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1、题型训练 完形填空(六)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Last week I was driving back to town from the airport during a heavy rainstorm when I saw something rather large 41 of the busy road as the traffic drove past_42_close.As I got 43 , I found out that it was a turtle, and I hit the

2、 _44_. I got out of my car with traffic being 45 _behind me and dashed into the middle of the road. I saw that it was very much 46 but refusing to 47 .Although Im an animal lover, Im not one to touch an animal like a turtle that isnt 48 ,but I wasnt going to 49 him there. I looked through my car 50

3、for something with which to 51 the turtle-paper towels, a rag, anything. But there was nothing.A woman drove in the opposite direction stopped and saw the 52 situation. I asked her if she had anything 53 I could use to pick this rather large turtle up, and she 54 me a white towel. As I 55 my friend,

4、 he quickly 56 his head and feet, and I set him down by the river to 57 .I thanked the woman with the towel who came to my 58 -and the turtle does, too! Im also 59 to the drivers behind me. They were 60 for over half an hour but none complained at all!41. A. in the middleB. on the side C. at the end

5、 D. on the corner42. A. reasonably B increasingly C. strangely D dangerously43. A. father B. nearer C. nearly D. further44. A. wheel B. door C. brake D. window45. A. reduced B. followed C. avoided D. blocked46. A alive B. gentle C. heavy D. large47. A. dash B. move C. slip D. run48. A. cute B. lucky

6、 C. mild D. brave49. A. put B. take C. send D. leave50. A. slowly B. nervously C. wildly D. occasionally51. A. turn over B. throw away C. pick up D. put up52. A hopeless B. difficult C. ridiculous D. different53. A. at the airport B. on the road C. by the river D. in her car54. A. sold B. lent C. th

7、rew D. showed55. A. found out B. wrapped up C. came across D. stared at56. A. raised B. pulled C. withdrew D. lowered57. A. keep on B. live on C. work on D. decide on58. A. attention B. mind C. rescue D. memory59. A. grateful B generous C helpful D. sensitive60. A. challenged B. prepared C. panicked D. delayed参考答案41-45 ADBCD46-50 ABADC51-55 CBDCB 56-60 CBCAD


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