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1、第一课:细节事实题与猜测词义题学习目标:通过本次课讲授,让学生熟练掌握如何做细节事实题及词义猜测题的方法学习重点难点:如何判定细节事实题及词义猜测题阅读理解重要性:1. 综合能力考查 2. 分值大,是决定中考成败的关键。各位同学大家好,我是清大世纪专职英语教师,很高兴大家来到这里齐聚一堂听我讲解中考阅读理解,提到阅读理解我想在座的同学们并不陌生,谁能站起来说下2010年中考阅读理解的题型:选择型阅读,还原句子型阅读以及任务型阅读。选择型阅读:选择型阅读共4篇,A B C D 篇,A B篇文章较为简单,学生可以锁定关键词直接找出答案;C D篇较难,学生必须经过认真研读才能找到其正确答案。选择型阅

2、读分为四种类型的题:1. 细节理解题 2. 词义猜测题3. 推理判断题 4. 主旨大意题还原句子型阅读:2010年的北京中考英语阅读理解添加了新题型,目的都是通过句子和文面的操作,考查考生对文章整体结构和逻辑连贯的整体把握。中、高考则是 “多句多处”,为多个萝卜选合适的坑,坑不足而萝卜有余。任务型阅读:任务型阅读的试题要求考生根据文章内容填写表格,或者是根据问题进行回答。该题的内容与考生的日常学习生活紧密相关,而且考生在答题过程的同时,也获取了有关如何简要记笔记的技巧和方法。这一点充分体现了考试即学习,考试即生活的原则。今天,我们就来着重讲下选择型阅读中的 细节事实题 和词义判断题细节事实题考

3、查内容:细节事实题主要考查对文章某个细节或事实的判断和理解,以考查学生根据文章的事实细节做出理解和判断的能力。多数题目通过语句的同义或反义转换来考查学生寻找信息的能力;有时候要求考生对事件发生的先后顺序进行排序;有时题干原文句子的变形或同义转换,有求考生首先找到题干信息。下面我们来看一道中考例题:例如:北京中考阅读C篇 The biggest challenge now is to find ways to bring the satellites back to the earth after a year or two. Otherwise, major highways of space

4、 junk could gradually increase as CubeSats become more common.60. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. CubeSats could possible cause pollution in space.B. A few kids will send applications for the project.C. Scientists designed CubeSats for the kid to play with.D. Students can

5、t design satellites without college education.此题考查的是细节事实题,这道题是单词的同义转换,问题当中用的是“junk” 垃圾这个单词,答案中用的是“pollution”污染这个词,虽然形式不一样,但是却表达的是一个意思。由此我们可以总结出,凡属针对特定细节的考题,其正确答案大都可以在阅读材料中找到相应的文字作为验证。这一部分可能是一个词或短语,也可能是一个句子或相关的若干句子,但句式,用词和表达方式不同。不少同学也许会有疑问,怎么样才可以判断出此题考的是细节事实题呢?!别怕,我们现在来一起总结下细节事实题常见的提问方式有那些:1. Which o

6、f the following is right? 2.Which of the following is not mentioned? 3.Which of the following is not true in the passage? 4.Which is the right order of this passage? 5.What does the author mention? 6. What is (not) mentioned in the passage? 7. According to the passage, the writer 判断细节事实题的方法我们已经总结了,下

7、面我们大家一起来分析一道题,这道题也是一道中考题,大家一起做一下我给你们2分钟时间。09年北京中考题 B篇 When you cough or sneeze, youd better turn your head away from others and cover your month with the full part of your hand. And then, you should say, “Excuse me”.51.When you cough or sneeze, you should _A. touch everythingB. cover your mouthC. po

8、int out to the kidsD. pass the germs to others做此题较简单我们可以直接从原文中找出答案,答案只是对原文进行了同义转述。下面我给大家一篇文章,同学们把考查细节事实的题画出来,大家一起分析下In the West, some people believe that personality can be predicted according to the time of the year the person was born. From China comes the belief that the year of birth influences

9、ones personality. In the past century, a new belief has arisen: the idea that personality is related to ones ABO blood type. People with blood type A, for example, are considered more likely to be serious, hard-working, and quiet, while people with blood type O are likely to be popular and outgoing,

10、 yet often unable to finish what they start. Though this belief continues to be strong, some people question whether it is true.The blood-type personality theory (理论) started in Japan in 1927 when Furukawa Takehji noticed personality similarities and differences among his workers. The idea soon went

11、 out of fashion, but was brought back by a Japanese television host named Toshitaka Nomi in the 1970s. The belief is still strong in Japan and is increasingly popular in neighboring countries. Some young Koreans have taken to the theory. A recent study showed 76 percent of Koreans aged between13 and

12、 64 believing in the blood-type personality connection. Though most Asians might believe in the blood-type theory, for many it seems harmless and not something to be taken too seriously.Is the belief true? The scientists in Asia largely dismiss the belief as a modern-day superstition (迷信). Most stud

13、ies have failed to find any strong connection between blood and personality. Generally, scientists warn against making predictions or important decisions based on this questionable theory.1. The writer uses blood type A and O as an example to explain _.2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragra

14、ph 2 mean?3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?4. What is the best title for the passage?以上我们可以看出1、3题为细节事实题,此类型题比较简单;我们一起看下第2小题,不少同学会提出疑问第2题及第4题又属于什么类型的呢?好了,下面我们就来学习下第2题,此类型题为猜测词义题。词义猜测题考查内容:词义猜测题就是考查学生根据文章的内容和所学知识推测词义的能力。在阅读过程中常常会遇到生词、新短语或熟词新义,这是可以通过文章中出现的同义词、近义词或反义词,结合构词法以及语法

15、和语篇文脉结构,甚至结合上下文或在通篇理解的基础上去猜测发现其义。词义猜测题就是考查考生根据文章内容和所学知识推测词义的能力。06年北京中考C篇 But things are changing. High costs, unusual educational requirements and long start-up times are no longer an obstacle to space exploration. The scientists at Stanford University have developed a new type of tiny, inexpensive

16、earth-orbiting satellites that go from ideas to launch (发射) in a year.59.What does the underlined word “obstacle” probably mean?A. An aim to achieve in the near future.B. An imagination that kids usually have.C. Something dangerous to terrify people.D. Something difficult that stands in the way.此题为猜测词义题,D选项是对obstacle的解释说明,是根据定义猜词义的。我们可以根据定义猜词义、根据近义词



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