新世纪大学英语视听说4 听力原文

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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流新世纪大学英语视听说4 听力原文.精品文档.UNIT 1Takeshi: Man, look at that! In New York theres always something being built. And everything goes up so quickly you never know whats going to be around next week.Roberto: Yeah, but on the other hand, sometimes I wonder about overcrowding. Maybe th

2、ey need to start building down more.Takeshi: Building down?Roberto: Yeah, its when you build underground instead of aboveground.Takeshi: Nah, thats too much like living in a cave. I love the skyscrapers! They are the most incredible feats of engineering!Roberto: True. And some of the first ones were

3、 built right here in New York City.Takeshi: Thats right! You know, I wonder what New York looked like before all these buildings popped up.Roberto: I dont know, but Id like to see this one when its finished.Takeshi: Yeah. Ill bet itll be something fantastic!Roberto: Maybe what do you think its going

4、 to look like?Takeshi: I dont know but you know what? Im going to remember what it looked like.Roberto: What are you talking about? And why are you taking pictures? Theres nothing there.Takeshi: OK. You know how some people get famous because they have pictures of movie stars or performers before th

5、ey make it big?Roberto: Yeah?Takeshi: Well, some buildings and architectural structures get to be famous too, like theEiffel Tower or the Empire State Building right?Roberto: Yeah, and ? Theres nothing here!Takeshi: Right! But there will be. Someday this very spot may become really well-known like m

6、aybe itll be some incredible hotel that the rich and famous stay at. And Ill be the only one with pictures of it before it was built. Cool, huh?Roberto: Uh you are too much. Hey, lets ask this guy what your “famous” buildings going to be. (to passing construction worker ) Excuse us, can you tell us

7、what this is going to be when its finished? Maybe a fancy hotel or something?Construction worker: Fancy hotel? (laughs ) No, this isnt going to be a hotel. Its going to be a parking garage.Roberto: A parking garage. Uh huh. Thanks.Takeshi: Well maybe someone rich and famous will park here.UNIT 2Prof

8、. Morgan: Good. So change the first part and make those corrections and your paper will be great.Tara: OK. Thanks for all your help, Professor Morgan. Ill e-mail my paper to you later today.Prof. Morgan: You know, technology is amazing. In high school I used to write my term papers on a typewriter.T

9、ara: It must have taken a long time to write a paper on a typewriter.Prof. Morgan: Well, I was pretty fast, but I made some mistakes. Actually, the typewriters werent that bad. Now, as for the first computers oh my gosh!Tara: What do you mean?Prof. Morgan: The first computers were so unreliable. The

10、y used to crash all the time. And they were not as affordable or as fast as they are now.Tara: Mines pretty fast, but not as fast as some of the newer, more expensive ones.Prof. Morgan: I know! And nowadays, almost everyone has a computer. In those days, nobody had their own computer. We used to use

11、 the ones at the university.Tara: In the computer lab?Prof. Morgan: Yeah, thats all we had. Ill never forget, one spring, during final exams. Everybody was working on their term papers, and the electricity went out!Tara: So? No big deal laptops have batteries Prof. Morgan: Yes, but remember, in thos

12、e days we didnt have laptops. If your computer crashed, you lost everything.Tara: Everything?Prof. Morgan: Everything. We used to lose information all the time, but that time it was terrible. Everybody lost their papers that afternoon including me.Tara: What did you do?Prof. Morgan: I went back to t

13、he good, old-fashioned way.Tara: You mean typewriters?Prof. Morgan: Nope. I used something more affordable, portable, reliable, disposable, something that always worked.Tara: What was that?Prof. Morgan: (holds up pencil and paper) The first word processor.UNIT 3Takeshi: So, what are todays headlines

14、?Mike: I dont know. Im reading the important stuff like my horoscope and the entertainment section. Hey! Look at this! James Hammond is playing at CBGBs tonight!Takeshi: James Hammond. Isnt he that famous blues guitarist? The guy with the silver guitar and the long, black hair?Mike: No, thats Kevin

15、Diamond. James Hammond is the singer. He has short spiky hair, he always wears that really cool white suit Takeshi: I know him hes great! Lets go!Mike: Ah, man! Its sold out!Takeshi: Oh. (sees someone across the room) Hey, look thats Anna Anna Markovich.Mike: What?Takeshi: Over there.Mike: The one sitting down? Wearing the pink shirt?Takeshi: No. The really pretty one with the long hair and glasses. (waves ) You know her. She lives in our building. Shes a journalist. She writes all the music reviews for The Village Voice .Mike: Well, what are you waiting for? Go over there and a


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