Asince BbeforeCif Dafter【解析】句意为“听到这件事之后,我还没来得及解释,简就伤心地跑到雨中去了”。before有“在之前,还未来得及”之意。【答案】B15_the Internet is shortening the distance between people,it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems.AWhen BWhil

10、eCIf DAs【解析】句意为“尽管因特网正在缩短人们之间的距离,但它也可以破坏一些家庭或带来一些其他家庭问题”。【答案】B16Id get the book for you_I could remember who last borrowed it.Aexcept that Bif onlyCon condition that Dso that【解析】except that意为“除之外”,if only意为“要是就好了”,on condition that意为“条件是”,so that意为“为了”。句意为“要是能够记得谁最后借了那本书,我就帮你拿回来了”。【答案】B17How long di

11、d the meeting last yesterday afternoon?It was almost supper time_the meeting was over.Athat BuntilCwhen Dwhich【解析】此题易误选A。答语意为“会议结束时差不多是吃晚饭的时间了”。这里it指的是“时间”。考生易把此题误看做强调句。【答案】C18My uncle may come to see me.Therefore,I wont go out_he calls on me this morning.Aso that Bin caseCas long as Dnow that【解析】句意

12、为“我叔叔可能要来看我。所以我不会出去的以防他今天早上来看我”。【答案】B19_everybody is here,lets begin our meeting ahead of schedule.AWhen BAfterCSince DAlthough【解析】句意为“既然大家都来了,咱们提前开会吧”。【答案】C20_he took part in the competition,he won a second prize.AThe first time BFor the first timeCAt a time DAt one time【解析】一些表示时间的名词或副词具有连词的功能,用来引导

13、时间状语从句。句意为“他第一次参加比赛就获得了二等奖”。【答案】A21Can you describe_it happened?Yes,I was riding on my bike_a car knocked me down from behind.Awhen;as Bhow;asChow;when Dhow;while【解析】第一空用how引导宾语从句,第二空的when是并列连词,意为“就在那个时候”。句意为:你能描述一下事情是怎样发生的吗?可以,我正骑着车,这时候一辆小汽车从后面把我撞倒了。【答案】C22While previewing his lessons,the little bo

14、y will make a question mark _ there is a question.Awhen BwhereCbecause Dwhich【解析】where在这里引导地点状语从句。句意为“在预习课文的时候,那个小男孩会在有问题的地方打个问号”,故答案选B。【答案】B23Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees,but _they have eggs or young chicks,they dont use a nest.Awhy BhowCunless Dwhere【解析】句意为:大部分鸟儿发现睡在树上很安全,但是除非他们产卵或育小鸟外,否则他们是不需要用鸟巢的。此句中用but连接两个句子形成并列句。在后一句中又包含


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